Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! December 30, 2022

The Moon spends the day in Aries. The Sun is forming a quincunx with Mars retrograde today, which may cause some minor difficulties and occasionally disrupt the smooth flow of the day.

There are times when our desires conflict with our sense of what is right. This can result in tensions. Desires can be irresistible, but we may not know how or whether to achieve them.

It's possible that we'll experience some anxiety, which could ultimately motivate us to make some positive adjustments.



Aries 6

Aries, the Moon will spend the day in your sign, and during this phase of the lunar month, you will have a tendency to go your own way and respond more than you normally would to your emotions.

However, since Mars, your ruling planet, is forming an awkward angle to the Sun today, you may find yourself worrying, feeling vaguely guilty, or just plain uncomfortable.

It's possible that you're dealing with inner feelings that are frustrating you in relation to your current path, a parent, or a boss. This transit seems to bring to light the disparities and incompatibilities between the things that you need and the things that you want.

Keep in mind that the time frames will give you the flexibility to make any necessary corrections and adjustments. Some of your goals will need to be revised.

Watch out for things that will only serve to deplete your mental capacity or your physical strength. It is not easy to know your limits at the moment, and it is a real challenge to find the right balance, but it is not impossible to do so with a little bit of creativity on your part.




Taurus 6

Taurus, because of the Moon's position today, you are a little more reserved than usual, and you may require additional rest or detox from your typical routine.

Despite this, you might find the mundane or the ordinary to be particularly uninteresting today, and you might get the impression that you are struggling against the conflicting interests and desires that you have.

It does not appear that there is a channel through which you can release your frustration; therefore, it could be beneficial to take the time to consciously work on letting go of the things that irritate you.

Be on the lookout for impatience that prevents you from having a healthy relationship and that causes you to fall behind, whether emotionally or physically.

Think about the fact that the need for peace and quiet or comfort is a legitimate one that deserves your attention, and doing so can make room in your schedule for more stimulating activities later on.




Gemini 6

Gemini, because the Moon is spending the entire day in your eleventh solar house, you are looking for a break from competitive situations, but you also enjoy interacting with others.

You place a high value on the feedback you get from other people because it has a tendency to kickstart your thought process. Today's Sun-Mars quincunx can make you undecided.

Certain events or certain feelings can serve as a gentle nudge to remind you of the necessity to examine your addictions or your perspective on money, in particular resources obtained from sources other than your income.

It's time to start paying closer attention to your current financial situation. Alternately, if the power dynamic in a relationship is imbalanced, it may be necessary to make changes within that relationship.

Your desires are powerful but difficult to understand! At least for the time being, it does not appear that there is a viable outlet or path to satisfaction. Rather than taking any action at this time, it is best to make some observations and make any necessary adjustments.




Cancer 6

Cancer, today's Sun-Mars quincunx may cause you to experience conflicting feelings and signals, which may prevent you from achieving your goals or cause you to feel anxious and unsure of what to do next.

This transit only presents a minor challenge, but it has the potential to keep you in limbo. There is a possibility that plans will be altered or delayed, and timing is currently not your strong suit.

Due to the fact that people appear to be quite preoccupied with their issues, a direct approach might not be the best option today.

It is in your best interest to view slip-ups as simply that, and nothing more, and to have patience while things sort themselves out. In approximately two weeks, Mars will put an end to its retrograde motion, which will help clear the path forward.




Leo 6

Leo, because of the Sun-Mars quincunx today, you may find that something – a gut feeling, a fear, or a vitality issue, for example – prevents you from engaging in an activity with all of your might.

Due to a momentary lack of natural confidence, which can result in poor timing, it is in your best interest to postpone making very important decisions until another day.

Mars retrograde may also be responsible for ego-related issues, and you may sense an atmosphere of sweet but boring competition with others, which may discourage you. It is best to be patient and wait.

Mars will finish its retrograde phase in two weeks, at which point you will have a clearer idea of what it is you want or how to go about getting it. In addition to this, the Moon's energy today is inspiring, which will increase your thirst for knowledge.




Virgo 6

Virgo, today may be a challenging one for you, especially if you have to interact with people who are uncertain of themselves; however, the situation may ultimately turn out to be beneficial for all parties involved.

A quincunx aspect is formed between the Sun and Mars retrograde, so you should avoid forcing an answer or making a decision at this time.

