Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! December 19, 2022

There may be some awkward energy around us today, especially in our relationships, as Venus forms a square aspect with Chiron and a quincunx aspect with Mars retrograde.

There may be tensions that make it difficult for us to know what to do. Because our romantic sensibilities and desires aren't always in sync with one another, it's not uncommon for romantic relationships to experience difficulties, particularly in the form of misunderstandings.

There may be a delay in our interactions, and we may miss our target; in addition, there may be a tendency for us to feel rejected or hurt. The necessity to acknowledge and investigate our feelings of vulnerability can be prompted by external factors such as life events.

A Mars-Chiron sextile forms later on in the day, which works out well for us. This transit is energizing, encourages enthusiasm, and brings about the power to heal.

We have a comforting sense of mission, and we are not afraid to face the challenges that lie ahead. There is a willingness to take positive action, most likely to defend or assist oneself and others.

We have a strong desire to find solutions to issues and cling to endeavors and pursuits that provide us with a more robust sense of purpose.



Aries 6

Aries, in the first half of the day you may find that material matters irritate you. Delays and other technical issues may annoy you. Today is not the best day to make significant financial commitments or important choices.

Your personal appeal is strong, and the energy is positive when you know where to direct it, despite the fact that there is probably a lack of clarity.

It can be helpful to keep in mind that the people around you require a slightly increased amount of attention and gentleness than usual.

You may feel the urge to go against the grain and be more outspoken than usual, but given the current state of affairs, it's probably best to dial things back a bit and focus on being as diplomatic as possible. It's a good time to deal with details that will help you in the long run.




Taurus 6

Taurus, the first half of the day may bring about some minor conflicts for you. Whether it is due to the fact that you are sending confusing signals or because others are, it is possible for you to experience irritation, mixed messages, or even small delays.

With the current transits, there is a strong tendency to act automatically rather than consciously, and it would serve you well to recognize these patterns so that you can steer clear of them in the future.

Tensions can be of an internal or interactive nature, and they can very well be related to differences in opinion or values, or they can be about money.

It's possible to have a strong need to stick to what you know, but at the same time, a strong desire to get out and move around, which can lead to confusion or indecision.

You should avoid trying to explain yourself to people who have a limited perspective, but you should make time to work things out with people who deserve your attention.

However, dissatisfaction is only able to be resolved with a little bit of time, and sometimes it makes the most sense to leave something hanging without providing a resolution.




Gemini 6

Gemini, the reason you are temporarily unable to fully comprehend the circumstances during the first half of the day is because of today's delicate transits.

Make an effort to maintain a positive outlook, even if those around you are critical or negative, and make an effort not to let even minor irritations get to you.

It may be helpful to take things at a slower pace and refrain from exerting too much force in order to regain your composure. You will be able to make much better choices for the future as a result of this.

There will be times when the energy is more direct and clearer, and there will be other times when it will be appropriate to have healthy conversations; however, you should be aware that it may take some time before you feel refreshed again.

People have a natural tendency to be offended, so it's probably best to avoid drama whenever possible because it can rapidly escalate. Plans formulated at this time may never be realized.

Today turns out to be a wonderful opportunity to connect with other people, particularly regarding one's mental or financial health.




Cancer 6

Cancer, in the first half of the day, because of challenging transits, situations and people may throw you off balance. Your energy is not stable, making indecision and uncertainty more likely.

Wants and needs are in direct opposition to one another. If you are unable to access the appropriate outlets for the release of your energy at this time, engaging in some self-reflection can assist you in refocusing your attention and reconnecting with the desires of your heart.

Because not knowing what you want can be a major source of anxiety and misunderstanding, you should make an effort to get in touch with what it is that you really want in a practical sense.

As the day goes on, you will notice that it is becoming much simpler for you to concentrate on the activities and activities that motivate and energize you.




Leo 6

Leo, during the first half of the day, it may be challenging for you to feel in tune both with yourself and with others; consequently, conflicts may emerge.

As a result of this, it can be difficult to make decisions or plans that are satisfying without the feeling that you are lacking something else.

To make matters even more difficult for you, the responses that you receive are unclear. It is possible for people's estimations of the value of things to be slightly skewed or off.

It is best to concentrate on what you can do right now to lessen the burden you are carrying, as doing so will become easier as the day goes on. It is a good time to learn something new or to go into more depth about something you already know.




Virgo 6

Virgo, if you feel uninformed, which you probably are at this very moment, you should make an effort to avoid directly confronting issues directly.

