Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! December 20, 2022

During the day, the Moon is in Scorpio and we have a greater propensity to understand people and situations. With a Mercury-Venus aspect, we have a tendency to reflect on and evaluate both our feelings and the relationships we have.

Today is also the day that Jupiter moves in Aries. When Jupiter is in Aries, we have the ability to create our own opportunities and flourish when we take the initiative, lead by example, motivate others, and display both courage and enthusiasm.

During this phase, our confidence in our capacity to reimagine our lives and proceed with self-assurance, despite the difficulties we may encounter, is at an all-time high.

We subscribe to the philosophy that “life is what we make of it,” and we take pleasure in competition because it inspires us to perform to the best of our abilities.

The confidence we have in ourselves fosters an adventurous spirit. We live in the “here and now” and make the most of opportunities as they present themselves.



Aries 6

Aries, Mars, the planet that rules your sign, is currently in retrograde motion, and Jupiter has just entered your sign, so this is not the best time to make significant life choices.

On the other hand, things are beginning to look better. Jupiter in your sign ushers in a period of increased autonomy and freedom.

It is completely normal to experience a sense of increased liberty as the changes take effect today; in fact, it may even encourage you to set more ambitious goals in the future.

Nevertheless, this cycle bestows tremendous vitality, self-assurance, and a genuine awareness of the present moment. As you progress in life, you find that the yearning for independence and new experiences becomes increasingly powerful.

There should be a wealth of opportunities available to broaden your life experience. Exciting moments can result from gaining new perspectives and interests.




Taurus 6

Taurus, you have the support of the cosmos in working through aspects of your life that might be giving you feelings of guilt or fear at this time.

Taking action to address these issues can be beneficial. Jupiter will move in your twelfth solar house today, and soon after that, Chiron will turn direct in this house.

Helping other people or learning new things will bring you the most joy. Up until May 16th, you will become more in touch with your inner needs, develop your strength in intimate relationships, do things for other people, and make personal sacrifices that will benefit you.

This transit bestows opportunities and increased happiness upon your personal life and the activities you engage in behind the scenes. Your capacity for compassion grows, and you also strengthen your faith and self-assurance.

This transit acts as a kind of spiritual protector, and it is an excellent influence for having more inner peace and enjoying your company more.




Gemini 6

Gemini, today, Jupiter will move into your house of friendships, where it will remain until the middle of May. This will assist you in finding more joy and satisfaction in your social life.

During this phase of the cycle, your existing friendships and group associations may seem to deepen, and you may find that others find you more charming and influential.

Because Chiron will go direct in a few days, and Mars, the ruler of your house of friendships, will be going direct on January 12th, you will feel increasingly better equipped to deal with issues.

It's a great time to put your sense of teamwork to use, as well as a great time to network, share your expertise with coworkers, and reach out to make new friends.




Cancer 6

Cancer, today, Jupiter will move to the top of your solar chart today. This cycle, which will continue until about the middle of May, will inspire you to set goals that are slightly more ambitious.

Your aspirations, business objectives, and reputation will almost certainly advance. You will be successful in pursuing your interests with more confidence.

After the Mars retrograde cycle is over in the middle of January, these themes will develop and strengthen even further. For the time being, you are picking up speed and making plans.

Jupiter is going to infuse a new level of vitality into your professional life. The timing couldn't be better for presenting projects or methods, not to mention growing your business.

There is a greater possibility that you will be recognized for the work that you do or have done in the past.




Leo 6

Leo, today, Jupiter will lift your spirits and help you gain perspective as you look at the bigger picture. This transit, which will continue to affect you until the middle of May, has you feeling more upbeat and confident.

New learning, publishing, communicating, or promotional opportunities might present themselves. It's not that life itself gets easier; rather, it's that you get better at dealing with the stress that life brings!

It's a good time for engaging in leisure pursuits and other out-of-the-ordinary activities that contribute to a more fulfilling life experience. Your tastes may shift during this time, and you may find yourself attracted to people who come from completely different cultural or ethnic backgrounds.

This may also be a time when your romantic life takes a more exciting turn. It is expected that existing relationships will become even closer.




Virgo 6

Virgo, Mars, the planet that rules your house of intimacy, is still in retrograde until January 12th. On the other hand, Jupiter enters this house of your chart today, and it will remain there until about the middle of May, bringing with it a host of wonderful advantages.

