Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! July 10, 2023

Mars enters Virgo and will stay there until August 27, encouraging us to pay attention to the details and strive to do things right at the right time.

One of our biggest motivators at the moment is the satisfaction of doing quality work. During this cycle, we are more careful and worried about our performance.

On the other hand, Mercury will square off against Pluto today before entering Leo tomorrow. This configuration will put some pressure on us to find solutions to problems, but be careful not to make any rush decisions now.

You may experience mental tension, paranoid thoughts, or excessive suspicion. We may feel compelled to ask questions and express our concerns, or on the contrary, we may withhold information.

Watch out for power struggles or confrontations. However, if we're willing to learn from our resentment, this period can help us better understand what we really want.

Mars in Virgo compels us to be attentive to detail and to seek the satisfaction of a job well done. Mercury is opposite Pluto, which can result in mental tension and conflict.

By being cautious in our decisions and seeking to understand our deeper motivations, we'll be able to make the most of this period.



Aries 6

Aries, Mars, your ruling planet, will enter your housework and health until August 27. You'll benefit from increased energy for work, organization, fitness, nutrition, research, and self-care.

This cycle creates an environment that is conducive to starting stimulating projects that you may have put off. You might feel heavily preoccupied with worries or face frustrating disagreements.

Now is an excellent time to intensify or initiate a health and fitness program. Since Mercury is opposite Pluto, mental tensions may emerge. You may be enthusiastic about a project or idea but also feel a certain resistance.

People tend to be defensive about their beliefs, which can lead to family conflicts. You're enthusiastic about a project or idea, but at the same time, you're feeling some resistance.

Chaotic energy may be present, but focusing on organizing and sorting things can help you refocus your attention.

You may also be finding it difficult to juggle your personal and professional responsibilities. If you've become too attached to specific ambitions, it can be beneficial to release the pressure a little when tensions get too high.




Taurus 6

Taurus, today Mars has moved into your fifth solar house, where it will bring you a surge of energy and enthusiasm for romance, fun, and activities that allow you to express yourself creatively.

This transit will continue until the 27th of August. During this time, it should be easier for you to communicate with others and make your wants and needs known to those around you.

You may take a relationship to the next level. You'll also have more energy to devote to your hobbies and leisure activities; it's time to enjoy yourself to the fullest!

Nevertheless, you have a lot on your head right now. Mercury opposite Pluto can bring about feelings of insecurity or the fear of losing the admiration of another person.

It can also raise fears about making changes in your life. Holding on too tightly to an opinion can prevent you from progressing, growing and evolving.

Nevertheless, this does not imply that you have to give in to everything. It's simply a matter of refocusing if you've invested too much time and energy in something that's draining you.

Try to overcome obstacles, because resentment can deprive you of happiness.




Gemini 6

Gemini, Mars is moving into your house of home and family, and this transit will continue until August 27. Now is a good time to focus on improving your personal life.

In the coming weeks, Mars will bring a dynamic and, at times, restless energy to your home, family life, and domestic affairs.

You feel satisfied by channeling this energy into projects and pursuits related to your house and your loved ones. Avoid pointless or harmful quarrels, but they may be productive if they help revitalize and renew your relationships.

However, with Mercury opposite Pluto today, you may experience tension in your interactions. People may become defensive or feel the need to prove something if an idea challenges their comfort zone.

If you keep pressing for answers, you might run into trouble, and problems with finances or support that you've been thinking about for a while might finally come to a head.

If you feel undervalued, you could be particularly frustrated. Keep in mind that finding a compromise would be ideal, but it requires concessions, and it would be best not to depend too much on other people at this time.




Cancer 6

Cancer, Mars is now moving into your house of communications, where it will remain until the 27th of August. This brings a dose of excitement to your daily life in the weeks ahead.

During this cycle, you will feel an overwhelming desire to connect with others, write, speak, and learn.

However, keep in mind that disagreements regarding ideas and perspectives may be occurring more frequently these days, and you should be careful not to be too impatient when communicating.

Your magnetism and energy are boosted. You'll express your thoughts with conviction and enjoy the exciting responses you elicit.

However, with Mercury opposite Pluto today, you may feel energies that are not only complicated but can also reveal hidden truths. Your ideas or projects could run into obstacles, so it's important not to push yourself too hard.

Communication can be difficult, and if you are unable to express yourself openly, you may feel frustrated.

Try to avoid confrontation, but if a problem becomes unbearable, this could be the moment when something forces the situation to resolve itself.



Leo 6

Leo, Mars' entry into your second solar house encourages you to be more courageous in business and income matters, as well as in the defense of your territory and recognition of your value.

This transit will continue until the 27th of August. During this time, you may feel greater financial independence; however, keep in mind that it can also be a time of increased desires and spending.

Instead of using up all of your resources, you should focus on growing them and managing them in the most effective way possible.

Be courageous and go after what you want and deserve. It's a good time to find new ways to improve your sense of security and comfort.

Despite this, today you may have some tense thoughts or concerns. This is due to Mercury opposite Pluto, which highlights critical issues that require resolution.

Channel your mental energy into constructive and creative activities, and don't let your imagination take over. Excessive curiosity can lead you to jump into something before you're really ready.

You'll feel an overwhelming amount of pressure to move on, even if you don't feel emotionally or physically ready.




Virgo 6

Virgo, today marks the beginning of Mars' entry in your sign, which will last until August 27. You will have plenty of chances to assert who you are and seek the things in life that you want during this phase.

