Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! July 11, 2023

Mercury enters Leo today and will stay there until the 28th of this month. Over the next few weeks, we will think with confidence and ambition and clearly defined goals will motivate us.

We will make firm decisions, speak confidently, and persuade others with our words. We want our opinions and ideas to be heard, and we don't sit back and let others make all the decisions.

As Mercury travels through Leo, we are inspired to be creative and assume management and leadership roles. We should be open to change and not become too rigid or too proud to alter our course.

A semi-sextile aspect between Mercury and Mars this morning leads to hasty decisions or indecisiveness. We may encounter temporary difficulties in putting our ideas into action.

The Moon aligning with Taurus this afternoon brings an energy that is patient, warm, and forgiving. We embrace our need for comfort, security, and stability and seek joy, growth, and self-improvement.



Aries 6

Aries, as Mercury travels through your house of creativity you tend to communicate with gusto. You seem to be enjoying yourself more, and your perspective and attitude are positive, outgoing, and refreshing.

This energy allows you to share your ideas with enthusiasm and express your creativity in an inspiring way. Today you also benefit from favorable aspects in areas of work, home, family, and finances.

This indicates that you can benefit from making plans or setting goals that will help you feel more secure. You have more confidence in the people and ideas around you.

This is the perfect time to work on something you're passionate about, especially in the practical areas of your life, such as work, money, and health.

Make the most of this time by exploring new professional paths, developing your financial skills, or improving your physical well-being.

Trust your intuition and pursue your interests. You have the ability to bring about positive changes in your life. It is also a great time to strengthen family ties and build a harmonious atmosphere.

Prioritize your emotional security and surround yourself with people who encourage and uplift you. Your communicative, positive energy opens up new opportunities.

Make the most of this day by devoting yourself entirely to your interests, working to improve your financial stability, and creating harmony in your relationships and environment.




Taurus 6

Taurus, from now until the 28th, you seek more security, and you're good at it. You long for more peace and predictability in your life.

Your interactions with family members have a natural and easy flow. Today you have a positive outlook on life, and you can make a big discovery or improve your intellectual standing.

Pay attention to the ideas that come your way, especially when it comes to communication projects, health, and romantic relationships.  You will have many wonderful opportunities for self-expression.

It is also a wonderful time to invest your time and effort into a project, hobby, or learning activity that you are enthusiastic about.

You are excited and motivated to take action or make connections that will improve your life. Seize the opportunities that come your way and show confidence in your abilities.

You are willing to consider new perspectives and are ready to explore new avenues for self-fulfillment. Make the most of this time to cultivate your individual skills and interests.

Don't be afraid to share your thoughts and feelings with others. Your communication skills are improving and you can expect harmonious exchanges with the people around you, especially in your family circle.

Emotional bonds are strengthened and you build an atmosphere of trust and understanding. Keep in mind to take care of your well-being and emotional balance.

Listen to your needs and take the time to rest and recharge when necessary. Your positive attitude and optimistic energy lead you to wonderful opportunities for personal development and for making meaningful connections with others.




Gemini 6

Gemini, Mercury will enter your third solar house and stay there until the 28th of this month. During this time, you will have more active communication, connections, and movement than usual.

You'll be talkative, expressive, curious, and interactive. You have an easier time expressing yourself and connecting with others.

Today's energies will give you a strong sense of progress. You have a clearer picture of the things that are important to you, which may change and influence your approach to money and material goods.

You manage your finances, talents, and possessions better, and work more efficiently to achieve your goals. Now is an excellent time to take care of your mental and emotional well-being.

You receive support from your family in the form of understanding and encouragement, or you are motivated to undertake domestic projects with passion, energy, and love.

Make the most of this time to connect with others, share your ideas, learn new things, and explore potential opportunities. Keep an open mind to engaging exchanges of ideas.

Always remember to take care of your mental and physical health. Pay special attention to your emotional well-being by cultivating activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

Spend more quality time with your loved ones and make changes to your living space at home.




Cancer 6

Cancer, today marks the beginning of Mercury's transit through your second solar house, which indicates that you can look forward to a rewarding period when it comes to finances, material security, and income.

In the coming days, weeks, and months, you can expect exciting news, innovative ideas, and research opportunities in these areas.

As you explore new approaches to earning money and expanding your business, your creative spirit will be particularly active.

