Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! January 20, 2023

Today, the Sun enters Aquarius, where it will remain until February 18 of next month. During this phase, we are more motivated by the desire to acquire new information, new experiences, and new perspectives.

For us, innovation is more important than doing things in the traditional way. Our focus shifts to the aspects of our lives that have become archaic, and we become more committed to discovering new points of view and approaches.

The structure and order brought about by Capricorn now seem excessively rigid. Our independence becomes much more important to us.

We are making an effort to break free of some of the inhibitions, restrictions, and limitations that we have placed on ourselves in preparation for the upcoming month.

Nevertheless, we have a tendency to be unreliable, unpredictable, or overly defiant, all of which are detrimental to our own health. Mercury retrograde formed a quincunx with Mars on the 17th.

Today, Mercury direct meets Mars in the same aspect, which can lead to lapses in judgment as well as a disconnection between what we say or think and what we want or do.



Aries 6

Aries, the Moon today helps you stay focused on your ambitions and the responsibilities you have taken on. On the other hand, the Sun will soon begin a transit through your social sector that will last one month.

At this time of year, we pay extra attention to the importance of community, friendship, and hope. The next month will make it much simpler for you to connect with new people, expand your professional network, and discover exciting new ways to have fun.

During this time, you will have a greater influence on friends and groups, and they will feel the same way about you. During this cycle, the satisfaction and rewards gained from working in a team setting will increase.

It is also a good time of year for coming up with new ideas and setting new goals, particularly for the accomplishment of happy endeavors.

Your desire to participate, socialize, make connections, or concentrate on either your own personal goals or the causes you care about most comes to the forefront.




Taurus 6

Taurus, up until the 18th of February, you will radiate greater confidence and charisma in your professional or public life. In the coming weeks, there is a favorable opportunity for you to add more structure to your life, as the Sun will soon move to the top of your solar chart.

Now is the time of year to make attainable objectives for the coming year. Your professional standing or reputation, your performance level, the things you have accomplished, and your ability to accept responsibility all have a significant impact on your ego and your sense of identity.

Your approval needs can be useful to you as long as you keep them in check and keep them within reasonable bounds. Now would be a good time to think things through.

Communication today can be a little bit challenging; errors are possible. Nevertheless, you have a positive frame of mind.




Gemini 6

Gemini, a new solar cycle will soon begin, and it will place an emphasis on engaging in activities that force you out of your comfort zone and give you the opportunity to feel more connected to life.

This one-month cycle is restorative; it can present opportunities to learn new things and participate in activities that improve your state of mind.

This solar transit through your ninth solar house will last until February 18, and it points to a more outgoing phase as it awakens your forward-looking, exploratory nature.

Your mind, body, and soul will benefit greatly from participating in a variety of activities, different points of view, new ideas, new books, and new classes over the next few weeks, as well as from making connections with people who hold contrasting points of view.

At this point in the year, the pursuit of your goals and the realization of your ideals will become even more important to you. On the other hand, today may bring feelings of disconnection as well as some uncertainty.




Cancer 6

Cancer, today and tonight, the Sun will begin its journey through your eighth solar house, where it will remain until February 18 of next month.

During this cycle, you may find that questions regarding support, deeper dynamics in a relationship, and trust come up more frequently.

As a result of the fact that what lies beneath the surface of things is more important to you than what is right in front of you, this could be an extremely fruitful time for you to engage in activities such as research, analysis, investigation, and counseling.

In the coming weeks, you will feel an intense desire to understand the significance of your connections with others and to get to the bottom of the situation.

You might be able to kick a bad habit or attitude, which would result in increased personal power and a heightened sense of accomplishment.

Whether they are on the inside or the outside, changes serve to remind you that you are improving, learning, and transforming.

In the coming weeks, there is likely to be a greater emphasis on close relationships and sharing. Today it can be challenging to convey the intended meaning. It's best to be patient and wait.




Leo 6

Leo, the Moon will spend the day in your sixth solar house, which indicates that you will be concentrating on your work and your daily routines.

On the other hand, the Sun will soon move out of this solar chart and into your house of partnerships, where it will remain until the 18th of February.

This cycle emphasizes how dependent you are on the company of others in the weeks to come. Now the challenge is to find a balance between your need for others and your desire to maintain your independence.

There will be an emphasis placed on negotiating and expressing yourself through your relationships. You are also more attuned to the ways in which your life is out of balance, which may lead you to search for more harmony.

Right now is a good time to take a look at the expectations you have of other people. The transits of today can make communication difficult, but there are creative ways around these challenges.




Virgo 6

Virgo, the Sun is about to enter your house of work and health, and it will stay in this part of your chart until February 18th. During this phase, you are more confident in your work, which typically results in improved performance.

