Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! December 31, 2022

The Moon will continue its transit through fiery Aries for most of the day, then it will move into stubborn Taurus. When in Taurus, the Moon is simple and stable.

On the other hand, the Venus-Pluto energy will be with us as we say goodbye to this year and welcome the new one.

Their alignment in Capricorn will take place tomorrow, and as a result, we will feel compelled to develop, alter, or intensify our relationships, finances, pleasures, or social lives.

It is a time of intense feelings and a stronger connection to what we desire most. We might try to influence, coerce, or manipulate other people, or we might demand more from relationships or hobbies.

During this time, we have the potential to be extremely focused and even perhaps obsessed, which can be beneficial at times, in love, business, and finances.

There is a tendency to want and demand more than usual from a relationship.



Aries 6

Aries, this is a good day for you to act on your aspirations and make progress toward your long-term objectives.

If Venus and Pluto are aligned at the top of your solar chart, it indicates that you have successfully overcome an obstacle, are benefiting from a more professional influence, or are experiencing a sense of strength and empowerment.

As a result of today's transits, you may feel an intense need for something (or someone), but at the same time, you may have conflicting feelings of love and hatred toward this object or person.

Confronting certain truths that stir up your fears can be an empowering experience, particularly when it comes to your professional life, personal relationships, or financial situation.

You are able to have an exceptional level of focus, which can also assist you in attracting the appropriate resources.

You might have a better understanding of your objectives, but now is also an excellent time to investigate your concerns regarding your position, your performance, your future, and the course that your life is taking.




Taurus 6

Taurus, you might find yourself particularly motivated and excited about an idea or a topic, and others might find themselves particularly interested in what you have to say, teach, or share with them.

It is also a productive day to learn new things and advance your skill set, perhaps with the help of a significant other or because of their influence in your life.

The energies of the day are conducive to agreements and collaborations that are beneficial to both parties. Sharing a personal belief or mindset with someone can bring you closer to a partner and make for an intense and exciting connection.

As the day goes on, you have the opportunity to be motivated to bring about profound and long-term shifts, which will put you in a strong position as you move into the new year.

It is possible that during this time you will gain new ideas, knowledge, and experiences that will allow you to reinvent yourself. You might experience some anxiety or tension as a result of these things, but you might also feel a growing determination to live a life that is more exciting.




Gemini 6

Gemini, this could be a wonderful day for you to connect with your most intense feelings and deepest desires. They have the potential to lead you to fascinating discoveries.

However, there is also a chance that they will lead to demanding behaviors. While it is important to remember to have fun, it is also important to remember to respect your limits.

It is better to face the problems rather than hide from them because today is a day to seek answers and dig for the truths. This is true regardless of whether the problems involve relationships or finances.

Today is a day in which you might be able to produce something truly magical by drawing from more raw and profound feelings that you are experiencing.

You might realize you want more from the relationships you have or from the things you are working on and participating in. In addition, if your needs aren't being met, you should try channeling your energy into something useful.

Whether it's an idea, a project, or a relationship, the desire to take something to a new level can be a pleasant and motivating way to proceed.




Cancer 6

Cancer, the energies of the day may motivate you to engage in an activity that will bring you joy and satisfaction. You are looking for more ways to get emotionally stimulated now that Venus and Pluto are aligning.

Although you might be surprised by the intensity of the feelings that are triggered at this time, it is a good time to cultivate a closer connection with a person who holds a special place in your life.

Learning about each other's backgrounds and experiences is the surest way to get closer to someone, and this is the ideal time to do so.

Now might be the time to make it a goal to break out of tired relationship patterns. It's possible that you feel like you're on the cusp of a breakthrough or a turning point in terms of how you express yourself and interact with others.




Leo 6

Virgo, as the year comes to a close, a Venus-Pluto transit may bring about some fantastic visions. This transit is characterized by a pleasant intensity. You are in a position where you are extremely close to your wants, dreams, and requirements, which can initially be confusing but ultimately enlightening. If you want to be able to control your reactions, now might be a good time to work on romantic or creative endeavors that will benefit from your commitment, depth, and dedication. You have the ability to take advantage of or make use of your most profound emotions and successfully apply them to everything you do right now. You gain power in the present moment when you confront a truth or acknowledge desires or ambitions, and this can be a turning point in a positive direction. Make something from the bottom of your heart if you want better results right now. Additionally, now is an excellent time to bring the appropriate resources to you. You are prepared to participate in engaging or taxing activities.




