Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! February 20, 2023

Today the New Moon rises in the sign of Pisces. It is the time for new beginnings or new momentum. We're inspired to take a leap of faith.

We have the opportunity to make significant changes in our lives in the weeks ahead thanks to the powerful energies.

We are inspired to make time for activities that are calming and rejuvenating, or to act on a long-held ambition and perhaps share the experience with a significant other.

When the Sun aligns with Saturn, not only do our responsibilities come to the forefront, but we also experience a surge in faith or inspiration.

When it comes to matters of the heart, we are more daring, driven, and a little bit impatient while Venus is transiting Aries (beginning today and continuing until March 16).

We don't look back. Our desires are powerful, and we express them in a manner that is uninhibited, enthusiastic, and straightforward.

Mercury is sextile Chiron today, which is excellent for initiating constructive conversations. Our ability to solve problems is excellent, and we take a more holistic approach.



Aries 6

Aries, the New Moon today offers you the chance for a new beginning, but it also emphasizes the necessity of taking some time to recharge.

You may have work to do in order to put an ongoing problem in the past, and you may become aware of the need for additional rest, a little bit of isolation, or some additional attention to your privacy.

This lunation marks the beginning of a brand new cycle of recuperation and replenishment. In the coming weeks, you will have opportunities to reflect, recharge, and let go on a physical and spiritual level.

At this time of year, you will be forced to focus on your emotional and mental well-being in addition to your spiritual needs. If you really want the best results, your best bet is to focus on understanding rather than moving forward.

As Mercury forms a sextile to Chiron today, you may find some relief or make some mental progress as a result. Your ability to think creatively and outside the box is something that others find particularly impressive.




Taurus 6

Taurus, the New Moon today ushers in a metaphorical new beginning, particularly in terms of making connections and reaching out to others.

It is time to evaluate your objectives for connecting, networking, forming or fortifying ties, and cultivating goodwill.

Now is the time to feel confident that you are prepared to take matters into your own hands and make changes if you are dissatisfied with certain people or aspects of your social life.

You may be particularly interested in making a contribution to a cause. It is also a time to dream big for your long-term happiness.

The Mercury-Chiron sextile today puts you in a better position to understand the bigger picture. It brings a positive energy that is conducive to having calm conversations and cultivating warm relationships.

People might come to you for guidance on leadership, work, and business matters.




Gemini 6

Gemini, now is a good time to think about the recent past and consider your long-term or professional goals. The New Moon occurs in your house of career and reputation, putting these issues in the spotlight.

A pleasant feeling of motivation regarding goals in your life plan and subtle changes in your influence or career, status, or reputation may be experienced.

Investing your time and effort into a pursuit that you have a strong interest in can be very beneficial. This lunation helps you establish new beginnings with regard to your life journey, professional relationships, or status.

Expect new responsibilities, recognition, a position, or a project in the near future. Today's Mercury-Chiron sextile allows you to look at issues from a more holistic perspective and makes it easier for you to find solutions.

Through compassionate communication, emotional barriers may be broken down and released.




Cancer 6

Cancer, the New Moon today ushers in a metaphorical new beginning. You'll break with the past in some way, which will help pave the way for future progress.

You should make an effort to be patient before a plan unfolds, but in the meantime, enjoy the pleasant change of pace because confidence and inspiration are in the air.

This lunation bestows upon you a heightened awareness of the power of your mind to expand, investigate, and make headway in areas of your life that are otherwise mundane.

Events happening now and in the weeks to come will shake up your routine in a positive way. Opportunities for work, travel, or educational experiences may come in unexpected ways.

Using the information you have acquired, you are in an excellent position to heal yourself or to improve a relationship with someone today.

This day has a lot of energy that can help you get to know yourself better, which is important because it will help you make better decisions in the future.




Leo 6

Leo, the New Moon today may inspire a desire to let go of the past and begin anew. You could choose to go on a completely different path if things have been incredibly frustrating for you.

You might find the drive to start a project that you're passionate about, pay off debt, devote energy to research, or take out a loan to accomplish these goals.

You will have the opportunity to gain new and significant insights into your inner workings. You will want to make adjustments if you have been overly reliant on other people or if you have been too proud to ask for help.