You'll find new approaches to your work or to taking care of your health. There is a tendency to put a lot of emphasis on the mundane activities of daily life, such as going shopping and doing paperwork.

Because of the increased significance that is placed on routines, schedules, and organization, this cycle is particularly helpful for getting your life in order.

Your life may present you with new information or circumstances that inspire you to live a life that is happier, more organized, and more fruitful for you.

Today's Mercury-Mars transit will bring about some minor annoyances, most of which will be the result of misunderstandings or missing information. You are in luck because the Moon will assist you in making things right.




Libra 6

Libra, the Sun will bless your house of self-expression and creativity, and will continue to transit in harmony with your sign until February 18th.

In the coming weeks, there will be a strong emphasis placed on having fun and expressing yourself in a way that is both satisfying and comforting.

You should focus extra attention on meeting your requirements for creative expression, drama, romance, hobbies, entertainment, and playtime.

You have access to positive energy and inspiration, which will serve you well in matters of love, time, and pleasure. You have a tendency to share your skills, abilities, and affections with others.

In the coming weeks, you will also find that it is simpler for you to ask for feedback and support. The Mercury-Mars transit that is taking place today may indicate that the timing is a little off, and accidents or misunderstandings may become more severe.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, as the Moon travels through your house of communications all day, you may feel compelled to maintain your connections with others more than usual.

However, after remaining in this house for a month, the Sun is about to move into your fourth solar house. In the coming weeks, home and family will attract you more than usual.

As the Sun continues its transit through your sign until February 18, there is the potential for powerful connections to your roots, foundation, and closest ties.

In addition, it is a time to get in close contact with the things that are happening inside your heart. It's not the most exciting or outgoing cycle of the Sun's journey through your chart.

However, it is an excellent cycle for establishing a sense of identity, feeling comfortable in your own skin, and gaining a deeper understanding of yourself.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, the Sun will soon begin a transit through your house of communications, which will last for one month and provide illumination to both your mind and the relationships you have with others.

The next few weeks will be wonderful for expanding your horizons and gaining knowledge of new topics. It may be challenging for you to work on a project with an exclusive focus because the demands on you and your own interests may be diverse right now.

In spite of this, now is an excellent time to get started on a variety of projects and to collect interesting information. In the next month, you should know that dealing with day-to-day activities will consume a significant portion of your time.

The warmth of the Sun here has a way of energizing you and keeping you on top of things. Due to a transit between Mercury and Mars today, there is potential for misunderstanding or difficulty arriving at a definitive conclusion.



Capricorn 6

Capricorn, the Moon will spend the day in your sign, but the Sun will soon finish its monthly transit. Today's focus is on your emotional needs.

This new solar transit, which will last until February 18th, is a good opportunity to build on recent discoveries and ideas. This cycle prioritizes engaging in activities that call your attention to the significance and beauty of the here and now.

You take stock, ensure the safety of your valuables, and gain a clearer understanding of what it is you are capable of achieving. During this period of relative stability, your view of your abilities is realistic.

You will have a clear understanding of the actions you need to take in order to improve your financial situation and take control of your income.

It is now clear that you are capable of providing for yourself, and as a result, you might feel more motivated than usual to build up your resources.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, because of today's Moon, the tendency is to unwind, draw conclusions, and think deeply. Nevertheless, the Sun will soon enter your sign and remain there until February 18, thereby enhancing your confidence and bringing more attention to you.

In the days that are to come, you might feel as if you're emerging from the shadows. You will have had some time to reflect on and make sense of recent occurrences, and you will enter this new cycle, which is focused on you, as a more refreshed version of “you.”

If you've been wanting to improve your appearance, now is an excellent time to do so, especially after tomorrow's New Moon. You have more personal presence and impact.

Now is the time to make the most of the opportunities that present themselves and shape your life in the direction that you envision.

This solar cycle places an emphasis on your individual wants and needs, your personality and plans, as well as your attitude toward meeting new people and welcoming them into your life.




Pisces 6

Pisces, as the Sun is about to move into your twelfth solar house, you are about to enter a period of the year in which you will benefit from having more downtime, personal space, and time for introspection.

This is an essential cycle for you to go through. Now is the time to place extra emphasis on maintaining mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

During this time period, you will undoubtedly spend more time away from the demanding aspects of your life, and you will also develop a heightened awareness of the underlying psychic currents that surround you.

You will have the opportunity to focus more on the past and put an end to projects that have reached their natural conclusion. You'll also arrive at significant conclusions and be better able to deal with things that have been left out, which will set your mind free.

During this time, it may be difficult for you to see yourself the same way others see you, and making decisions may take you longer than usual. If that's the case, just be patient.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

1 Comment
  1. Wonderful 🙏😇❤️

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