Mercury's transit is also beneficial for developing your talents, pursuing hobbies that can result in concrete material gain, and establishing yourself in a specific field.

Make the most of this opportunity to cultivate your skills and interests, as this can introduce new opportunities for growth and abundance in your life.

You have a positive and motivated attitude today, which helps you with your projects. Helping others has a beneficial effect not only on them but also on you.

You are in a great position to make meaningful connections with your friends and the people around you, and you are ready to take action to realize your ambitions.

You articulate your thoughts in a clear and persuasive way, and your words can have a significant impact on others. Do not hesitate to share your thoughts, ideas, and projects; by doing so, you will receive more support.

Align your financial goals with your personal values and emotional well-being.




Leo 6

Leo, Mercury starts transiting your sign today, and until the 28th, decision-making will be much easier.

Today, you radiate confidence and safety, especially when it comes to the direction of your business, career, or personal goals.

You have a positive attitude and learn to draw on your personal experience and wisdom to reach your full potential.

You feel engaged and ready for challenges. You want to make improvements to your work or your financial situation.

This is the perfect time to ask for what you want and deserve and to pursue the goals that are important to you. You express your needs and goals, and you're heard and supported.

Make the most of this time to assert who you are and focus on the things that bring you satisfaction. You are already equipped with the knowledge and resources necessary to accomplish your goals; you only need to have faith in yourself and act with determination.

Keep in mind that your potential is limitless and with the right attitude and a clear vision of what you want to achieve, you can achieve great things.




Virgo 6

Virgo, Mercury enters your twelfth solar house and will stay there until the 28th of this month. Introspective energy enters your life, which will prompt you to adopt a new perspective of the world around you.

You feel the need to take a step back and think things over, which makes you less likely to make hasty decisions. Spend some time reflecting and thinking about recent events and ideas.

Today, you feel deeply emotionally convinced. Your friends are a source of motivation and encouragement for you, encouraging you to broaden your worldview and explore new ideas and causes.

You're evolving your perspective in a powerful and positive way, and you feel the need to share your ideas with others. Mars encourages you to take action and go after what you want.

You are in a great position to participate in competitions, games, learning endeavors, or creative projects today as Mars forms harmonious aspects with the North Node of the Moon.

You're ready to take on challenges and express your creativity with confidence and determination. Make the most of this positive energy by engaging in activities that excite and inspire you.

You can accomplish wonderful things. Keep pursuing the things that interest you and develop your skills. Don't be afraid to express yourself and share your ideas with others, as this can lead to enriching encounters and new opportunities.




Libra 6

Libra, Mercury enters and stays in your house of community until the 28th of this month. During this time, you'll have stimulating conversations with friends and come up with innovative new ideas.

You are open to new ideas and are drawn to progressive and unique topics that stimulate your thinking. You'll easily notice forward-thinking ideas and take an interest in causes that are close to your heart.

You feel a strong sense of purpose today as a result of your emotional connections and support. Your confidence skyrockets.

You'll be able to draw on your natural self-confidence to achieve your goals and feel in harmony with your choices and decisions.

Today there is an energizing aspect taking place, but it is happening in the quieter and hidden areas of your chart. It means there is a lot going on behind the scenes, within you, or in your private life.

You feel a surge of inner energy and a desire to get in touch with your true self. This is a great opportunity for introspection, to devote yourself to personal development activities, or to engage in spiritual practices that nourish your soul.

Spend some time refocusing and getting in touch with your deepest needs. Keep an open mind when it comes to exploring and discovering new aspects of yourself.

Allow your intuition and your natural curiosity to guide you, and make the most of this opportunity to grow and develop on a deeper level.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, with Mercury moving toward the top of your solar chart today, your communications will have a greater impact than usual.

You're more aware of the importance of your words and the consequences they can have. It encourages you to be more mindful and thoughtful in your interactions.

You are held responsible for what you say. This transit is also beneficial for making detailed plans for your long-term goals, especially as regards your career.

Now is the ideal time to give some serious consideration to your professional goals and how you'll get there. You have excellent energy to connect with a partner today.

Sharing your thoughts and ideas with someone special is refreshing, and you might find that you're on the same page when it comes to important issues.

