Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! December 18, 2022

During the day, the Moon is in Libra, which highlights our increased need for moderation and equilibrium.

Because Mars is square Pluto today, we are more invested in the outcomes of our actions and may feel tense if we don't get what we want! Even spending time with family may feel more stressful due to the effects of this transit.

Without the worries, stresses, and difficulties that are associated with Pluto, it can be difficult to devote your full attention and energy to whatever it is that you want to do.

It is better to practice self-control and wait for things to happen. Tonight, the Moon will enter the sign of Scorpio.



Aries 6

Aries, Mars square Pluto today has the potential to bring to the surface any pent-up rage or frustration that you may have been suppressing in the past.

The challenge will be to recognize and steer clear of allowing this tense and anxious energy to control your decisions or your behavior, particularly in the context of the family.

It's possible that tensions regarding your career, long-term goals, and reputation are at the root of the problem; however, you can express those tensions either through the frustration of mechanical tasks or through communication.

Mars is currently stationed in your house of communications while retrograde, so it is important that you watch what you say at this time. Be on the lookout for people who engage in manipulative or compulsive behavior, and try not to overreact to things that irritate you.

On the other hand, it is typically a favorable day for maintaining relationships and spending time with your family. Even though you might not be completely in sync with one another, you will probably find that the company of others and maintaining healthy relationships bring you joy.




Taurus 6

Taurus, these days you are compelled to pursue your material needs and desires, but today there may be a tendency for you to want more than what the world can offer you at this time.

Power plays are enticing, especially when you're feeling frustrated about a matter of belief or jealousy, but they are not the solution to problems. Instead, you should focus on finding a solution to the issue at hand.

You may also be too quick to defend yourself or someone else before you have a complete understanding of the situation. Today, there is an air of paranoia surrounding each and every one of us.

Think of better ways to deal with annoying situations that will serve not only your interests today but also your interests in the future.

The planets in transit today encourage feelings of being productive and paying attention to your behaviors, which is a fortunate development. You do best when you move at a relaxed pace. Make an effort to treat those you care about with more kindness.




Gemini 6

Gemini, the implications of your social life are of utmost importance to you today. Engaging in pursuits that allow you to tap into your inner child can be very satisfying.

Mars is currently in your sign, which gives your personality a little bit more muscle than usual. This can be beneficial when you need to accomplish something that is a little bit outside of your typical comfort zone, but it may not be ideal when you're spending time with your family.

On the other hand, in your haste to get where you want to go, you might go too fast at times, which is especially risky when Mars is retrograde.

Mars is square Pluto today, and as a result, you might find it difficult to remain patient with those around you who don't seem to communicate directly with you or understand you.

You also feel the intensity and urgency of your desires, which adds another layer of complexity to the situation. Getting involved in tension can be very tempting, but your best bet is to stay above it and focus on softening and moderating your impulses.




Cancer 6

Cancer, even though you may be a little more withdrawn or reserved than usual today, you are still very goal-oriented and ambitious. It's possible that people are paying more attention to personal business and the things behind the scenes these days.

Mars is currently square Pluto, which is making it more difficult for you to see a direct path to achieving your goals or pursuing your desires. There may be problems with anger that are hard to understand or define.

However, their origins may lie in the power dynamics that exist between you and an important person in your life or in relationships in which you feel there is an excessive amount of imbalance.

Your goal should be to direct most of your energy into productive channels. Or, rather than pushing things now when the odds of achieving what you want are low, consider ways to plan your next move rather than pushing things now.




Leo 6

Leo, it would be helpful if you could share your knowledge and lend a helping hand. You have a greater tendency to engage in conversation, to be inquisitive, to seek out mental stimulation, and to be drawn to interesting places, people, and ideas.

Even so, Mars and Pluto will form a square aspect today, which may cause some friction in relationships, including those with family members.

This aspect has a tendency to bring about a buildup of repressed anger, which may manifest itself in the form of nervousness and tension until you have a complete understanding of its origin.

There is a potential for conflict or tension within the family. It is also possible for it to take the form of impatience, not only with other people but also with projects that do not materialize quickly enough.

It is possible for the situation to become problematic if other people aren't cooperating or if you feel as though you have more responsibilities than others do.




Virgo 6

Virgo, with Mars retrograde at the top of your solar chart, there may be times when you feel rushed or under pressure to get to where you want to go.

Mars is square Pluto today, which can add to the tension in relationships, including those with family. This may include juggling the demands and responsibilities of work with the needs of relationships and free time.

