Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! August 28, 2023

The Moon continues moving through ambitious Capricorn until midday. Then, it moves into Aquarius, awakening in us qualities that are humanitarian, future-oriented, and creative.

The Moon in Aquarius highlights our ability to think about the future in original and creative ways, as well as act in a spirit of understanding and equality towards others.

Uranus, Aquarius' ruling planet, goes retrograde today. While it is retrograde, which will continue until January 27, 2024, our desire to transform our lives may turn inward.

We get in touch with the elements that might inhibit our spontaneity and authenticity. During this period, our rebellion may be less overt and we may be more inclined to follow convention.

Uranian energy may cause some anxiety this week. We are going to need some time in order to adjust to it.



Aries 6

Aries, you feel more freedom to express yourself. This feeling may come from reduced pressure from others, or from your ability to detach yourself from sources of stress.

You may be planning to collaborate with a team or group to accomplish tasks. This marks the beginning of Uranus' annual retrograde cycle, which lasts for a total of five months.

Even though financial concerns or having to make changes to your budget might give you pause, the fact remains that you are well on your way to a completely new way of life.

Redefining your priorities will bring about a change for the better and you'll attract respect. You are discovering unique natural talents and learning how to cultivate them.

In the process, you'll leave behind old dependencies and crutches. In the months ahead, you will have the chance to work on the inner attitudes that need changes so that you can move forward with more confidence.




Taurus 6

Taurus, when it comes to work and routines, going your own way gives you satisfaction. Even though you're receiving energizing support from others, you feel an increased desire to move forward at your own pace.

Uranus, which is currently transiting through its sign, will go retrograde today. This period of five months brings inner transformations, in particular by putting you in touch with your deep motivations.

It's a good time to examine any fears or attitudes that may have restricted your independence and what you do.

This phase can lead to a suspension or slowdown of projects, either because of circumstances, or because you're not inclined to make changes or take personal risks.

Even though Uranus has been direct and active in your sign for the past few months, your confidence in seeking new experiences and expressing your independence has become evident.




Gemini 6

Gemini, the lunar transits of today infuse you with emotional energy and bring you closer in touch with your instincts.

You radiate an aura of natural confidence, and a source of inspiration, whether it's a person or a thing, pushes you to give an extra effort.

Uranus, currently transiting your personal sphere, encourages you to free yourself from elements that have been hindering your fulfillment.

Your ability to be open and honest with others grows as you let go of the burden of secrets and inauthentic behavior.

Today marks the start of Uranus's retrograde motion, which will continue until January. During this time, you'll tend to think back on recent events and deal with your feelings about leaving certain things behind.

Strange dreams, powerful intuition, and meaningful coincidences are more likely to occur.




Cancer 6

Cancer, the energies of the day encourage you to focus on your responsibilities and worries today. Taking care of your household or personal responsibilities provides deep satisfaction.

The Moon moving into your eighth solar house encourages you to engage in activities related to investigation, research, and analysis.

You have a lot of drive and determination, and you are willing to go the extra mile in order to align yourself with your goals.

Uranus enters retrograde today, and over the next five months, the social atmosphere tends to calm down. This is an excellent opportunity to discuss the recent relationship changes and events.

Taking this approach will prove to be extremely beneficial for you, as it will assist you in staying away from hasty and unwise choices.

During this retrograde phase, by acting with authenticity and listening to your heart rather than simply reacting to others and circumstances, you'll be doing yourself a favor.




Leo 6

Leo, the transits of the day favor individual relationships. You'll be able to solve problems, especially in relationships, or put an end to disagreements.

You are subtly encouraged by others to move forward with your goals. You feel an attraction for the company of others.

Today marks the beginning of Uranus' annual retrograde cycle, which will continue for a total of five months. During this period, the focus is on examining the needs related to your long-term goals, your career, and your reputation.

You have previously enhanced your reputation and built a unique identity, mainly through your professional status.

Now is the time to analyze, make plans, and reassess. This phase, which runs until January 27, invites in-depth reflection.

Taking a step back and detaching yourself from things can offer you a new perspective on your goals and ambitions aligned with your life path.




Virgo 6

Virgo, as the Moon moves into your sixth solar house today, you focus your energy on improving yourself, your professional life, or your regular routine.

You have a clear vision of the changes needed to make your daily life more efficient and fulfilling. Additionally, today marks the beginning of Venus' retrograde cycle.

Uranus has prompted a kind of “update” in the areas of your solar ninth house, such as belief systems, education, work, and communications.

