Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! December 12, 2022

The Sun is sextile Saturn, which encourages us to bring more common sense into our lives and simplify it. This period of increased self-awareness will lead to the creation of plans and objectives that are more realistic.

This influence helps to keep us rooted in reality. We give our absolute best effort and pay careful attention to the priorities we've set. We now favor making safe plans, and we find that moving slowly but steadily works well for us.

We have a stronger sense of self-assurance and stability. It is simple to focus on a single activity and then proceed to the next one. The Sun-Saturn aspect bestows upon us a heightened sense of organization and propels us forward in our endeavors.



Aries 6

Aries, a Sun-Saturn transit makes it easier for you to concentrate on the things that are most important to you in the material world.

Now is the time to consider what will be most beneficial to you in the long run, and to take steps that will be to both your and your future's advantage!

Because of Saturn's harmonious aspect with the Sun in your solar chart, you will continue to make steady progress. You might find the motivation to work on a meaningful project or attend to material matters that strengthen or improve your life in small but measurable ways.

One possibility is that you will find the motivation to work on a meaningful project. This transit makes it much simpler for you to practice patience, which is to your great advantage. In addition to that, now is a good time to get some good advice.




Taurus 6

Taurus, you are currently going through a period of introspection, during which you will most likely come to some insightful realizations in the weeks to come.

A Sun-Saturn aspect is helping you value the importance of preparation and foresight today. Your ambitious side will be stimulated in a way that is both enjoyable and motivating, which will encourage you to concentrate on the details that require your attention.

You have a focus on the long term rather than seeking satisfaction in the here and now. You may concentration on a specific endeavor. It's possible that you're in a great position to stabilize or organize a part of your life right now.




Gemini 6

Gemini, the energies of today's transits favor strengthening existing relationships or joining forces with others to accomplish something fruitful.

When you fulfill a commitment to another person or thing, you will most likely experience a sense of satisfaction and of having achieved something.

Deeds of kindness that you perform will have a direct effect on your future. Because you have a greater sense of responsibility, now is an excellent time to tackle projects that in the past you might have put off until another day.

Your house of partnerships is under the influence of the Sun right now, which highlights your need for companionship as well as balance and harmony.

Today, the Sun has a harmonious aspect with Saturn, which puts you in a good position to maintain stability in a relationship.




Capricorn 6

Cancer, the energies of today are favorable for making progress, but it's important to remember that rushing things won't get you very far because the Sun is in harmony with Saturn right now.

At this time, the Sun encourages you to concentrate on the details of your life. Because of its connection to Saturn, you are in an advantageous position to focus on your own personal growth.

Put your attention on laying the groundwork for future accomplishments if you want better results. It is a great time to pursue your health and work-related goals, but the best strategy is to take things slowly but surely.

Gaining control of the seemingly insignificant aspects of your life can have a significant impact on your self-assurance and perspective. When you don't put things off and avoid dealing with them, you'll have a better sense of being in control.




Leo 6

Leo, because the Sun is in aspect with Saturn today, it is possible that you will have an easier time than usual accepting responsibilities.

In fact, you have the urge to get some aspect of your life organized or to look for ways to make a certain relationship, project, or circumstance work to your advantage.

This transit encourages you to make tangible progress or get things done. You are willing to put in a lot of effort in order to accomplish a goal, even if it will take a long time.

At the same time, you are not rushing things. You are happy to engage in a task or even with a person, and you can have a good feeling of closeness or mutual understanding with someone important.




Virgo 6

Virgo, because a transit between the Sun and Saturn is currently active, you have the confidence to take matters into your own hands or get organized today.

You can put in more effort to find peace with your loved ones or make improvements by working on improving your family, personal, or professional life.

There can be small but solid progress made in improving your life. It's possible that before moving forward with your larger projects, you'll come to the conclusion that it's best to get your day-to-day responsibilities in order first.

There is a lot of value in taking things slowly and carefully in life right now. There is a preference for organization, analysis, and reorganization.

Now is a good time to focus on the details that are significant, so give them your full attention.




Libra 6

Libra, today's energies should make it easier for you to prioritize things. You are able to pick up on a variety of information these days thanks to the Sun in your house of communications, and thanks to a Sun-Saturn transit taking place today, you are prepared to put it to use!

A meaningful exchange of ideas can be a part of the day and help strengthen a connection. You have a greater chance of progressing toward steadiness, consistency, and effort.

You might make a verbal promise or commitment, or maybe you're more ambitious and willing to put effort into achieving a long-term goal. Either way, you're showing that you're willing to take responsibility for your actions.

You recognize the importance of bettering your life on all fronts, including emotionally, mentally, and physically. Now is the time to focus on activities that involve consolidating, organizing, constructing, and establishing stability.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, you have a strong sense that you are moving in the right direction. You can have self-assurance during this Sun-Saturn transit because it is grounded in reality and practicality.

This transit suggests exercising moderation and paying close attention to your long-term aims and benefits. It is a good time to use methods that have been tried and tested.

If you want the best results, you should look for ways to bolster or secure your financial situation, your valuables, or your home through maintenance or improvement.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, this is a day for you to use your common sense. If you want to feel more in control of your life and your future, you should look for ways to empower yourself through activities that will improve and bolster both of those things.

As a result of the aspect that the Sun in your sign makes with Saturn in your house communications, you may find that helpful conversations, good advice, and positive news come your way.

Today, you place a high value on even the smallest achievements. There is potential for improvement in the realms of education, training, and the development of skills.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, you are not easily sidetracked by irrelevant information today. When the Sun is transiting your sign, your progress is methodical and steady.

It is a good time to work on improving your life in ways that are not drastic but will bring you satisfaction. It is possible that during this time you will engage in some activity that will assist you in regaining your strength and improving your self-confidence.

Taking time for yourself can be especially beneficial and can assist you in better comprehending your needs. You would rather concentrate on things that are relevant in the here and now, and you are looking for results.

It's possible that you'll gain a better understanding of the bigger picture, which will help you make better choices. You are also in an excellent position to resolve complications and a long-term problem, both of which can do wonders for your overall health and well-being.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, as the Sun aligns with Saturn in your sign, you may find that you are more intent than usual on achieving the social, humanitarian, or personal happiness goals you have set for yourself.

You recognize the importance of taking your time, being cautious, or gathering all of the relevant information before moving forward.

Today is a good day to think about your long-term plans and make some moves to ensure their success or make them more robust.

Consistently working toward your own happiness or goals can be productive and satisfying. Today's transits lend additional support to efforts aimed at stabilization, reinforcement, engagement, construction, and maintenance.




Pisces 6

Pisces, because the Sun and Saturn are in harmony today, you value steady progress, and those around you value the common sense you demonstrate.

You give valuable advice. The focus should be on business concerns, and the work you've done in the past or behind the scenes may come in handy in the future.

Now is the time to draw on the knowledge and experience you've gained throughout your life and apply it to your work, as well as to feel especially proud of yourself and your achievements.

It makes sense in the present moment to take care of old businesses or fix problems, and doing so can be very liberating.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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