Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! February 11, 2023

Mercury transits through Aquarius, where it will remain until the 2nd and 3rd of March. During this transit, we have an increased thirst for knowledge and are more receptive to new ideas.

Our thinking is progressive and objective. Communication as well as our thought patterns are more or less impromptu, objective, and disjointed.

The sextile between Mars and Chiron today is very inspiring, and it also has the power to heal. We're not daunted by the challenges that lie ahead, and we are able to enjoyably sense a sense of mission that is both uplifting and motivating.

There is a willingness to take positive action, most likely to defend or assist ourselves and others. We are eager to find solutions to issues and cling to endeavors and pursuits that provide us with a sense of optimism.



Aries 6

Aries, today, Mercury enters your eleventh solar house, where it will remain until March 2nd. There are plenty of learning experiences during this time thanks to conversations with friends as well as networking activities.

During this transit, your thoughts are particularly forward-thinking and out of the box; you call into question the norms that you normally adhere to and you expand your knowledge.

Although not all of these ideas will necessarily be implemented or result in the creation of new projects, the time has come to conceive of new opportunities and possible answers to existing issues. Exciting times lie ahead.

You are particularly interested in spending time with people who share your values and perspectives. We can expect to have more light-hearted and enjoyable social interactions.

You are especially concerned with maintaining a positive mental state, engaging in enjoyable activities, and making connections with people who accept you regardless of who you are.




Taurus 6

Taurus, Mercury moves into your house of career and reputation, and it will remain in this part of your chart until March 2.

You should focus primarily on communicating with greater impact and developing long-term strategies that will bring you closer to achieving your objectives.

During this cycle, your responsibilities will take up a greater portion of your thoughts and conversations. You will put the knowledge and skills you have gained to good use.

You have a lot of inner strength today, and you have a tendency to demonstrate your value through the good things that you do. You can make significant headway with an idea involving money or business.




Gemini 6

Gemini, Mercury harmoniously transits your ninth solar house from now until March 2. Because Mercury is your ruling planet and its position in your solar chart, you are experiencing a particularly rejuvenating cycle right now.

You may find that it is simpler to express yourself and that it is easier to smoothly convey your ideas to others. Your outlook, your thoughts, and your conversations all reflect your appreciation for positivity.

You are more likely to successfully implement new strategies for approaching issues now since you are sick of the same old routines and information.

On a mental level, you are looking for new horizons, and in the weeks to come, you might come across fascinating new interests. Today is the day that you will make progress toward a goal or improve some aspect of your life.




Cancer 6

Cancer, Mercury begins its transit through your eighth solar house, and you may find that you are more drawn to engaging in deeper reflection, studies, ideas, and conversations.

This cycle will continue until March 2. It is a good time to plan, strategize, delve deeply, do research, and analyze what you find.

Nevertheless, this is not the best time for transportation and communications. Despite this, you approach touchy subjects with more clarity, objectivity, and reason, and you are keenly interested in the meaning and context of things.

Conversations might become more personal or unusual subjects will be brought up. Discussions concerning resources and finances will take up a lot of your time and mental right now.

You are in a particularly good position to take action on things that have been long overdue, and you will feel better about yourself.




Leo 6

Leo, today marks the beginning of Mercury's journey through your opposite sign, which will last until March 2. This cycle will focus primarily on the value of intellectual companionship.

You actively seek out or attract people who can help you in developing your ideas and making decisions. Conversations can be fascinating, and insights are beneficial.

There might be occasions in which the unsolicited counsel of others will appear inappropriate.

The feedback you get during this cycle will almost always be helpful, and you may discover that other people often have something important to say or can help you reflect in particularly meaningful ways. You feel inspired to take some constructive steps forward today.




Virgo 6

Virgo, Mercury starts its journey through your house of work and health, where it will remain until March 2nd. Because your ruling planet transiting this house of your chart, you may experience a sense of being in your natural habitat.

Now is the time to give more attention to the details of your life. The topics of work, health, and functional issues often come up in your thoughts and conversations.

It is a good time to seek out information that will help you improve your routines and learn new skills, particularly for the workplace. You may be experiencing a heightened sense of purpose and an increased motivation to take action today.




Libra 6

Today, Mercury will begin its journey through your house of fun, pleasure, and entertainment.

After spending a significant amount of time in your house of home, Mercury is now in harmony with your sign, and as a result, you may experience a sense of liberation as you finally let your guard down.

During this cycle, which will continue until March 2nd, you will find that it is easier and more natural for you to express your ideas and opinions. You are more sociable and outgoing, and you have a tendency to look for entertainment that challenges your mind.

In a relationship, there is a need for communication and action. You have a way of luring people in or charming them with your words.

A person's positive impression of you has the potential to motivate you to become a better version of yourself.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, today is the day that Mercury enters your fourth solar house. During this phase, you tend to focus more on personal concerns, particularly those pertaining to your family and your home life.

You find yourself having a greater appreciation than usual for conversations and stories that center on your family's history.

It's a good time to start new conversations with people in your personal circle. There may be a rise in the number of activities around the house.

You might also come up with some major plans and strategies that are long-term, particularly with regard to security and comfort concerns.

You are in a good position to get back into a good rhythm with your work or wellness routines today.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, Mercury just finished a longer-than-usual transit through your house of resources, and today moves into your house of communications.

This cycle will continue until March 2, and you will be in a good position to achieve mental clarity. It inspires going out of your comfort zone, making new connections with people, learning new hobbies and abilities, and exchanging ideas.

Learn, direct, and study, and you'll find that conversations come easily. You might experience some mild anxiety or stress from time to time.

On the other hand, if you are able to maintain your composure and steer clear of any mental tension or stress, it is likely that you will enjoy the new information and connections. Relationships are vibrant.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, today, Mercury moves out of your sign and into your house of resources, where it will remain until March 2nd.

Your business will benefit tremendously from this transit. During this cycle, you may find that you are often preoccupied with thoughts regarding business, finances, personal possessions, valuables, and security concerns.

You take a patient approach to your work and strive to get tangible results. Now is a good time to talk to people, learn new things, and get advice regarding your current financial situation.

You will also receive information that is helpful and applicable. Your approach to earning money, spending money, and saving money is more grounded in reality and reason than usual.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, today, Mercury will be traveling through your sign for the next 28 days, until March 2nd. In the coming weeks, your personal plans and the decisions that you make will become more specific.

During this cycle, you may find it easier to communicate with others, and your behavior may become more carefree and inquisitive. It is a wonderful time to make use of the power of words to get what you want.

While Mercury has been in your house of privacy for a considerable amount of time (since December 6), you haven't entirely lost your urge to communicate.

During this cycle, you will arrive at important decisions and the words that you speak carry more weight. Today is an excellent day for getting things done and making progress on a project.




Pisces 6

Pisces, from today until March 2nd, Mercury will be traveling through your house of privacy. Over the next few weeks, your ability to make decisions and your thought processes will become more intuitive.

You will be able to make more effective use of your recent experiences and work through issues that you have either left unfinished or pushed aside.

During this transit, a significant project will finally be completed. As you gain a deeper understanding of your life experiences, you will be in a better position to guide and instruct others.

You adopt a new perspective on the events of the past and pay more attention to the details of your personal life. During this time, coming to conclusions and settling on choices could take you more time than usual.

Today, on the other hand, you are less prone to overthinking and more inclined to favor action or activity, particularly when it comes to matters of money and the home.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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