There are probably a lot of questions that haven't been answered. In general, your creative abilities are strong, but with this aspect coming into play, you might be experiencing some self-doubt today.

There are some things that can take up so much of your time that you begin to feel as though you are falling behind in your work or in your responsibilities.

Finding a way that leads directly to what you want can be challenging, but the state of being unmotivated is only temporary.

Keep in mind that procrastination is not always a negative trait, as there are times when putting off making a decision or arriving at a conclusion can actually work out in your favor.




Libra 6

Libra, a minor but vexing aspect between the Sun and Mars could lead to some tension; therefore, it is best to avoid letting disruptions in routines cause you to become stressed out.

It is possible that you need to keep in mind that working overtime is not always the way to get ahead, but efficiency is. Instead, you should make an effort to process the disruptions or indecisions as necessary for the ultimate and positive forward movement of your life.

While Mars is currently stimulating your desire for unusual or non-routine experiences, the Sun in your house of home and family encourages you to maintain a grounded perspective.

It's possible that you're on the fence about whether to try something new or to stick with what's comfortable, but you should think about the possibility that a middle ground could work.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, the Moon will spend the day in your house of work and health, and you may experience a strong urge to get organized or handle the details of whatever situation you are dealing with.

Misunderstandings, restlessness, flippant remarks, and oversensitivity can all contribute to tensions today. Due to the current transits, it is extremely simple to hurt the ego of another person today; therefore, you should probably approach sensitive topics with extreme caution.

Making decisions can also be a very uncomfortable process. You might get the feeling that you need to let go of something in order to move on.

Because the timing may be slightly off momentarily, it is important to keep an eye out for any mechanical errors. It's possible that not all of your plans will come to fruition, but investing additional effort into paying attention to the details will pay off in the end.

Be observant and put off making definitive choices until a more convenient time. Take into account that Mars will finish its retrograde phase in two weeks, and you'll see that everything will work out.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, the Moon is in harmony with your sign, which will add more color to your emotional world. Your needs for pleasure and commitment take up the majority of your thoughts and attention.

However, Mars retrograde in your house of partnerships is making a quincunx aspect with the Sun today, and as a result, your connections with others may be volatile and experience extremes.

In order to get the most out of today, you should make an effort to be kind in everything that you do. It's possible that other people are engaging in passive-aggressive behavior, or that you are being hypersensitive.

Because of the dip in confidence, your timing is likely to be completely off, and while this is only temporary, it is best to take it easy for the time being. Before moving forward, make sure you give yourself enough time to observe and evaluate the situation.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, at this time of the lunar month, you look for solace, a sense of security, and a sense of belonging in the community. Due to the Sun-Mars retrograde position quincunx, you may find that competing desires leave you in a state of limbo.

It's possible that you're dealing with some minor health or motivational issues that are causing you to move more slowly. There is a possibility that you are harboring hazy concerns regarding responsibilities that you may have avoided.

There is also the possibility of having conflicting interests and feelings, which mainly arises due to the fact that a significant portion of you wants to pursue personal interests, while another portion of you wants to get back on track and organize things.

There is a possibility that certain work projects will be put on hold; however, you have the ability to rework projects that require modifications. Make relaxation a priority.

For the best possible outcomes, it is best to wait and observe the situation before taking any drastic or risky actions.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, during the day, the Moon will be in your house of communications until the evening and you may find that personal pursuits or relationships hold a special appeal.

The energies of today can be rather challenging at times, particularly because the Sun is quincunx Mars retrograde. Even though a lot has been going on in your head and behind the scenes, you still want to get this business transaction finalized.

It's possible that restlessness and indecision will prevail, but know that these feelings are only temporary. The pursuit of one's desires can be difficult, and there is no clear path to achieving them at this time.

When coming to conclusions, make an effort to take your time. It's possible that waiting until tomorrow to take action will be more beneficial.




Pisces 6

Pisces, because the Sun is currently transiting through your social sector, you have less patience these days. On the other hand, you might find yourself thinking about the past or yearning for stability today.

You can accomplish a significant amount of “work” by paying attention to the details, so long as you do not feel like you are trapped in the past.

You may feel pulled in several different directions due to the energies that are present today, which can be somewhat distracting. Impatience is yet another issue that could arise right now.

Be wary of desires that appear out of nowhere because they have a tendency to lead one astray. Minor interruptions can be annoying, but they also have the potential to reroute you in helpful ways.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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