Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! January 18, 2023

Having been retrograde since the end of December, Mercury is about to resume its direct motion. Recent difficulties with communication and making decisions are expected to show signs of improvement within the next few weeks.

We might finally get the answers we've been looking for, and we can move forward with plans or projects that have been put on hold.

Nevertheless, today, we might be confronted with a lot of energies that are difficult to understand. As a result, we ought to postpone making significant choices for the time being.

Today is a good day for reflection than for taking any kind of action. It is also wise to take our time when having conversations and making observations.

Despite this, the Sun will soon form its annual alignment with Pluto, and many of us are looking for a deeper connection in both our personal lives and our romantic relationships.

We are more resolute, resourceful, and focused, and we stand to gain a great deal if we keep things to ourselves and do not rush things too soon.

It is imperative that we take precautions to avoid impulsive choices and behavior. In order for us to progress, we need to put an emphasis on analysis, improvement, and revision.



Aries 6

Aries, the transits today encourage you to reach for higher goals. In addition, after being in retrograde motion since the end of December, Mercury will go direct.

Even though this will shortly clear up any obstacles or delays, the change may cause some confusion. The good news is that it will assist in resuming work on projects that have been held up over the past few weeks.

In the days ahead, work projects will advance, and communications will open up, particularly with coworkers and supervisors, as well as parents or managers.

You will start to feel like the fog is lifting, and you will most likely become more specific about your goals. Concerns about your professional life frequently resurface or gain momentum.




Taurus 6

Taurus, due to the alignment of the Sun and Pluto today, life for you, may feel a little on edge, but this is actually a great opportunity to get your priorities straight.

Despite this, Mercury's retrograde phase comes to an end, and because of this change, there may be some temporary confusion.

You might experience difficulties with transportation or communication at some point, but things will get better in the coming days and weeks.

Be a little more attentive to communications, as misunderstandings are likely with Mercury about to end its retrograde, but soon you will be able to pursue the projects and endeavors in your life that have been postponed or stalled.

Misunderstandings are likely. Simply take as much time as you need to put new plans into action. Now is a good time for introspection and analysis.




Gemini 6

Gemini, trust issues will come to the surface, and it is especially important that you are honest with yourself. However, as your ruling planet, Mercury, is about to go direct after weeks of retrograding, you may experience some difficulty in communicating.

It's a powerful move, but going through the change itself might throw you off. In the coming days and weeks, there is a possibility that there will be positive news regarding financial and intimate matters, along with more clarity in these areas of life.

Mercury's ability to remove recent blockages and slowdowns and fill in the gaps on certain issues is one of its many benefits.




Cancer 6

Mercury, after more than 3 weeks of retrograde movement, Mercury is about to go direct. While this change does help remove information blockages, it may require some reorientation on your part right now.

You should expect greater clarity, particularly in your relationships, and as Mercury gradually regains its normal speed in the days ahead.

You will feel more confident in your ability to choose the path that is best for you. For the time being, you should pay extra close attention to how you interact with other people and keep in mind that you may be missing critical information.

Hold off on taking any steps right now! Instead, acquire new knowledge and skills.




Leo 6

Leo, today, the Sun and Pluto will align in your house of health and work. This alignment sheds light on your aspirations, fears, and deeper anxieties, most of which are related to your health, daily routines, work, and services.

This week may be the ideal time to find a solution to a difficult problem or to rework something by starting from the bottom up.

After weeks of retrograde motion, Mercury is about to go direct today, which indicates that a door will soon be opened. The trick is to maintain your patience for a little while longer.

Some information will assist you in making more informed decisions. Expect clarity to come in your life.




Virgo 6

Virgo, you will have a better understanding of the information as Mercury is about to change direction and finish the cycle of its retrograde motion, which will make it easier for you to make choices and decisions in the days and weeks that lie ahead.

It's time to look at challenges from a different perspective! More information will become available, which will free up energy that can be used to move forward.

To clear the way for you to proceed, you might need to reevaluate one of your goals or deal with something that you ignored. You might find yourself going back to previous conversations that were unclear or went nowhere, but this time with a better understanding.

The transits of today inspire you to set higher goals, which can be a positive experience. However, it is essential that you do not rush things while Mercury is in this stage.




Libra 6

Libra, Mercury is about to end its retrograde phase, and while this change will bring you less indecision as you move forward, today and tomorrow may be a bit confusing.

Keeping things straightforward and taking your time will yield the best results. It is important to conserve your energy at this time, and it is best to proceed slowly when putting new plans into action.

However, in the days to come, there may be improved communications and additional information that will assist you in moving forward.

When things like projects or appointments start moving forward and your motivation level goes up, you will notice that life becomes simpler for you. Work that was started but never finished will now resume.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, since Mercury is about to end its retrograde phase, it's probably a good idea for you to take a break. Mercury will go direct after being retrograde since late December.

While this is good news, it is important to note that because this is a directional shift, there may be some temporary instability.

It is in your best interest not to rush into action, new launches, or major decisions in the days and weeks ahead, but you will experience some headway on projects that have been delayed.

There is a possibility that additional information will arrive that will make decision-making easier. Work on activities that contribute to the elimination of delays and the beginning of the process of moving forward.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, today, the Moon will spend the day in your sign, providing you with the opportunity to connect with your feelings.

You are also inspired by a conjunction between the Sun and Pluto. However, because Mercury is about to change course, there may be difficulties in communicating.

The good news is that as Mercury will go direct, details will become more transparent in the days and weeks to come. Initiatives that had been previously delayed will move forward.

Because Mercury is currently moving through your second house of finances, personal possessions, and business, you will have a greater sense of confidence in your ability to move your projects forward and make decisions based on accurate information.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, Mercury is almost finished with its retrograde phase; this means that any blockages or delays should be cleared up soon.

The change that is taking place in and of itself can be confusing; therefore, take your time! You will find that taking a more straightforward approach to life will bring you benefits in the days and weeks ahead.

As the Sun and Pluto align in your sign today, it is recommended that you take the time to organize your affairs. This transit brings to light personal aspirations and anxieties, which, if you have been disconnected from them for some time, can be slightly unsettling but is also very illuminating.

Recognize your most fundamental needs, wants, and cravings, and then devise a strategy to fulfill them in a way that is nourishing and healthy for you.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, because Mercury's retrograde phase is almost at an end, you should make an effort to derive some benefit from the challenges that are about to present themselves, as the days and weeks ahead will bring you many chances to make your life more satisfying.

Due to the transformation that is taking place today and tomorrow, pick your battles and the words you use very carefully. You will soon be able to see the progress that has been made on your delayed projects.

You may have been unsure in the past but now you know what steps to take. You have a stronger belief in your ideas and ambitions.

You have a good track record of success in dealing with matters that take place behind the scenes, and you are starting to understand the significance of the most recent developments in your life.

It is time to look back at recent events and try to make sense of their significance.




Pisces 6

Pisces, Mercury has been in its retrograde phase since late December, and now it is about to go direct. Keep in mind, however, that despite this change, communication may continue to be unclear.

Because misunderstandings can be aggravating and, in some instances, completely avoidable, this is not the best time to bring up sensitive subjects.

On the other hand, you will experience forward movement in relationships or endeavors that have recently experienced setbacks or stalls in their progress.

Mercury direct in your social sector brings the opportunity for greater clarity and understanding with friends as well as at work.

Also today, a Sun-Pluto alignment puts you in touch with deep urges and fears that revolve around your friendships.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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  1. Thank you 🙏😇❤️

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