Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! December 6, 2022

The Moon will continue to transit through the sign of Taurus, and during this time, we will seek more ease, familiarity, and safety. Later, when the Moon is in Gemini, people are more talkative and connected.

Today, Mercury completes its journey through Sagittarius and moves into Capricorn, where it will remain for a significantly longer period of time than usual because of an upcoming retrograde that keeps Mercury in the sign for a longer period of time than usual.

During Mercury's transit through Capricorn, our thinking becomes more lucid, and our reasoning becomes more sober and pragmatic. Under this influence, it is much simpler to focus on the activity at hand.

Our conversations can become more grounded in the real world or more focused on issues that are relevant to business or the real world. Our ways of thinking as well as our modes of communication are becoming more logical, orderly, and organized.

During this cycle, we need to be careful not to let our thinking become too rigid, and we also need to avoid being too cold or harsh with one another.



Aries 6

Aries, Mercury moves into your house of career and reputation. Mercury will remain in this sector of your life until February 11th, and it will continue to have an effect on these facets of your life.

During this phase of the cycle, you find yourself giving more thought to future plans and professional concerns. This transit inspires a great deal of mental energy as well as increased participation in activities that are concerned with your reputation, career, and the accomplishment of your goals.

You are also more careful in your communications because you feel a heightened sense of responsibility for the words and manner in which you choose to express yourself.

Keep in mind that people are more likely to remember what you say in this day and age, so make sure you choose your words carefully. There may be choices to be made regarding the course of your life, the plans you have for it, the business you run, or the career you pursue.

It makes perfect sense to pay close attention to the information that will assist you in reaching your objectives and making decisions; however, it is important not to overdo it because doing so can cause anxiety.

There is a lot of data to take in, learn, and incorporate into your life.  If you apply creative thinking to issues pertaining to your finances, you may find that doing so is to your advantage.




Taurus 6

Taurus, because Mercury is currently moving through your spirit sector, where it will remain until February 11th, you have a craving for more interaction.

This cycle will help you become more comfortable with expressing yourself while also streamlining your communication. It's possible that an exciting new idea or piece of information will excite you and have a positive influence on the projects you work on in the future.

Your goals and ideals are becoming increasingly important in the way you live your life, and this trend is going to intensify once more in a few days.

In the coming weeks, you might find that you are thinking more frequently about ways to enjoy a change of pace and experiences that go beyond the typical routine.

The desire to learn is stronger than ever, but not in the traditional sense; rather, you are interested in enhancing your existing expertise. If you do not pay attention to what interests you, this transit will stimulate either your curiosity or your anxiety.

Today might be a day of ideas, but it's going to take some effort to turn those ideas into something that makes sense as a whole.




Gemini 6

Gemini, your ruling planet, Mercury, moves into your eighth solar house, where it will remain until February 11. In the coming weeks, your private life, attachments, mysteries, psychology, investigations, the work you do on yourself, and your long-term strategies will all be very present.

Mercury is known to lend a sense of objectivity to situations and feelings that are particularly complex and deeply rooted. The level of intensity of discussions can quickly rise, but you are able to detach yourself from the topics easily enough to keep things reasonable, logical, and equitable.

You become much more aware of your surroundings than you normally are, and you are able to see patterns, complexities, and power dynamics with greater clarity.

Because you are much less sensitive to possible distractions, it is much more difficult to lose focus once you have it. You have the ability to move mountains with this level of concentration.

Nevertheless, at times today can leave one feeling mentally fragmented. It's possible that a part of you wants to act defiantly in order to bring about change.




Capricorn 6

Cancer, Mercury will enter the sign opposite yours, where it will remain until the 11th of February. During this phase, there is the potential for wonderful learning opportunities to arise as a result of your interactions with other people.

You also have a greater likelihood of arriving at decisions together. Now is the time to take a fresh look at aspects of your life that you've been focusing on in the past.

In the weeks ahead, you will be in a good position to discuss or sort things out rationally, so take advantage of this opportunity. This transit may also imply that other people have a lot to say or a lot to contribute to your life. This could be a positive or negative thing.

You have a greater need for intellectual stimulation with other people, and you are looking for someone who can share your thoughts and help you make decisions about the world around you.

Although you should acknowledge the need for fresh strategies in the present moment, you should avoid overthinking the situation or going too far.




Leo 6

Leo, Mercury will move into your sixth solar house, where it will remain until February 11. In the coming weeks, it is easy to let yourself become preoccupied with your daily life's details; however, this preoccupation can both help and hinder you.

You are able to analyze problems, work on finding solutions to difficult problems, and solve hardware-related issues. Take care not to overthink and analyze situations more than they warrant.

If you put in the extra effort to organize the space you use for living and working, you will find that your efforts are rewarded. If you want better results, you should look for information that can help you improve your health, habits, and daily routines.

In three days, Venus will return to this same house, bringing additional warmth and benefits to your work as well as your daily routines and activities related to your wellness.

As you focus more on your work, health goals, daily activities, and routines, you are about to enter a period of increased activity. Nowadays, being successful in work or business requires a non-traditional way of thinking, and there is a strong desire to advance and innovate.

You may be experiencing some anxiety right now, but on the bright side, you're excited and looking for ways to get better. It's important to prioritize, as having disorganized thoughts can add unnecessary stress to your life.