If you have moved too quickly in any of these directions, the upcoming five-month retrograde period will assist you in regaining your equilibrium.

Until the end of January, this is an opportunity to review certain changes, beliefs and recent experiences in order to harmonize them with your long-term needs and growth.




Libra 6

Libra, Mars has just entered your sign, which means that over the next few days, you will pay more attention to your wants and personal plans.

You are in a great position for artistic and romantic endeavors because the Moon is in harmony with Mars. It's the perfect time to follow a passion or explore new interests.

Also today Uranus goes retrograde, which will last for approximately five months. This presents an excellent opportunity for you to assess your dependencies on others and develop strategies for adjusting them to benefit you and your loved ones.

If financial or support issues are unresolved, disorganized, or unreliable, this is an opportunity to better understand the reasons behind these situations.

This transit has a subtle but discernible impact on how you approach making changes, advancements, and progress in your personal relationships, as well as in matters pertaining to your finances and debts.

Even though Uranus had been in direct motion since January, the changes were becoming more noticeable, and in some cases, they were quite significant.

However, because it goes retrograde, the challenges are now more introspective and less outwardly manifest.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, the day puts you in a favorable position to take action regarding family or private matters.

Mars has recently entered your twelfth solar house, which indicates that you are in need of some renewal and regeneration.

Today is a day in which you have a particularly high level of motivation, and you have the opportunity to take action behind the scenes of your life.

Uranus retrograde indicates that there will be a change in perspective, especially in relationships.

Uranus is currently transiting your house of partnerships, and during this annual five-month retrograde, it encourages you to engage in profound self-reflection and examine how your relationships can better serve your needs.

Although reliability issues may momentarily take up less space, exploring your inner need for change can be extremely beneficial.

You may even need analysis at a relational level to regain a sense of control when Uranus resumes its direct path in January.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, today, the Moon moves into your third solar house, bringing about a state of harmonious synergy.

This transit highlights your idealistic nature and inspires you to connect with others and communicate your thoughts. Conversations are lively and engaging.

Today marks the beginning of Uranus' annual retrograde cycle, which lasts for five months and urges you to slow down, take a closer look, and even reevaluate recent changes to your daily routines, work, and health.

During this period, which will last until January, it makes sense to look inside yourself for answers. You aspire to more truth in your work and in the services you offer.

It's relevant to help your “future self” cope with unpredictability and change more effectively, which makes the inner quest for answers particularly relevant.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, as the Moon moves out of your sign and into your second solar house today, you should focus on the aspects of your life that bring you the most comfort and take care of them.

Use this time to identify your needs and desires, and explore how best to satisfy them.

During its extended transit through your house of joy and pleasure, Uranus inspires you to express yourself in an authentic way.

However, with it going retrograde today, these changes are tending to slow down.

The next few weeks, during which Uranus will retrograde until January 27, put more emphasis on in-depth reflection rather than spontaneous reactions.

You are invited to consider the reforms that best suit your long-term needs. Creative projects and perhaps even relationships can benefit from analysis and refinement during this phase.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, today, the Moon will be moving into your sign and forming a harmonious aspect with Mars.

Your emotions are more vivid and you express yourself with ease. Your ability to let go and move on increases, which can bring increased emotional satisfaction.

It's a wonderful way to relieve yourself. Additionally, today marks the beginning of Uranus's annual retrograde cycle, which lasts for a total of five months.

During this prolonged transit through your fourth solar house, elements related to your home or personal life play a significant role.

Take a moment to examine your needs and wishes pertaining to these spheres. Your perspective on security, dependence, attachment to the past, and family or domestic life continues to evolve.

In the months ahead, you may want to identify and adjust your reactions to the world, so that changes are less unpredictable.




Pisces 6

Pisces, being able to look at a situation from different perspectives or to learn about the many aspects of a problem is beneficial.

Opportunities to find inner peace are strong. There is a lot happening behind the scenes, and you could be shining with enthusiasm.

You'll probably be more productive if you take a step back from the hustle and bustle of central activity.

As the Moon moves into your house of privacy, it is necessary for you to slow down, as well as take some time for introspection and recharging your batteries.

Today marks the beginning of Uranus' annual retrograde cycle, which lasts for five months and takes place in your house of communications.

Uranus can release suppressed feelings, but it may be hard for you to articulate them in a way that is both fluent and comprehensive.

However, in the months to come, you're likely to find new, potentially more rewarding channels to represent and express yourself.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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