Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! December 22, 2022

This morning, Venus forms a trine with Uranus, encouraging us to be more courageous and innovative in our approaches to social issues.

In romantic commitments, entertainment or pleasures, and financial endeavors, we have a particular interest in anything that is novel, exciting, invigorating, out of the ordinary, and different than what is typically seen.

When it comes to connecting with other people and expressing ourselves, we have the ability to improvise, experiment, and try out new methods.

It's possible that we'll find additional ways to earn money. Even though we are somewhat dispassionate, we express our emotions more openly and find beauty in things that are out of the ordinary or unfamiliar.

On the other hand, today, the day before the New Moon, it makes the most sense to take it easy, relax, and think about things. The Moon spends the day in Sagittarius.



Aries 6

Aries, today you enjoy your work and responsibilities, or you're excited about the possibilities that lie ahead of you in the near future.

You are also in a fantastic position to connect with people who hold influential positions or with those who can help you advance in your career.

You are extremely open to making progress, moving on, and taking different approaches, and bringing a new perspective, idea, or method to the table can be very important.

There may be more freedom or leeway for you to enjoy it now. Venus trine Uranus today inspires an attitude that is open to growth and development. The energies are also conducive to learning something that will propel you forward in a significant way.




Taurus 6

Taurus, today you're inspired to maintain an optimistic and motivational outlook on life. You are able to think creatively and put more value on activities that involve communication, projects that revolve around technology or alternative therapies, and romantic relationships.

Unexpected events will ultimately prove to be a blessing in disguise. It will serve you well to let go of negative feelings such as resentment at this time.

Things or products that make your life simpler or more interesting are naturally going to catch your attention. It is a good time to open yourself up to new ways of having fun and being entertained.

This day is also an excellent opportunity to share thoughts and information with one another.




Gemini 6

Gemini, the energies of today could prompt you to experiment with different ways of building relationships, and in the process, you might learn something exciting and new.

There is a possibility that significant shifts in attitude will take place today. Letting go of a long-held secret or a weighty concern can be a very relieving experience.

Now is the time to concentrate on the aspects of your life that are going well. It is much simpler to take pleasure in your day if you are able to detach yourself from your worries.

It's possible that you'll have flashes of inspiration that open your eyes to something beautiful, whether it be in yourself or in a potential partner.

As a result of this, you are more focused on your relationships than usual, and now is an excellent time to initiate discussions regarding your objectives and plans. However, since we are one day away from a New Moon, it is best to take it easy and just wait and see what happens.




Cancer 6

Cancer, today is a good day for you to pick up the pieces of a situation or find solutions to a variety of small problems, as the Moon will be traveling through your house of work and health.

Despite this, it may serve as a source of creativity. It's a good day to improve your social life, even though it's not necessarily a good day for making commitments (there's a New Moon tomorrow).

You might discover new pleasures or fresh approaches to cultivating relationships that are mutually beneficial. As a result of Venus trine Uranus, you have the ability to liberate yourself and move forward.

You might be feeling lighter and happier right now. A bond can be strengthened through the completion of a shared chore or task at work.




Leo 6

Leo, as the Moon spends the day in harmony with your sign, you will find that your own sense of pleasure is one of your most valuable assets.

Venus trine Uranus also generates excitement. This joyful aspect occurs in your house of productivity, and you will discover that detaching yourself from expectations and being in the moment leads to greater pleasure than trying to chase after expectations.

It's possible that you'll meet that special someone while you're at work, doing your daily chores, or working toward your health goals. You'll find that working toward your goals is more enjoyable and engaging.

For better results, adopt a mindset that is less rigid and more open to innovation. Discussing the problems at hand can be both beneficial and satisfying as the day progresses.




Virgo 6

Virgo, you might get the urge to assist other people, and you might find that you enjoy directing, instructing, or soothing others with your words and the potential solutions to their problems.

You are quick to turn mundane situations into fun and exciting times or to make the most of a given circumstance. Because Venus is trine Uranus, you need to do something that is a little bit different, as well as upbeat and engaging.

Because of this transit, you feel more energized and courageous in your interactions with other people today. Your day might include a pleasant surprise, in which case it's a good idea to maintain an open mind and look forward to unexpected pleasures.

It's time to shake things up a bit and try something new if you want to keep the situation interesting. In the later part of the day, a partner or close friend might have a conversation that has the potential to be therapeutic or boost your confidence.




Libra 6

Libra, you have the ability to discuss sensitive topics without being overly sensitive or insensitive to the feelings of others. Venus trine Uranus helps you shake off a rather serious frame of mind and unleashes the more spontaneous side of your personality.

When you make progress on a project around the house, it can be exciting, and it also puts you in a good position to solve and strengthen relationships with people you care about.

Additionally, today is a potent day for finding solutions to problems, strengthening relationships through encouraging dialogue, and gaining a deeper understanding of a project at work or at home.

You might come across some information that is extremely helpful. You can learn and gain insight into recent events or issues if you can keep your mind calm.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, it's a great time for you to investigate your hopes, wishes, and future plans as well as learn more about yourself. Make it your mission to learn something new and better yourself today.

You have a very good chance of connecting with someone who is operating on the same wavelength as you are. The day has the potential to be joyful and even emancipating.

Your straightforwardness often takes people by surprise. Your relationship reaches a new level of intimacy, or you have a conversation that helps you move on from the issue at hand.

It's possible that other people will admire your creative spirit. Communication can be precious, romantic, and playful.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, it's likely that you will benefit from a change in your routine today. It gives you something positive to look forward to in the future as well.

There may be a wave of excitement about earning money or working, and there may also be a prominent focus on discovering new ways to improve your health, work, or routines.

Because of the slightly detached energy brought about by Venus trine Uranus, it is significantly simpler than normal to let go of frustrations.

It's possible that you'll pick up knowledge that helps improve your financial situation. It is a good idea to emotionally detach oneself from demanding situations or to relax because there's New Moon tomorrow.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, the spotlight is shining brightly on your creative abilities. You might attract the interest of a significant other or a potential partner. Or, you discover that you have more courage to express who you are.

Having Venus transit through your sign is a liberating and enjoyable experience, especially considering that Venus is trine Uranus today.

It's a good idea to take it easy and have some fun rather than trying to make any headway on this day before the New Moon. You may find information that will be of great use to you right now.

Ideas are creative and original. It seems that one-on-one conversations are the most productive, and showing genuine interest in others helps to strengthen the bonds that bind you together.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, today is a good day to express or explore your desires or wishes. You'll feel the urge to share something personal or let go of burdensome emotions that have been weighing you down.

It can be very exciting to be less guarded about some aspects of your life today. Venus trine Uranus is spontaneous, which makes it an excellent opportunity to gain clarity on a situation or break free of a pattern.

It is also a good time to assert your authority. In spite of this, it is in everyone's best interest to avoid blocking the plans for the day because there will be a New Moon tomorrow, which may signal a new course of action.




Pisces 6

Pisces, you are driven to share your thoughts and opinions with others on issues that are near and dear to your heart. You may experience a sense of relief or release from a concern or obligation, most likely one that is related to a friend, loved one, or long-term goal.

Releasing something may cause you to feel lighter. Venus trine Uranus today encourages interaction. Fortunately, it is the kind of energy that is easy to appreciate because it is rather detached, lighthearted, and noncommittal in nature.

Right now, you have an open mind toward new experiences and ideas, and your point of view is valued for what it brings to the table. The day presents opportunities for productive collaborative endeavors, particularly in the area of communication.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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