You may feel particularly motivated, eager, assertive, and perhaps impulsive over the next few weeks. For the best results, watch out for hasty, reckless, or impatient behavior to get the best results.

With Mercury, your ruling planet, opposite Pluto today, you may feel conflicting energy. This can challenge you to deal with latent problems.

Tensions and pressures from others, especially in love and friendship relationships, may be present, and a certain obsession may be involved.

You'll find yourself going back and forth between an intense desire to learn the truth about a matter and the fear that follows.

Purge, let go, and release. Be kind to yourself by not brooding too much or entertaining negative or obsessive thoughts.




Libra 6

Libra, today Mars moves into your twelfth solar house, where it will remain until the 27th of August. This transit encourages you to take charge of your personal life.

Biw is an excellent opportunity to reevaluate your goals, needs, and wants. Even though this is not the most dynamic or decisive period of your life, it's a good time to eliminate activities and situations that have outlived their usefulness.

You might not always know how to channel your energy effectively, but this can lead you to find creative ways of meeting challenges.

With Mercury opposite Pluto today, old wounds can reopen, especially through communications. They may find expression in your conversations or manifest themselves in secrets revealed or hidden things that emerge.

The fear of losing control or not being informed can lead to frustrating scenarios or tension. There may be dead ends so avoid forcing issues. It's best to observe, formulate a strategy, then act later.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, today, Mars will move into your social sector where it will stay until August 27. During this cycle, you focus more on the pursuit of happiness, friendships, networking, and community.

Look for opportunities to work as a team to achieve your goals, while avoiding excessive competition with your friends. Your energy levels increase, and you find that there are fewer obstacles in your path.

Mercury is opposite Pluto, and there may be a certain fear of change lurking behind disagreements. This transit challenges you to grow through conversations and exposure to new ideas, opinions, and methods.

When people have different points of view, tension can quickly arise. You might experience mental tension and find yourself confronted with challenges or resistance.

Issues with communication, education, and transportation will become more pressing. You can feel like you're on a mission to discover the truth about a case!

However, avoid developing an unhealthy attachment to other people's answers, especially if you find that their responses aggravate you.

Change your perspective rather than cling firmly to an idea or belief, in order to relax and refocus.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, today, Mars will move into your house of career and reputation, where it will remain until the 27th of August. It is a good time to take the initiative, be proactive, and pursue your ambitions.

During this transit, you may find yourself in conflict with authority figures or facing challenges to your reputation, but you'll improve as you go along.

You have a passion to move forward and progress in all aspects of your life, professionally and personally. This transit stimulates your aspirations and your desire to be acknowledged for your accomplishments.

There are a lot of complex energies today. With Mercury opposite Pluto, mental intensity could pose a few problems. Tensions can arise in a relationship if imbalances or resentments exist.

Worries can seem pressing and burdensome, making it difficult to relax and enjoy oneself. Embrace opportunities for growth and overcome your fears rather than resist.

Sensitive areas include fundamental values, power dynamics, money, and questions of sharing or ownership. You could make a  big discovery or pursue a line of research with determination today, but be careful not to overdo it.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, today, Mars moves into your ninth solar house, where it will remain until the 27th of August. This transit encourages you to have more engaging and stimulating experiences.

With Mars in harmony with your sign, you have more confidence and are better able to pursue the things that you want. Taking control of your life becomes more natural and you believe in your dreams!

You are looking for life experiences that are more meaningful. Your thirst for learning may also intensify during this period. However, with Mercury opposite Pluto, today can be a stressful day.

You could easily find yourself caught up in confrontations with other people, taking differences of opinion or methods very personally.

To feel empowered, it's important to remain open, flexible, and focused on your own personal growth rather than allowing yourself to be disrupted by the opinions and actions of others.

You can channel this extra energy into productive activities, which can prove fruitful.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, Mars moves into your eighth solar house, where it will stay until the 27th of August. During this transit, you may be tackling challenges within a close relationship related to power-sharing or you're plunging into the heart of your desires.

If conflicts arise in the coming weeks, you'll be able to get in touch with your passions and desires through these trials. Instead of diving in headfirst, take a strategic approach.

Your desires are deeper than usual, or even a little bit more complicated. Sometimes, this transit can be linked to financial conflicts.

When it comes to your finances, shared loans, or debts, you may need to take the initiative or take action. You could also embark on an exciting project, research, investigation, or tackle a mystery over the next few weeks.

Today, try not to overload yourself or focus too much on your shortcomings. Mercury opposite Pluto can cause irritation, and problems related to anxiety or guilt can hamper your productivity.

Conversations can become tense, or your thoughts can take you into stressful territory as you think back on old wounds.

Previously buried elements may resurface, and this can be very revealing, leading to important discoveries about your feelings, secret ambitions, and fears.




Pisces 6

Pisces, today Mars moves into your opposite sign and your house of partnerships. Until August 27, your relationships can be both stimulating and turbulent.

Certain people irritate or frustrate you, while other people will inspire you to do better. It's important to recognize your own role in any conflicts or tensions that may arise.

Working together with others, exchanging ideas, or simply associating can be a source of positive energy. Although this transit can cause tension or conflict, it can also be refreshing as it forces you to confront problems.

With Mercury opposite Pluto at this time, you may also experience some mental tension. Someone might try to outdo you or take control, or you might be confronted with a brutal reality.

On the other hand, this could be an opportunity to clear things up. People tend to stubbornly cling to their own opinions.

If conflicts don't lead to learning experiences, the focus on communication could be wasting your time and energy. Today, rather than clinging to negative feelings, try to free yourself and get rid of them.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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