Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! December 24, 2022

Mercury sextile Neptune today encourages us to let our imagination run wild. We are more intuitive and put it to use in inventive ways in the realm of material concerns.

We have a deeper understanding of the nuances, which contributes to an enhanced awareness of both ourselves and the world around us.

We are more easily inspired and have the potential to inspire others through our words. There is a psychic openness in our interactions, and there is a noticeable shift toward softer or more compassionate communication.

This is an excellent time for letting go of grudges and forgiving others, especially considering that there's a quintile aspect between Venus and Jupiter.



Aries 6

Aries, the day favors rest, detoxification, and introspection. You have a different perspective on ideas and interactions, perhaps one that is characterized by increased compassion or imagination.

You are accustomed to thinking for yourself and asking yourself questions, which enables you to obtain a comprehensive view of your professional or life path goals and projects.

It's possible that letting your imagination run wild will result in something useful or at least interesting. The energies inspire you to be creative in ways that are not only delectable but also extremely beneficial.

Having fruitful conversations about business goals, large actions, or strategies can be very beneficial. Today is a wonderful day to encourage and celebrate your ambitious side.




Taurus 6

Taurus, the energies of today are fantastic for coming up with innovative ideas and visions, particularly those that are connected to your circle of friends and the goals you have for your future happiness.

Transits help soften issues in your life in subtle yet happy ways. It's a good time to come up with new ideas and plans because Mercury is in sextile to Neptune right now.

Even though there isn't a lot of structure to the conversations, they are heading in the right direction overall. It doesn't matter how big or small your actions are right now; what's important is that you make an effort to connect with other people.

Having a brainstorming session or making connections with other people can lead to brilliant ideas or solutions to difficult problems




Gemini 6

Gemini, Mercury sextile Neptune today encourages you to take a gentle approach to the world. Allow the conversations to flow naturally and give your full attention to what is being said.

You have a positive self-image, and this enables you to relax, which in turn fosters the growth of your imagination in a constructive way. Your perseverance has finally paid off!

Visions of an exciting new path can serve as a source of motivation for you right now. You have the ability to solve problems intuitively, and naturally expressing yourself comes easily to you.

As you relax and get comfortable, you come to valuable conclusions. It's possible that there will be a mind-boggling puzzle for you to solve or a thought-provoking discussion.

Your house of intimacy is where the Moon will spend the majority of the day, and its aspects will help you feel more at ease and at peace with your feelings.




Cancer 6

Cancer, the energies are perfect for engaging in creative pursuits, especially given your sense of harmony and equilibrium is strong. You are in a particularly good position to retreat a little bit.

Mercury sextile Neptune today encourages imaginative conversations. Under this transit, the specifics are of less importance to you than the meaning of the thing as a whole.

You might get the impression that you are encouraged to share your work and ideas, or to talk about your hopes and ambitions.

Interactions with other people are likely to be reassuring and therapeutic, or they might be a little off the beaten path, which could pique one's interest.

Peacemaking and mutual acceptance efforts have the potential to be well-directed and fruitful. Relationships and companionship likely take up a significant amount of focus in your world today.




Leo 6

Leo, the day has a lot of potential to help you calm your mind. However, it does not mean that you should sit around all day. You could keep yourself busy by engaging in a calming activity that you really enjoy, such as meditation, for example.

During today's mind-expanding Mercury sextile Neptune, you will have the ability to find a solution to a challenging emotional issue or situation.

Conversations are beneficial, but they can also subtly stimulate you, and following your instincts can lead you to the information you need. Relationships have the potential to flourish.

You have positive energy on your side, so let your imagination take you to places that inspire you. It is also a chance to demonstrate your concern for another person by offering assistance and support in times of need.

Your success will ultimately depend on the consistency and ease with which you perform your daily routines.




Virgo 6

Virgo, you have a higher level of psychic energy as well as personal magnetism than usual because of Mercury sextile Neptune. Your sense of ease and acceptance will increase as a result of this influence.

If you're willing to be open to unconventional and alternative points of view, you might have an experience that enlightens your mind. You could gain a helpful new perspective on a question.

Because of this transit, you will have an easier time finding inspiration, and you will be able to express yourself with more imagination.

You are in an excellent position to get rid of stress and negative emotions, and you can anticipate favorable outcomes for any agreements or negotiations that take place at this time.

It is much simpler to kick back, relax, and let your imagination run wild. Compassion and understanding are currently the most effective means of breaking down barriers.




Libra 6

Libra, you are able to emotionally let go and relax thanks to the transits that are happening today. When trying to solve a problem, it's sometimes necessary to abandon dogmatic ways of thinking.

Because there is little to no pressure to be specific in today's environment, opening up and enjoying conversations comes more naturally.

The communications or news that you receive today might provide you with fresh ideas, or you might make the choice to get in touch with someone you care about and talk about an important topic.

Make an effort to pay attention to your gut instincts and ideas that appear to come out of nowhere. Today, you have a strong desire for equilibrium and harmony in your life.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, you are being supported by a potently imaginative and patient energy that has the potential to be therapeutic, allowing you to unwind and enjoy yourself more fully.

Your imagination is stoked thanks to Mercury sextile Neptune, which also makes it more likely that you'll have conversations that move you emotionally.

Today is an excellent time for making romantic gestures, particularly verbal ones, as well as public displays of love or affection. The Moon will spend the day in your house of communications, which indicates that it will be keeping you busy.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, it is essential to get into a nice rhythm because the Moon will be traveling through your second solar house. You can give your attention to the things in your life that make you feel secure and at ease.

Your needs are pleasantly straightforward and clear-cut right now, which should put your mind at ease. On the other hand, today is a good day for engaging in imaginative thought or conversation.

It is possible for you to find the motivation to bring more compassion and peace into your life and to keep it there. Mercury sextile Neptune today prompts you to take a fresh perspective on existing circumstances.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, the Moon will spend the day in your sign, and you will feel an intense desire to engage in meaningful connections with the people and places around you.

You also manage to get people's attention. Mercury sextile Neptune today has the potential to make your life and your responsibilities easier. This transit helps to alleviate tension.

Being impatient is to your advantage, as the current moment is not the appropriate time to make hasty decisions. The energies of today favor the creation of additional room for imagination.

It is more natural to take a step back from difficult situations in order to view them in a different light.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, the Moon will be transiting through your twelfth solar house, which can trigger a powerful urge to retreat or withdraw in some way so that you can relax and think.

Taking a fresh look at a situation can be very interesting, and Mercury sextile Neptune helps facilitate that. These days, intuition and creative thought are valuable.

If you can, when dealing with matters pertaining to finances or business, follow your intuition whenever you can because the current moment is a good time to create innovative plans.

It is much simpler to relax and let your imagination run wild once the tension has been released. You are in an excellent position to start formulating some plans.

The key to being able to truly take pleasure in the journey is to refrain from placing an excessive amount of importance on the details.




Pisces 6

Pisces, the Moon's transit today makes you more sociable and highlights your desire to feel like you belong somewhere. In addition, Neptune is sextile Mercury.

This creates the ideal environment for you to tap into your intuitive capabilities and use your imagination. Dreams and fantasies can make for interesting conversation starters, and exchanging ideas can lead to the discovery of new and useful information.

Others may be moved to action by your words, and you may be moved to action by the words of others. Your day would benefit from taking on an air of tranquility and gentleness.

A meaningful connection can be made with a friend, and it is satisfying to interact, share, and accept another person's perspective.

You are looking for a greater sense of fulfillment and comfort than is typical in your social life, and the current atmosphere is ideal for achieving these goals.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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