Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! July 12, 2023

The Sun squares off Chiron this morning, which can bring up insecurities and areas of vulnerability in a disruptive way.

We may be easily swayed by the opinions of others because we lack the confidence to satisfy them, or because we're afraid to assert our own desires.

On the other hand, we may go to great lengths to prove our worth or to assert our individuality, when the best option would be to acknowledge our feelings of vulnerability aroused by people or circumstances.

The Moon is currently in Taurus, which highlights harmony, comfort, and tenacity. Even though we aren't likely to step outside of our comfort zone, we still enjoy light, pleasant interactions.

We must be aware of our own limits and our emotional needs should be respected. Don't waste time trying to appease others; instead, focus on finding an inner balance and exploring our own feelings of vulnerability.

By recognizing and honoring our emotions, we can make decisions that are more in line with our true essence. Today, allow yourself to relax and get some much-needed rest.

Put your health first, and treat yourself with kindness. Cultivate moments of calm and reflection to connect with your deepest needs.



Aries 6

Aries, the Moon is transiting through your house of resources. During the first half of the day, you'll struggle with insecurities and question whether you should follow your own path or maintain the status quo.

If you notice that people around you are being grumpy, try not to take their issues to heart. You quickly realize how important it is to have a mission today, however modest it may seem.

Embarking on a new path of self-expression can seem insincere or rebellious if you're not fully committed. Take as much time as you need to feel truly aligned.

At the beginning of the day, you might feel a little discouraged and confused about where to begin, but as the day goes on, things make more sense.

Pay attention to your intuition and honor your needs. If you feel resistance or inadequacy in certain situations, it's important to explore this feeling more deeply.

Get in touch with your true self and figure out what resonates with you. After you align with your values and aspirations, you'll be able to move forward with more confidence and determination.

Do things at your own pace. Trust your intuition and don't let others' opinions or expectations way you. Be authentic in your choices and actions, and seek simplicity and comfort in your life.

Remain open to opportunities and confident in your ability to navigate the challenges ahead.




Taurus 6

Taurus, the Moon is currently in your sign, bringing out your sensitive side while also highlighting your courageous nature.

On the other hand, during the early part of the day, you may feel guilty because of the things you haven't accomplished yet.

With the Sun square Chiron, you may feel ignored or pushed to the sidelines. Insecurities can arise, but they can also be an opportunity for learning and growth.

Under this influence, it may be difficult for you to make important decisions, and you may need to discuss certain matters with another person.

On the other hand, as the day goes on, you may feel new energy that lights up your life. It's natural to feel a little more energetic and spontaneous.

Your emotions are on edge, but you are in control. Address any feelings of guilt or insecurity that may surface and recognize that you have the power to rise above these feelings.

Use this day to take a step back, reflect on your priorities and make decisions based on your values and aspirations.

You can create a life that is authentic and fulfilling if you focus on your personal growth and go at your own pace. Be kind to yourself, and trust your ability to overcome challenges and accomplish what you set out to do.




Gemini 6

Gemini, you are in a dynamic that is favorable for you to participate in activities that will revitalize and refresh you today.

You might be taken aback by an unexpected feeling or your instinct to solve problems may be radical.

During the first half of the day, you're surrounded by an atmosphere of disloyalty and general mistrust. This is not the best time to make progress on personal projects or to try to fix relationships.

With the Sun square Chiron, there are insecurities related to a close friend, a group, or even financial concerns. Don't follow other people's plans simply to avoid conflict, while neglecting your own inner voice.

Keep an open mind and try understanding yourself whenever something triggers an emotional response or an old wound resurfaces. Pay attention to your needs.

Things tend to run more smoothly later in the day. In fact, it's a great time to take a short break and rest. Give yourself a well-deserved break and look after your physical and emotional well-being.

Make use of this time to engage in self-reflection, identify your priorities, and take action to move forward. Take the time to understand yourself, explore your emotions, and heal any inner wounds.

Make the most of today to refocus, recharge your batteries, and reconnect with yourself.




Cancer 6

Cancer, during the first half of the day, you may feel the weight of the demands of your career, family, parents, or other responsibilities.

You are a sensitive person, so you take the expectations and boundaries set by other people to heart. However, you may lack the self-confidence to take immediate action.