Virgo 6

Virgo, Mercury moves into your fifth solar house today, where it will remain until February 11th. In the coming weeks, you are likely to have a greater desire to make sense of your emotions as well as a more outgoing and expressive personality.

You are able to conduct a more in-depth analysis of your romantic relationships, express your feelings more openly, or channel more of your mental capacity into fun and creative pursuits.

Your ideas are being well received and you have gained more self-assurance with them. This transit stimulates your desire to discuss your thoughts and ideas with other people and encourages you to do so.

During this phase of the cycle, you may find that your thoughts are drawn to the pursuit of happiness, hobbies, forms of entertainment, or relationships.

It may be challenging for you to set priorities and concentrate on a single task at this time. Your brain is starving for new information, and there is a plethora of information that you want to learn and take in.




Libra 6

Libra, Mercury moves into your fourth solar house today, where it will remain until February 11. The same thing will happen when Venus does it in three days, bringing an increased interest in your family, domestic life, roots, and the past.

The following weeks bring an increase in the frequency with which these topics are discussed and thought about. There is a rise in the amount of activity in your home, which might include working, learning, or studying.

This transit can also help you communicate better with the people you care about in your life. You bring more logic and reason into your personal life.

Today, you are challenged to break free from habitual thought patterns and come up with fresh new ways of thinking. Stale thinking and the same old routine need to be cast aside.

If you fail to acknowledge the requirement for change, there is a possibility of tension and stress. It's possible that certain plans have been put on hold.

Listen to the part of you that understands that in order to overcome a challenge, you need to think of solutions that fall outside the norm.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, today Mercury travels into your third solar house, where it will remain for a longer period of time than is typical, until February 11.

It is a mentally busy time, during which you are more likely to engage in a lot more socializing, calling, writing, and sharing with other people.

In three days, Venus will enter this same house, putting a greater emphasis on gaining and communicating new information. You put yourself to the test and learn a wide variety of unique but applicable skills.

Keeping and connecting with others can create meaningful opportunities. Ideally, speaking, writing, and studying can be good ways to manage stress in the period ahead.

Today, it is easy to be overwhelmed with information. It is not necessarily important to focus on something, but it is a good idea to do so to avoid the feeling of being mentally scattered because it can stress you unnecessarily.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, Mercury will move into your second solar house, where it will remain until February 11th. You are in an excellent position to concentrate on the things that are most important to you.

In the coming weeks, you will find that you are drawn to certainties and facts with greater frequency than you are to dreams and visions.

This tendency of yours tends to simplify your life on some level, but when it comes to making decisions and drawing conclusions, you run the risk of ignoring important spiritual considerations.

Now is a good time to review and organize your financial situation. Consider that, for the time being, it will be difficult to differentiate between whim and genuine innovation.

You need to approach the financial aspects with fresh thinking, but overthinking the situation won't help you in any way. In fact, it might even give you a nervous feeling.

You will be in a better position to naturally recognize patterns once you have succeeded in bringing your mind to a state of calm today.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, today Mercury will be traveling through your sign, where it will remain until February 11th. Mercury is in for a lengthy visit, and during this time you may find that you are more talkative, curious, and active than usual.

It is possible that you will experience a mental awakening as a result of it. You should begin completely from scratch and think in an original way.

At this time of year, it is easiest to make use of the power of words to bring what you want. Although your mind is quick today, you might find it difficult to concentrate.

If you do not make an effort to consciously slow down your thoughts, you run the risk of having them race through your head.

It's possible that the restlessness you've been experiencing is due to the fact that you require a change on a mental level. Try to think of something fresh to ponder or find a new learning challenge to take on.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius Mercury is moving into your twelfth solar house for a visit that will last until February 11. Even though this can be a frustrating cycle for certain problems, it does provide a significant opportunity for introspection.

The examination of recent occurrences can be of assistance. Ideas and projects are currently in the process of being developed, and you have the gut feeling that you shouldn't share them with anyone until both you and others are ready to do so.

It's possible that you need more time alone or privacy in order to make decisions. When you are by yourself and more in tune with your own inner world, you have a greater chance of coming up with brilliant ideas.

You can learn a lot about yourself, your feelings, and where you are on your journey by reflecting on the recent past, your feelings, and where you are now.

During this cycle, you are more susceptible to being hurt than usual, and you may find it easier to keep your thoughts to yourself. You could (and probably should) engage in more research, contemplative activities, and self-reflection.

In the days and weeks ahead, exercising discretion can in fact be to your advantage. Although it may be challenging for you to organize your thoughts today, the ideas and approaches that are running through your head are fresh and intriguing.




Pisces 6

Pisces, Mercury is moving into your eleventh solar house today, where it will remain until February 11. This cycle brings a unique source of energy and the opportunity for reflection or improvement of conversation with teams, friendships, networking, groups, and the community.

Even though it may not always be the time that makes the most sense practically, it is a creative time for ideas. You want to make progress, realize your happiness goals, connect with others, and broaden your horizons.

It's possible that friendships and activities involving groups will become more prevalent. Having conversations with friends and participating in a variety of networking activities both multiply opportunities and provide a path forward.

Your senses are going to be heightened today, perhaps to the point where you feel disoriented as a result. You might have the impression that insignificant details are preventing you from coming to a decision.

Despite this, it is best to keep pushing forward with the creative process because you will be motivated by new ideas and new plans. In the long run, overcoming obstacles can help you think more clearly.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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