Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! January 29, 2023

Mars is in harmony with the Sun, which inspires us to be active and supports our initiative and entrepreneurial spirit. Mars also just completed its retrograde and is now picking up speed.

The Sun trine Mars today helps increase our drive. We want to put plans into action, assume leadership roles, and keep busy. Timing is generally good, and having faith in ourselves comes naturally.

Now is a good time to devote more energy than usual to do things that bring us pleasure, following our passions, or doing what we love.

Expect the unexpected as Mercury is trine Uranus. Because of this transit of open-mindedness, we search for solutions that are not obvious, and as a result, we come up with great ideas.

Instead of reverting to our more traditional ways of thinking and communicating, we choose to express ourselves in new or alternative ways. Conversations can be mildly provocative, which can lead to new ideas and points of view.

Mercury has just finished its retrograde cycle, and as a result, we may finally receive answers, solutions, or the green light for previously delayed plans and projects.



Aries 6

Aries, today is an excellent day for taking risks and expressing your enthusiasm. You might start solving a problem with the assistance of a loved one or a member family, which can be an especially effective strategy.

Mars was in its retrograde phase not too long ago, and ever since it went direct, it has been moving very slowly. But now it is picking up speed, and the Sun is supporting it in a harmonious aspect today, which increases our energy and motivation.

This driving force probably has the most obvious impact on your relationships with others, including your friends, communications, personal interests, transportation, group associations, classmates, siblings, and neighbors.

We have a rekindled interest in learning, making connections, and pursuing our own interests. You're motivated to move forward in life, triumph over challenges, and break destructive behavior patterns.

Your confidence increases and you have more momentum behind your businesses or ideas.




Taurus 6

Taurus, when the Sun and Mars are in harmony, it is easier for you to get excited about an idea or a project you are working on. Mars was retrograde not too long ago, but it has since gone direct.

The Sun trine Mars taking place today helps build momentum. As a result, you can have a wonderful sense of hope regarding matters pertaining to business and finances.

In particular, if you demonstrate an attitude that is forward-thinking and enthusiastic about the future, your business and reputation will be healthy, active, and stimulating.

This very moment marks the beginning of your desire to be successful. It is a good time to figure out how to easily solve difficult problems and challenges that you're currently facing.

You should make the most of this momentum. Even though on Sundays you tend to keep a lower profile, you feel as though you can make quick decisions and trust your intuition today.




Gemini 6

Gemini, Mars in your sign, picks up speed and forms a trine aspect with the Sun today, which results in you feeling motivated and enthusiastic.

When Mars was retrograde in your sign not too long ago, you may have experienced feelings of lethargy. Your hopes and aspirations receive a boost or you discover a new reason to pursue them today!

You are beginning to feel a sense of competition, but rather than putting pressure on you, this feeling serves to motivate you. You have a strong desire to move forward with a project, educational goal, or hobby.

You're also willing to take the necessary actions to make that happen. You would rather move on without discussing the situation and just get things done.

Take advantage of this surge of energy and take action, because this is a time when doing something sensible can be a great learning experience.




Cancer 6

Cancer, because of the harmonious aspect between the Sun and Mars today, your confidence is rising steadily, and as a result, you are acting with greater conviction and boldness.

You have the sense that you are prepared to deal with a problem that has been ignored for far too long. You've been putting things off or have had the impression that you're wandering aimlessly.

However, something that's happening right now is giving you the mental space to move forward or take a daring step toward your goals or desires.

Mars is still moving through your house of privacy; this suggests that you are currently in a blossoming phase for projects and plans in general. This in no way indicates that you are becoming complacent; in fact, the opposite is true, and you will have evidence of this beginning tomorrow.

Now is a good time to make a beautiful connection either with yourself through self-discovery or with a family member, friend, or significant other.




Leo 6

Leo, the energies of the day support working together with others in order to get things done. Your mood is upbeat and positive, which makes it easier for you to finish projects and connect with others in a more confident manner.

Mars just ended its retrograde motion, and despite the fact that it has been moving forward normally for more than two weeks, it is now speeding up.

The fact that Mars is currently trine the Sun is encouraging news for your overall level of motivation. You might experience a surge of vitality in relation to or because of a partner, friend, or associate.

It can be enjoyable to engage in pleasant conversation with someone or to make progress with something that is important to you because pleasant conversations and connections are very present.