Keep in mind that you don't have to follow others' expectations, as doing so will only frustrate you.

It's normal to feel a certain sensitivity when someone or something touches a chord within you. This may be a sign that there is room for improvement in certain aspects of your life.

However, rather than focusing solely on what other people believe or expect of you, think about the ways in which you can foster your own personal development and well-being.

Think about your needs and wishes, and explore opportunities that will allow you to improve for yourself, not just to satisfy the expectations of others.

It's true that this might not be the best time to make big decisions, as you might feel a little hesitant. Nevertheless, make the most of this time by cultivating meaningful relationships with the people around you.

Know that you're capable of striking a balance between your responsibilities and your personal well-being.




Leo 6

Leo, with the Moon spending the day in your tenth solar house, today is a good day to focus on your mission or your goals, even if they are relatively simple, as this will improve your mood.

You feel the need to have a clear goal and commit yourself fully to whatever you undertake. However, during the first half of the day, the Sun square Chiron may result in some minor setbacks or the resurfacing of issues from the past.

You'll find yourself struggling with questions or uncertainty regarding your beliefs, ideas, relationships, or life goals.

It's important not to take other people's opinions personally, and not to be discouraged by the challenges they present.

Instead, try to learn from these experiences, as they can be quite enlightening and rewarding on a personal and emotional level.

As the day progresses, you'll feel the balance returning. You'll crave novelty, independence, and creative space. So it's essential not to overload yourself with too many demanding activities.

The connections you make while pursuing your goals can be inspiring and original. You're able to create meaningful connections with others, sharing ideas and collaborating on exciting projects.

Be honest with yourself and your values, and don't let uncertainties or setbacks bring you down.




Virgo 6

Virgo, you have a strong desire to learn something new and to challenge yourself in ways that take you outside of your comfort zone today.

You are ready to recognize the challenges that stand in your way and visualize a more satisfying life after you have overcome them.

Nevertheless, during the first half of the day, you may feel discouraged by doubts and uncertainties that undermine your self-confidence.

This can have an effect on your decisions and interactions. However, realize that this momentary lack of confidence is also an opportunity to learn more about who you are and your needs.

You may feel confused about your feelings in a relationship or about financial or other support. Boundaries can be blurred, and it can be difficult to know how, when, and if to establish them clearly.

As the day goes on, however, transits encourage you to seek new experiences and broaden your perspective by looking for a change of pace.

This can have a beneficial effect on your mood and allow you to see things in a different light. Be open to opportunities for growth and change.

Now is a good time to break out of your routine and look for new and interesting experiences to enrich your life.




Libra 6

Libra, today the Moon is currently transiting through your house of intimacy, which stirs deep feelings as well as a desire to explore your inner needs.

In the first part of the day, you could face insecurities related to your performance, responsibilities, or close relationships with the Sun square Chiron.

It's important not to try too hard to please others and to strike a balance by respecting yourself and others. Be aware of your accumulated feelings and make sure you express yourself assertively in your closest relationships.

Now is a good time to identify weaknesses or vulnerabilities and to develop strategies to get past them. You may find that you need to be more assertive in your partnerships.

You may find that you need to be more assertive in your partnerships. You'll be able to step back and see situations from a more objective perspective.

Recognize and appreciate the talents, contributions, and resources of the people around you. Working with others can be rewarding and will assist you in overcoming the challenges you are currently facing.

It's also a crucial time to recognize and appreciate the talents, contributions, and resources of the people around you. Take time to connect with yourself and nurture your emotional needs.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, you are aware of the importance of your relationships and your need for companionship. You want to connect with others on a deeper level.

Nevertheless, in the early part of the day, you may be more sensitive to the comments or actions of others, which can touch on your sensitive points.

This presents you with an opportunity to take action to strengthen areas of your life that are weak. With the Sun square Chiron, you might feel more inclined to try to appease and please others than to defend yourself.

However, it's important to keep a certain balance in this dynamic, as you may not get the response you want if you sacrifice too much to please others.

You will find that it becomes easier to put those worries to the side and look at things from a different point of view as the day goes on.

You aspire to find balance in your life and to be appreciated by others. It's a good time to gain a little cooperation and develop more harmonious relationships.