You may feel a strong sense of mission or purpose through your relationships, ideas, and shared projects. You are also full of energy, motivation, and excitement regarding your ideas, interests, and relationships.

You are ready to take action and make progress toward your goals. Today is a wonderful day for working together on a project. You'll enjoy the feeling of growth, advancement, and improvement this brings to your life.

Make the most of this time by sharing ideas, pursuing the things that excite you, and strengthening connections with those around you. Stay focused, committed, and open to the opportunities that come your way.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, today, Mercury moves into your expansive house of thought and philosophy, which paves the way for the exploration of exciting new ideas and subjects.

During this cycle, which lasts until the 28th, your mind is hungry for excitement and spontaneity, and it seeks intellectually stimulating experiences. Monotony and routine will not satisfy you during this period.

Your convictions are strengthened by today's harmonious and supportive aspects, and you have a strong sense of purpose. You feel warmth and deep understanding in a close relationship.

This is also a motivating and stimulating time to take care of your business. Whether in your work, your daily life, your health, or your finances, you feel a healthy level of competitiveness and a special focus on achieving a certain level of freedom and progress.

Now is a good time to focus on these areas and make progress toward your goals. Keep an open mind toward new ideas and perspectives as they come your way.

Explore new topics, expand your horizons, and look for opportunities for personal growth and development. Trust your intuition and inner wisdom when making decisions.

You are on the path that leads to success and achievement; therefore, you should make the most of this time to blossom intellectually and reach new heights.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, today Mercury enters your house of intimacy, which sparks an interest in the mysteries and subtleties of life. Your mind will be very inquisitive throughout this cycle, which will continue until the 28th of this month.

You are drawn to understanding inner motivations, behind-the-scenes activities, and secrets. You're good at finding the hidden meanings in things and reading between the lines.

You are in excellent shape to connect with others and have satisfying interactions today. You have a stronger sense of purpose and are driven by a desire for improvement and growth in your close relationships.

This moment is ideal for connecting with the things that your heart truly wants and pursuing them with confidence. You'll feel a powerful attraction or intense interest, encouraging you to form special bonds with significant people or projects.

Keep an open mind as you explore your emotions and your inner world. Spend some time reflecting on your deeper motivations and connect with your authentic self.

By exploring the hidden aspects of your life, you'll discover new opportunities for personal growth and intimate connection.

Mercury's transit is a call to explore the inner workings of your being. Use this time to engage in constructive introspection, connect with those around you in a deeper and more meaningful way, and pursue projects that inspire you.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, today marks the beginning of Mercury's transit through your house of partnerships, and from now until the 28th, you'll be particularly inclined to exchange ideas with others.

Discussions and interactions with important people in your life will play a key role in your learning process, helping you to better understand your own opinions and ideas.

Today's transits bring a sense of support to your relationships and enable you to play a supportive role for others. Make the most of this opportunity to explore your emotional world, your deepest needs, and your inner workings.

Conversations with coworkers, mentors, and other specialists in your field can provide you with new insights and perspectives, which can help you advance your professional goals and improve your mental and physical health.

Spend some time talking to a loved one or family member. You may feel a strong sense of belonging and support within your family circle.

You are also driven by an intense passion and the desire to invest in your projects. Use this Mercury transit to develop open and clear communication with your partners.

Be attentive to the ideas and perspectives of others, and don't hesitate to share your thoughts.




Pisces 6

Pisces, Mercury's transit through your house of work and health starts today and will continue until the 28th. Now is the perfect time to focus on the details that you might neglect at other times of the year.

During this cycle, you have an increased interest in organizing, creating lists, and making concrete plans. You feel clearer and are better prepared to meet any challenge that may come your way.

You are supported in the areas of work, conversations, and relationships. Your ability to express yourself satisfactorily is strengthened, facilitating exchanges and effective communication.

A relationship or person provides you with the motivation you're looking for, especially when it comes to your mind, education, and ideas.

Today is a wonderful day for reconnecting with important people in your life, rekindling an existing relationship, or meeting new people who share your interests and aspirations.

Your resilience stands out today. You face the difficulties ahead of you with bravery and determination. Make the most of this energy by devoting yourself completely to your work, your health, and your projects.

Keep an open mind toward the opportunities for growth and learning. During this Mercury cycle, if you keep a positive attitude and a proactive approach, you can achieve great things.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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