Virgo 6

Virgo, today the Sun is trine Mars which can not only generate the desire to think about decisive measures, but also the confidence that is necessary to move forward with whatever you have in mind.

Mercury, your ruling planet, is in a favorable position today, and as a result, you should experience a particularly upbeat mood.

Because the Sun is currently in your house of work and services and Mars is in your house of career and life, you are ready to put in the effort necessary to achieve your goals.

You might receive public acknowledgment for the things that you do, but a sense of personal fulfillment as a result of your efforts is likely to be a more powerful motivator.

Given that it is Sunday, you should also think about giving yourself a little bit of a break.




Libra 6

Libra, the energies of the day support you in making the most of every opportunity. You regain both your confidence and your clarity.

You are more passionate and expressive now that the Sun and Mars are harmonious with one another. This transit may inspire you to go on an adventure of some kind or it may inspire you to work harder to accomplish a goal or a dream.

You may have spent more time over the past few months working on perfecting your strategy for achieving your life goals rather than actively pursuing what it is that you want.

On the other hand, your motivation is returning, and you find that you are more direct and active. This is primarily due to the fact that you have a more robust sense of purpose.

You are well-suited to pursue intellectual interests and studies. If you've been keeping your fingers crossed that a certain someone will get in touch with you, now would be the perfect time for it to happen.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, the Sun in your house of home will make a harmonious connection with Mars in your house of intimacy. This may inspire you to make improvements in either your exterior or internal environment.

After a period of time during which you were unsure of a project or a special relationship, you are now more confident and direct with regard to these matters.

Today, things appear to flow naturally, and there is very little interference, which makes it much simpler to take action and make decisions that will have a positive impact.

Because you do not want to live in the past, you are prepared to take the initiative. It is also a good time to investigate, research, or try to get a lead on a topic that has been puzzling you.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, even though it's Sunday, the day could be very busy and full of activity. You have a vision for the future and are always looking for new ways to innovate.

The Sun is currently transiting through your house of communications and it is in harmony with Mars in your house of partnerships, which makes it easier for you to form associations and get a better understanding of things.

Conversations are positive and constructive and can give you the impression that you are making progress, but what is more important is that you are now ready to put a plan or idea into action.

You are also prepared to take on a difficult task. Mars was moving slowly and in retrograde motion not too long ago, but it is now picking up speed, and you are regaining your motivation and positive spirit as a result.

Keep in mind the importance of getting some rest.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, if you listen to your intuition, it will help you express yourself in a way that is more creative. Today is a fantastic day to bring more positivity and good vibes into your life.

It is also helpful to give some thought to your plans, particularly those that concern the management of your finances, your responsibilities, or your work.

You are more resourceful and enterprising, and you may sense a growing desire to take action regarding a matter pertaining to money, work, or health.

At this time, decisions pertaining to your finances, possessions, or personal possessions may come about in an unexpected manner or may be made instinctively.

Mars was retrograde in your house of work and health not too long ago, but it has since changed direction which should increase your drive to get things done.

You now have a greater sense of accomplishment and pride in yourself for taking charge, and as confidence continues to grow, things will proceed more easily.

You might also think about unwinding and focusing a little more on your family today.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, this is a powerful time for you to think about ways in which you can improve your creative, recreational, or romantic endeavors, as well as your personal projects.

Mars has been retrograde for several months, but it is now picking up speed, and so are your plans and your confidence!

You are becoming more courageous, and you will soon directly pursue your desires. When life moves at a faster pace and you worry less about the next step, you experience an increase in your level of courage.

You might feel more confident in a romantic relationship, a project you're working on with your family, or your emotions. Independence and spontaneity are valued more than usual.

You might be causing more disruptions, but it's all for the sake of moving things forward! You naturally express your unique qualities.




Pisces 6

Pisces, you find that it is much simpler to make decisions today, and you are appreciative of the fresh energy in the air.

You might do something out of the ordinary or engage in some constructive activity, particularly behind the scenes, at home, or in your personal life.

When the Sun is in a harmonious aspect with Mars, it is much simpler than usual for you to put your emotional needs first or to put something that is holding you back in the past.

Projects that are associated with the home are receiving a significant boost today. In spite of the fact that progress has been slow over the past few months, things are beginning to pick up speed now.

You are now more aware of your need to experience a sense of safety in the future, and you are able to take steps to achieve your future safety goals, particularly those related to your home and family.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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