An intimate relationship can result in financial gain, deeper relationships, or more joy, and it is typically easier to attract moral or financial support in the months ahead.

You connect more fully to your deepest needs. This cycle is wonderful for providing emotional and material support, as well as for allowing yourself to open up to closeness and sharing.

During this phase, some people will feel more comfortable with their bank accounts, while others will discover an entirely new source of income in their lives.




Libra 6

Libra, today Jupiter enters your house of partnerships, where it will remain until the middle of May. This influence has the potential to either strengthen close relationships or connect you with people who can be of assistance to you.

It's possible that you aren't feeling the good vibes quite yet because Mars, the planet that rules over your house of relationships, is retrograde at the moment.

On the other hand, efforts are currently being made to find answers to persistent problems. When Jupiter, the planet of faith, luck, and expansion, is in Aries, we develop a greater appreciation for competition because it inspires us to perform to the best of our abilities.

However, this transit can bring about very different energy, and because Aries is your opposite sign, there may be times when you find yourself being thrown off balance by what's going on around you!

You have the impression that other people appreciate your qualities more. Your life will be filled with many opportunities for socialization and you will have strong negotiating powers thanks to this cycle.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, this month, Jupiter will move back into your sixth solar house, and from now until the middle of May, you will feel an increased motivation to improve your health as well as your daily habits, work, and routines.

In the coming weeks and months, there is a potential for wonderful advantages with regard to one's health and fitness, daily routines, employment, and even pets!

It also has the potential to increase the amount of money you make from the work you do. The only precaution that needs to be taken in this situation is to make sure that you do not overstuff your schedule with new work or routines, as there is a tendency to believe that you can manage more than what is reasonable.

You are fortunate in that you are investing more in yourself and discovering more joy in the activities that you perform on a daily basis.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, this is an exciting time for you, as your planetary ruler, Jupiter, will be moving back into Aries this month. You may feel as though you are more in your natural habitat.

You will find other ways to have fun until about the middle of May. Romance, hobbies, or both can provide you with a greater sense of fulfillment and appeal to you on a deeper level.

After the 12th of January, when Aries' ruling planet Mars will go direct, the benefits of this transit will be multiplied. In spite of this, Jupiter will bring into your life aspects that are enjoyable.

This transit has the potential to encourage you to seek out pleasurable experiences, and many doors of opportunity will open for you to do so.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, even though Mars, the planet that rules your house of home and family, will be retrograde until January, this house chart will begin to show signs of increased activity soon.

Jupiter will move into this solar house until the middle of May. This transit is an excellent one for making enhancements and improvements to your home, family, and personal life.

The next few months will be fruitful for strengthening relationships with loved ones as well as making home improvements. It is a time to truly connect with everything in your life that nourishes your inner spirit and brings you happiness on an emotional level.

You are paying close attention to both your physical and emotional comfort at this time, and you have a growing requirement for self-care and nurturing.

You might discover that doing things around the house brings you more joy. Emotional and personal experiences are significantly more appealing.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, while the planet that governs your house of communications, Mars, will be retrograde until January, there are indications that things are moving in the right direction.

Today, Jupiter will move into this house of your chart, where it will remain until about the middle of May. It is a wonderful time to improve your abilities, and you are eager to learn new things and talk about the things that interest you and the ideas that you have.

You might make significant academic progress or discover a fascinating new interest. You have the ability to participate more actively in various forms of communication.

In fact, your patterns of thought are shifting at this very moment; you are shifting your attention more toward positive thinking and letting go of negative or limiting ways of looking at things.

In the coming months, you will find that it is more enjoyable to share your ideas and knowledge with others.




Pisces 6

Pisces, today, Jupiter will move out of your sign and into your house of resources, and it will be much more proactive than usual.

The time that lies ahead of you, up until May 16th, is a time to gradually but surely get in touch with new goals and aspirations that are truly and profoundly motivating.

Your self-esteem and sense of worth, in addition to your financial situation, are susceptible to outside influences. In the coming months, you will have a lot of opportunities to make the most of the resources you already have.

Jupiter will increase your resources as you move forward, which can mean both an improvement in your financial situation as well as an improved understanding of what you are worth.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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