Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! February 23, 2023

A semi-square between Saturn and Chiron occurs today. This is the first of three aspects, where the other two will take place on August 15 and November 25.

During this lengthy transit, we may feel like we're not able to fulfill our responsibilities in an adequate or competent manner. Due to worries and insecurities, we might have a hard time going down a single path.

There is a strong desire to deviate from the usual, but we're not confident enough. With the Moon currently in bold Aries, we are looking for a fresh start.



Aries 6

Aries, the Moon will spend the day in your sign, which will make your feelings more intense. Venus just moved into your sign, which means that from now until March 16, making choices regarding love and money will be easier.

Venus is the ruler of partnerships and finances and these areas will work in your favor more often during this cycle.

Today's Saturn-Chiron semi-square may prompt you to make changes in areas of your life where you feel insecure, vulnerable, or disorganized.

Your resistance to adhering to all of the rules or conforming to the expectations of others can momentarily stand in the way of connecting with others or fulfilling your social obligations.

Now is the time to start thinking about why you might be shooting yourself in the foot.




Taurus 6

Taurus, the Moon is currently in your house of privacy, suggesting that you should keep things calm while you recover your energy.

Venus is in the same part of your chart and will remain there until March 16th. In general, this is a good time to take it easy and savor the extra time you have for yourself.

Getting more sleep than usual is beneficial in many ways. This week is a good time to acknowledge any fears you may have regarding moving forward, achieving goals, or working.

Attitudes that are no longer beneficial to you become painfully obvious. The good news is that this helps you put those attitudes in the past.

You're especially sensitive to other people's opinions or criticism. You should do what you can to keep from dwelling on lost opportunities, but you should also deal with problems rather than trying to hide them.




Gemini 6

Gemini, today, the Moon will spend the day in your house of community and networking. You can let go of things just enough to relax and be more carefree in your social interactions.

Venus remains in the same sector and you will experience an increase in grace, pleasure, and enjoyment until March 16. You are more approachable and sociable.

You get along better with others, or you are able to share some of your talents or expertise with associates, resulting in excellent outcomes.

Nevertheless, it may be important for you to take some time this week to investigate the factors that may be preventing you from confidently pursuing your desires or goals.

In your social life, there may be ambiguities, and you may experience some frustration if others are rude to you or don't understand what you are saying.




Cancer 6

Cancer, since the Moon is currently at the top of your solar chart, you are more emotionally invested in your performance and responsibilities.

Until March 16, Venus will be transiting this same area of your chart. During this time, you will be more creative, graceful, and charming in your work as well as in your status or reputation.

You'll find yourself enjoying your responsibilities even more than usual. You are in a good position today and this week to examine fears associated with the direction of a relationship or ambiguity about where you are heading in life.

If you haven't been motivated up until this point, now is the time to change your strategy and get moving.




Leo 6

Leo, the Moon will spend the day in your house of spirituality, inspiring you to seek emotional nourishment from sources outside of yourself.

Venus will remain in this sector of your chart until March 16, and during that time, love, a specific topic, or a goal may serve as a source of inspiration. You have more courage to try new things and discover new ideas.

Because of the transits that are happening this week, it is a good time to address any fears or concerns that you have regarding your long-term goals, education, or free time.

If you've struggled in these areas in the past, increasing your self-awareness can help you become more organized and better manage the time you have available to you.

On the other hand, if you've been excessively focused on other people, it's time to make room in your schedule for other activities.




Virgo 6

Virgo, the Moon in your sign today inspires a yearning for a more profound connection with a significant other or an endeavor that you are passionate about.

Venus is currently in the same house of your chart, and while the Moon will leave tomorrow, Venus will remain there until March 16. During this cycle, there is potential for a beneficial increase in shared resources and finances.

When it comes to the more difficult and nuanced part of relationships, you have the ability to maintain a calm and collected energy. It is also a good time to discuss and settle financial differences with a partner.

It would be very beneficial for you to examine the ways in which you may have held yourself back creatively or in relationships today and throughout this week.

You may get into arguments with a partner if you feel like you're being coerced or dependent on them. Whether you are someone who follows the rules or prefers to go your own way, it would be helpful to find a balance.




Libra 6

Libra, today, the Moon will travel through your house of partnerships, stimulating your need for company. Because Venus will remain in this same house of your chart for a longer period – until March 16 – now is generally favorable for individual interactions.

Now is not the time to address significant concerns; however, it is a good time to engage in pleasant interactions. Putting in the effort to reach agreements and compromises can pay off.

However, it would be very beneficial for you to examine your goals and expectations for a relationship today and this week. This is important to do because giving an excessive amount of attention to another person can wear you down.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, today, the Moon is in your sixth solar house, and Venus will remain there as well until March 16. As a result, you are looking for ways to bring more harmony and pleasure into your daily routines as well as your professional life.

Your job or the pursuit of your responsibilities, health, and well-being may present you with opportunities for romance or other social interactions.

These transits can assist in reviving the pleasure you derive from performing your job or attending to your personal needs.

Today and throughout this week, give some thought to how you can better organize your time and strike a balance between your personal pursuits, family life, and responsibilities.

At this time, you might feel burdened by ambiguity, exhaustion, or physical weakness. Additionally, you might have the impression that you are quite behind on certain things or that you are overwhelmed.

In order to gradually get back in the game and feel more confident, you should try to take things one step at a time and set daily goals that are realistic.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, the Moon will spend the day in your house of pleasure and joy, which will put you in a more playful and creative mood.

Venus has recently moved into this same house of your chart, and it will remain there until March 16; this will enhance your charm. It is a good time to investigate interests and hobbies.

Nevertheless, it would be to your advantage today and this week to take a closer look at the aspects of your life in which you have refused to play by the rules and, as a result, missed opportunities.

Taking a disorganized approach to things like personal interests, pleasurable or creative pursuits, and hobbies can add to insecurities and worries. You need more structure if you want to thrive.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, the Moon will spend the day in your house of heart and home, and this will make you feel more inclined to engage in routine activities, nesting, and being comfortable.

This transit stimulates your need for rest and relaxation. Centering yourself can be healing, and it's just what you need to do before facing the hectic days ahead.

Your desire for pleasure associated with personal, intimate activities is likely to increase until March 16 as a result of Venus's recent entry into this house of your solar chart.

Your life would benefit from a more structured, organized, and disciplined approach, and with a Saturn-Chiron transit also in play, it would serve you well today and this week to investigate areas in which you have gone your own way, as a more structured approach would improve your life.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, as the Moon travels through your house of communications today, you may find that you are more curious about the events taking place in your immediate environment.

As a result of Venus's recent move into this sector of your solar chart, you now derive greater satisfaction from acquiring new knowledge, imparting that knowledge to others, and forming new relationships.

Nevertheless, today and especially this week, you might be more sensitive than usual to constructive criticism. Focus on improving the aspects of your life that leave you open to attack if you want to protect yourself.

But since you can't shield yourself from criticism from the outside world unless you build a wall around yourself, it makes sense to work on accepting yourself as you are.




Pisces 6

Pisces, as the Moon travels through your second solar house today, you may find that now is an excellent time to take things easy and unwind.

This transit can also be helpful for drawing attention to the more material aspects of your life. Since Venus will be in this part of your solar chart until March 16, you will find more pleasure in your activities.

Building something piece by piece requires patience, which can be appealing. Disorganization or a defiant attitude in this area can impact your ability to relax and truly enjoy your time.

it would be very helpful for you to consider ways to bring more structure to your financial life today and this week.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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