Virgo 6

As the year comes to a close, Virgo, a Venus-Pluto transit may bring about some fantastic visions. It's characterized by a pleasant intensity.

You are in a position where you are extremely close to your wants, dreams, and needs, which can initially be confusing but ultimately enlightening.

If you want to be able to control your reactions, now might be a good time to work on romantic or creative endeavors that will benefit from your commitment and dedication.

You have the ability to take advantage of or make use of your most profound emotions and successfully apply them to everything you do right now.

Confronting a truth or acknowledging desires or ambitions empowers you, and this can be a turning point in a positive direction.

Create something from the bottom of your heart if you want better results right now. Now is an excellent time to attract the appropriate resources to you.




Libra 6

Libra, today is a day that will teach you a lot about the people you care about as well as your own needs. An approaching Venus-Pluto alignment may bring about emotionally intense exchanges with family members or other people who are very close to you.

In these situations, your reactions are likely to be amplified. When things are going well in your relationships, you might feel on top of the world.

On the other hand, when things aren't going so well, you might feel the strain of the situation more acutely than usual. You are prepared to make improvements.

It's also a good time to double down on something you really want and believe in, which can provide you with an even greater feeling of safety and comfort.

You may experience a pleasant sense of motivation for activities involving the household and the family. Your charisma is strong, and so are your motivation and resolve to succeed.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, today is a good day for your close relationships, especially if you give them extra focus and intensity. You might be in a position where you can effectively convey your emotions, convince others of your point of view, and take pride in what you have to say.

You are looking for inspiration, but also for intensity and passion. Putting significant effort into a plan or project that is important to you personally or making significant changes to a personal plan can be very important.

A moment of truth in a relationship or regarding a particular situation can occur as Venus and Pluto head towards alignment; this can be an important motivation.

The emergence of new viewpoints on your relationship needs or a shift in your perspective on love can bring about a tipping point. Your personal magnetism shines now.

Conversations, interests, projects, and matters of the mind have the potential to bring you closer to someone, or you may develop a more profound appreciation for those things.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, you may come up with innovative plans for financial endeavors or business today, and you may also experience profound emotions regarding what you have and don't.

As Venus and Pluto get closer to aligning in your house of resources, you should be able to triumph over a challenge that has to do with money, time, property, or respect.

You are more willing to seek out and confront the truth, which enables you to arrive at a point in which you are prepared to make changes that are both significant and vital to your life.

There is a possibility of seizing the moment and making optimal use of a resource or a talent. A turning point occurs when one recognizes that there are ways to make the most of what they already have.

Look for areas in which you might be overly attached, and if you want the best results, try letting go of even a little bit so that you can get into a healthier dynamic.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, as Venus and Pluto move closer to alignment in your sign, you may find that you are making progress with a personal plan or that you have a better understanding of things.

It is an encouraging transit and because it takes place right at the end of the year, it feels like you are at a turning point. It is much simpler to attract things or people that you desire.

There is a possibility that you will feel possessive, emotional, and competitive today, but overall it will be a good day, and you will have an innate desire to make changes.

In fact, the changes you make on the inside right now can be very helpful. You might experience a pleasant sense of ambition.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, as Venus and Pluto move closer to alignment, which will take place shortly after the end of the year, the day will be full of opportunities for new experiences and insights.

A profound analysis of your emotions or the savoring of a powerful moment are both possibilities that arise since this alignment occurs in your house of privacy.

Things that make you feel insecure or guilty need to go away, but before you can do that, you need to discover where those feelings originate, and the ability to do so is within your reach right now.

It's possible that your actions in the past will be recognized or rewarded, that you'll get a pleasant surprise from the past, or that you'll experience positive emotions and happiness in your inner world today.

As your desires are powerful and have the potential to sometimes overpower you, it is of the utmost importance that you direct them in a positive direction today.




Pisces 6

Pisces, as Venus and Pluto come together at the end of the year, now is an excellent time for you to make amends, make connections, or start over completely.

You not only receive insight into the issues at hand but also into your most fundamental needs. It may be a meaningful connection to someone or to a powerful idea; alternatively, it may be a connection with a deep desire to work toward a dream or a cause.

This transit encourages you to delve deeper into your needs and desires, as well as uncover ambitions that you were previously unaware you had.

Love is a powerful emotion, and its dominance can be felt in relation to a person, an idea, or a project.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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