You might be sending conflicting messages. Try not to take it personally, because the people around you are probably just as unsure of what they want to do as you are.

The first half of the day can be a roller coaster for everyone, but it's only temporary. Even though the tensions in your career are relatively minor, they are still capable of putting a damper on your enthusiasm.

There is a pattern of either failing to recognize the value that exists in others, or exaggerating the significance of something that does not merit that level of focus. As the day goes on, it becomes a great deal less difficult to focus on what is truly important.




Libra 6

Libra, the challenging aspects of the first half of the day are relatively minor, but they have the potential to be annoying. It's possible that you're feeling a bit unsettled or unsure of what to do next.

Your perceptions aren't as reliable as they usually are, and attempting to understand what's going on could end up being more trouble than it's worth.

You'll have to deal with people who won't budge on an issue or who don't have the confidence to make a firm decision in general, which can be frustrating.

There may be an internal struggle between the need to stick with familiar people and situations and the desire to branch out and experience new things.

Try not to make hasty choices and concentrate on living in the here and now. Plans that are either lacking in detail or lacking in strength will require improvements. The tension eases up and it becomes simpler to carry out whatever it is that you want to do as the day goes on.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, in the early part of the day, there is a possibility that you will experience some minor setbacks or be required to go back over your previous steps.

There might be some very minor disconnects with the other people. Today is one of those days when other people seem to drain your energy, whether it's because of the high expectations you have for them or because of the negativity they exhibit.

It is not an ideal time to be productive because there are many distractions. You should probably just focus on your work instead of worrying about your relationships.

Even if they are initially inconvenient for you, mistakes or minor delays can lead to improvements in weak or problematic areas of your life. There is a possibility that it will be challenging to make decisions concerning a relationship or a financial matter.

On the other hand, you can arrive at your destination through introspection and methodical action. As the day goes on, the energies shift in a way that makes them more conductive to relationships.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, the first half of the day is not the best time for productive thinking or communication. The transits that are occurring right now indicate that your timing is off or that you need to go backward before you can move forward.

Mental disconnects may frustrate you Investigate the reasons behind this, as insecurities could be at the heart of the problem. There is a significant chance that less significant incidents will develop into more significant ones.

There is a possibility that the timing is slightly off; therefore, you should think about taking care of important business on another day. Especially concerning purchases and relationships, decision-making should probably be put off for a little while.

However, as the day goes on, it seems that people are either becoming more supportive of your goals or at the very least more cooperative.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, the first half of the day may present a challenge for you in terms of achieving the desires you have. It's possible that self-doubt will play a role, but try to look at any hesitancy you're experiencing right now as an opportunity to take things more slowly and make some adjustments.

Even though you are generally well-understood these days thanks to Venus being in your sign, you may not be able to feel good due to some awkwardness in social situations.

Venus is currently in your sign. If you are looking to get something that you want, you might need to make some minor adjustments. Having said that, you shouldn't rush into things just yet. It's possible that it won't be worth your time.

Also, try not to take constructive criticism too personally and instead concentrate on how your performance can be enhanced going forward. It's possible that the answers to our problems won't present themselves right away, but they'll come eventually.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, when your feelings are involved today it may be difficult for you to trust your perceptions in an honest manner. It's possible that during the first half of the day, you'll be more psychically sensitive and have an increased desire for more.

It's possible that old problems that you thought you had resolved have simply been buried and are now rearing their heads to occupy your mind.

When it comes to going after what you want, you might get the impression that something is off. You should try to avoid taking on additional responsibilities if you can.

If you find that your previous ways of interacting with another person are causing you frustration, you can try to break free of those patterns on your own and see if that makes a difference.

Try not to put undue pressure on other people and circumstances; rather, concentrate on what is immediately in front of you. This becomes less difficult to accomplish as the day goes on.




Pisces 6

Pisces, the first half of the day may bring about shifts and tensions due to the delicate nature of certain aspects. It's possible to have a strong desire to believe in someone, but also a fear of uncovering evidence that makes you reconsider that belief.

Relationships can be somewhat complicated, and it can be difficult to determine whether they require more attention to function properly or whether it is best to give people space and avoid being too intense.

It's possible for friendly gestures to be misunderstood, for something that's been said to be taken out of context, and for other awkward social situations to arise.

Sometimes the relationships within your family can become tense, which can ruin your mood. However, as the day goes on, you become more and more prepared to make the most of the situation.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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