You could, alternatively, concentrate on problem areas or try to address the concerns of other people. If other people do not support your ideas, you may experience feelings of frustration.

It may be difficult to rise above the tensions caused by minor issues at the moment, but the fact that you are nervous may be a symptom of something more fundamental that needs to be investigated.

Thankfully, today is a good day for figuring out ways to feel more secure in your surroundings. It's possible to find fulfillment in doing things like taking care of your favorite personal things, spending time with your family, or managing your business while also making sure you're comfortable.




Libra 6

Libra, as long as the Moon remains in your sign, you are likely to be thinking a lot about your own personal endeavors. As a result of Mars square Pluto, the people in your life, particularly partners or someone very important to you, might give off an air of authoritarianism today.

Power games are rooted in the fear of losing, whether it's something or someone. It's possible that an opinion of yours will be misunderstood, which will cause you to feel frustrated, or it's possible that you'll feel restless and ready to escape, but emotionally blocked nonetheless.

When you are with your family, it is especially important to make an effort to maintain an emotional distance from any conflicts that may arise.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, the energies of the day support you in taking some time to meditate, reflect, and emotionally detox. Thoughts are particularly wholesome and optimistic, and any time spent contemplating or working on yourself will produce fruitful results.

These days, you are more likely to have problems in a relationship involving give-and-take dynamics. With your two planetary rulers, Mars and Pluto, in a square aspect today, there is a tendency to act compulsively or see the problems as being larger than they actually are.

If someone seems to be hiding information from you or is actively trying to conceal something from you, you may experience feelings of suspicion as well as frustration.

It is possible that you will determine that it is necessary to learn the truth about a topic or locate a solution to a problem, but doing so may require a significant investment of your time, energy, and perhaps most importantly, mind.

When there are delays in communication or transportation, it's normal to feel anxious, but losing your patience will only make the situation worse.

Learn from whatever it is that seems to set off your worries or frustrations, but make an effort to cultivate a calmer and more compassionate state of mind, especially around your family.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, you may have a better understanding of the connection between your happiness goals and your dreams. You have an essential need for family or the desire to interact openly and freely with other people; you want to participate in things.

Because Mars is square Pluto today, you should make an effort to be aware of the automatic responses or frustrating situations with others.

Today, there is a tendency to fear losing something or a person wanting to dominate or impose a behavior on another. Because of this, you or a partner or a close friend might display particularly possessive behaviors, such as acting jealous or controlling.

Concerns relating to your financial situation or your sense of long-term safety are also possible. Think about healthy ways to let go of pent-up frustration or anger.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, issues related to work and health continue to be a significant concern these days, and while this may not always work in your favor, there are times when it can work to your advantage.

Nevertheless, there are going to be times when things like dealing with delays or impatience are going to get in the way. Even though it's Sunday, a sense of impending doom can still mess with your mood.

Because Mars is square Pluto today, be on the lookout for a tendency to exaggerate or become fixated on relatively insignificant matters. Make an effort to not put an excessive amount of pressure on yourself.

Because Pluto is currently in your sign, you might have unrealistic expectations of yourself or worry about embarrassing yourself in front of something or someone.

Keep in mind, however, that if you push yourself too hard, the stress that results will not bring you any closer to achieving your long-term objectives.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, Mars is in a favorable position in your sign today, but a potential square aspect between Mars and Pluto may prove to be somewhat less challenging for you to handle than it would be for most signs.

This may lead to a little bit of tension. As tensions rise, the potential for conflict increases. It is also possible that a sense of urgency to fulfill your desires or a competitive insistence within you causes you to push yourself too hard or clash with others for no reason.

During this time, you might view other people with mistrust because you have the impression that they are keeping something from you.

On the other hand, you might be tempted to manipulate someone else if you are uncertain about whether or not you will get what you want by being open and honest about something.

Being aware of this tendency, on the other hand, will assist you in seeing things in a more objective light. You carry a positive energy that is conducive to teaching and sharing.




Pisces 6

Pisces, you need to be on guard against the temptation to overdo things or make things more complicated than they need to be today.

Because of Mars square Pluto, there is a possibility that you will incorrectly judge what you are capable of doing or saying. It is important, especially when dealing with family, to make an effort to comprehend problems and grudges rather than letting them control your actions.

When you can't see a clear and direct path to achieving what you want, or when others try to use you in their own endeavors, manipulation can become a problem.

Tensions are only temporary, and they can sometimes pave the way to a deeper understanding and the removal of blockages with certain individuals. You are blessed with patience today, which is wonderful.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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