Holistic and peaceful energy for working through difficult situations and conflicts is also present today. Your goal should be to break free from rigid thinking and discover new approaches, as it will serve you well in the long run.




Virgo 6

Virgo, the New Moon today heralds a new beginning or momentum, and change is on the horizon. During this phase of the Moon, you should focus on both relationships and negotiations.

In the coming weeks, you will have a greater chance of moving in a new direction or entering a new perspective that is more enlightened.

You are more interested in working together with others and achieving common goals. You must let go of attitudes that are no longer beneficial to you in order to advance in your personal and professional life.

This day also brings a powerful energy to work through difficult problems. You'll have a better understanding of a problem after engaging in some reflection and conversation about it.




Libra 6

Libra, with a New Moon occurring today, making improvements to your daily habits should be a top priority. The urge to take better care of yourself or to perform your duties to the highest possible standard is powerful.

This lunation will inspire you to start over and take more responsibility for your work, routines, habits, homework, responsibilities, self-care routines, and overall health.

It is not abnormal to have uneasy feelings about how you have been handling your life, as this can serve as motivation to make positive changes that will allow you to have more satisfying work schedules or healthier daily routines.

You should make an effort to bring the anxiety under control and pace yourself because there will soon be a new direction.

This day is also appropriate for mending relationships or for fortifying ties. You have no trouble getting things to go in the direction you want, but you are more concerned with making things as good as they can be.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, your desire to celebrate, express yourself, and have a good time is heightened by the New Moon today.

The things that took place prior to this lunation can serve as a catalyst for initiating or resuming the pursuit of a project, a hobby, a leisure activity, or a romantic relationship.

Now is the time to start a new chapter. You gain the motivation to pursue your happiness by engaging in activities that bring you personal pleasure, whether it be romance, personal pleasure, or self-expression.

If you want the best results, you should try to pace yourself and let the process take its natural course. Discussions regarding your workplace and your state of health can be especially uplifting and productive, leading to significant changes.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, the New Moon today brings extra focus to your personal life or home. Now is the time to look for ways to make improvements to your living conditions as well as your intimate relationships.

You will have new long-term objectives regarding your level of comfort and security. You also become more in tune with your emotions and understand them better.

It is a good time to start new projects around the house and reconnect with yourself. You might experience feelings that lead you to look for new ways to express yourself, or you might find that you are able to let go of the past in some way.

This is a time to tap into your intuition and for mental well-being. You're great at guiding and helping others understand themselves because you understand their problems well. Others are receptive to your ideas.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, the New Moon today took place in your house of communications. This indicates that you will be extremely busy in the days to come and that it may be a good time to initiate new projects, learning endeavors, and ideas.

You have a renewed vitality to learn new things and improve your skills, as well as cultivate relationships that are beneficial and bring you joy.

You might have access to a variety of channels of communication or improvement opportunities. This lunation may encourage you to approach the responsibilities of your daily life in new ways.

Your actions are characterized by a kindheartedness that endears you to other people. People are more willing to listen to one another and are more humble than usual, which helps them learn from one another and grow as individuals.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, because of the New Moon today, you might feel inspired to make a clean start with your finances, your business, or even your comfort level.

You'll learn smarter ways to handle your finances and organize your belongings. This lunation will take place in your solar second house, which is where everything that contributes to your sense of safety, consistency, and comfort is.

You should try something completely different today. This New Moon is also about where you are in life at the moment.

You have a unique emotional insight into other people's problems, and you are able to assist those people in better understanding themselves and their circumstances.




Pisces 6

Pisces, the New Moon in your sign represents a new beginning. You definitely leave a positive first impression! In the coming weeks, you will have a powerful opportunity to begin a new phase of your life.

Your natural empathy and idealism are currently in the spotlight, and fortunately, other people are looking for these qualities even more, which positions you in a position of leadership.

In order to get the most out of this exciting time in your life, make things as easy as possible for yourself. In addition, a Mercury-Chiron transit is active, making it an excellent time for communication and getting your point across.

You might talk about a problem or dilemma, and helping someone can end up helping you.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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