Take this opportunity to think about your relationship needs and how you can better assert yourself while maintaining healthy boundaries.

By taking care of yourself and finding a balance between your own needs and those of others, you'll be able to create more fulfilling, mutually beneficial relationships.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, during the first half of the day, you may feel some mild discomfort or unease. With the Sun square Chiron, you may feel pressured to suppress your emotions in order to appease those around you or maintain harmony.

However, giving in to this temptation will only cause problems in the long run. It's important to recognize that emotional attachments can sometimes be confusing, and that insecurities can arise.

Don't worry, though; as the day progresses, you'll find that you're feeling stronger and more able to handle the challenges that come your way.

These uncertainties can inspire you to take action, find solutions to problems, and free yourself from situations that don't suit you.

You may realize that there are blind alleys in your life, and being honest with yourself about this can be extremely rewarding. Take advantage of this time to explore your creative side and work on endeavors that are meaningful to you.

Don't let doubts or uncertainties hold you back, instead use them as an engine to take positive action and transform your life. Be courageous and open to exploring new possibilities.

Trust your intuition, and travel along your own path. Through these challenges, you'll discover an inner strength and resilience that will help you achieve your goals and find the happiness and fulfillment you seek.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, the Moon encourages you to indulge in your favorite hobbies and give yourself opportunities for moments of pleasure and creative expression today.

On the other hand, with the Sun square Chiron, you could be faced with family or domestic problems that become more acute.

It's essential to deal with these problems openly and honestly, rather than simply looking for temporary solutions. Explore the underlying causes of the issues and work hard to find solutions to them.

You may also feel some tension in your relationships, especially with a partner. It's important to identify your limits and protect yourself when you feel vulnerable.

Learn to communicate your needs clearly and put an end to situations that hurt you. You may also feel uncertainty about your feelings, but this can be an invitation to embrace the changes and grow through them.

Change the things that need to be changed and start working on your personal development. As the day progresses, you may feel supported by those around you. Make the most of this e

Take advantage of this energy to express yourself freely and be more extroverted in your interactions. Show patience and perseverance in solving problems, and you'll see significant improvements in your personal and relational life.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, the transits of today highlight the desire for comfort and familiarity. However, it's important to watch out for a Sun-Chiron square occurring in the first half of the day.

In your interactions with others, it can be tempting to try to ease tensions to keep the peace, but this could end up backfiring.

You may also feel some tension in your relationships, especially with a partner. It's important to identify your limits and protect yourself when you feel vulnerable.

Learn to communicate your needs clearly and put an end to situations that hurt you. Overcoming your weaknesses will bring you great satisfaction and help you evolve.

You may also feel uncertain about your feelings, but this can be an invitation to embrace change and grow through it. Be determined to make the necessary adjustments and engage in a process of personal growth.

As the day progresses, you may feel supported by those around you. Take advantage of this energy to express yourself freely and be more outgoing in your interactions.

Use this time to strengthen family ties, resolve conflicts constructively and engage in activities that bring you joy. Show patience and perseverance in solving problems, and you'll see significant improvements in your personal life and relationships.




Pisces 6

Pisces, the Moon is in the house of communications, arousing your curiosity and need for diversity. You seek to nourish your mind with new experiences and information.

However, it's important to strike a balance and not venture so far that you lose your footing. Take the time to anchor yourself in what feels authentic and meaningful to you.

In the first half of the day, the Sun forms a square with Chiron, highlighting your insecurities and weaknesses. You may experience heightened sensitivity that can disrupt your interactions and hinder your personal growth.

Be aware of the conflicting signals you may receive from friends and lovers. You may be tempted to take a risk, but part of you prefers not to upset the balance.

Listen to your inner voice as it guides you to the right moment to move forward. Take the time to consider the details carefully, and only take the plunge when you feel truly confident.

As the day progresses, you'll feel more relaxed and ready to have fun. The emphasis is on sharing and interacting with others.

Take advantage of this energy to connect with loved ones, share ideas, and explore new perspectives. Find creative ways to express your emotions and thoughts.

Don't forget to allow yourself moments of relaxation and pleasure to recharge your batteries. Listen to your intuition and trust the growth process that's going on inside you.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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