Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! July 21, 2023

The Sun is opposite Pluto, which is bringing to the surface aspects deep, dark, and unresolved aspects of our being.

Through our feelings, relationships, and events, we can become aware of areas in our lives where we've held on to something or given up our personal power.

This time can be unpleasant and disruptive, but it also provides an opportunity to become. Sensitive or long-neglected issues come to the surface, which makes us feel anxious, unstable, or defensive.

We may experience an inner battle between light and dark energies, or we may encounter this theme through our interactions with others.

We are constantly reminded that we need to take responsibility for our own lives; however, we must avoid shortcuts as they won't work. Instead, we should strengthen our resilience by learning how to deal with anxieties and fears.

Mercury is trine Chiron, which opens our minds to mutual learning. With this transit, it is now much easier for us to constructively express our feelings.

We convey our messages in a relevant and accessible way, which encourages conversations and reflection on topics that are sensitive.

This period can also reveal new approaches to tackling problems and finding solutions.

Even though the Sun opposite Pluto may bring about difficulties and internal confrontations, Mercury trine Chiron provides an opportunity for personal growth and meaningful communication.



Aries 6

Aries, with the Sun opposite Pluto today, you may feel some underlying tension. Your personal interests and your responsibilities are at odds with one another, which can divide you and create an unstable environment.

This transit can momentarily heighten your anxieties and concerns, bringing them to the forefront of your mind. The good news is that this also gives you the chance to better understand your feelings about a project, your work, or your specific aspirations.

On the other hand, if others have unreasonable expectations of you or you feel excessive pressure, you need to find a balance.

Take into account that tensions in your interactions may have an underlying power dynamic and that the pressures you feel probably stem from performance, ambition and expectations.

During this transit, preexisting problems in your relationships or at work might become even more difficult to manage. While you may feel the need to manage these situations, you'll benefit most from a slower, more stable, and more direct approach to your life.

Reflect on the real motivations behind your actions, and strike a healthy balance between your personal goals and responsibilities.

Luckily, Mercury is trine Chiron, which encourages clarity and self-expression. You're more open to listening, absorbing, and explaining ideas.

Right now, you have a unique or different vision of life, which stands out and can be a strength for you. Take the time to refocus, listen to yourself, and express your needs authentically.




Taurus 6

Taurus, with the Sun opposite Pluto, there can be conflicts in your interactions or you encounter tension. This transit can provoke strong resistance from people who cling firmly to their methods, ideas, and opinions, leading to friction and disagreement.

You may also be confronted with buried issues that emerge to the surface, or tension may focus on someone's opinions or communication, especially if you feel ignored by that person.

In these situations, your best bet is to wait for things to calm down and then try to resolve conflicts. Take a step back and realize that you'll learn a lot about your relationships and yourself today.

Be honest with yourself about inner resentments, jealousies, and worries, as this will help you better understand your desires and needs.

A Mercury-Chiron trine is also active today, which provides an opportunity for introspection and healing. Conversations are encouraged during this transit, which can help mend rough edges in a relationship and find diplomatic solutions to problems.

In general, it's important to remain calm and focused, bearing in mind that current tensions are temporary. Try to deepen your understanding of relationship dynamics and to work on yourself.




Gemini 6

Gemini, the day offers you an opportunity to learn and share, and your conversations are going well. You could be engaged in enriching discussions about emotions, feelings, intimacy, as well as family or domestic issues.

Unique and different perspectives can be very beneficial and can lead to a deeper mutual understanding. However, the Sun opposite Pluto can bring an obsessive quality to your interactions. 

You may feel like you're taking one step forward and two steps back. It's essential to recognize that too much analysis can complicate things, and that mistrust can be a source of disruption.

Problems involving money and property are not easy to solve and require a cautious approach. If you've recently felt undervalued or neglected, these frustrations may be reaching their peak today.

This transit can also alleviate some of your worries and anxieties. It can bring to light a problem you've been carrying on your shoulders for some time, inviting you to find solutions and free yourself from burdens that weigh you down.

Relationships and financial matters are charged right now. Don't dismiss feelings of jealousy or resentment, as they can be important indicators of your deepest desires and needs.

Plan your future, identifying the problems you want to solve or the burdens you want to leave behind. By taking concrete steps to free yourself from these emotional burdens, you'll feel lighter and better able to move forward towards a more fulfilling life.




Cancer 6

Cancer, since the Sun is in your sign, you should pay close attention to the Sun opposite Pluto. This transit may confront you with a difficult person or situation, or give rise to internal conflict.

You may be challenged by others, they may try to influence you in a certain direction, or you may feel blocked by external circumstances.

It's important to recognize that you may need to free yourself from a situation, at least temporarily, in order to clear your mind and regain clarity.

At this time, a trusted friend or support network can be a great help in guiding you through these transformations.

This opposition can bring significant achievements into your life. While it can certainly give rise to relationship problems that were latent, the conflicts that emerge today may reveal vulnerabilities and areas where external pressures have thrown you off course.

Pluto's transits are designed to shed light on your fears and excessive attachments so that you can learn from them and free yourself.

Mercury trine Chiron is also in play at this time, which will help you become a better listener and communicator. You feel empowered by the truth and consciously approach authentic communication.

This day can therefore be emotionally intense, but it also offers an opportunity for growth and transformation.




Leo 6

Leo, the Moon is in your house of resources, which suggests that you should try to make your life as uncomplicated and stable as possible.

However, a complex transit highlights subtle problems linked to fears of betrayal, jealousy, or resentment.

Your needs and desires are amplified with the Sun opposite Pluto, which creates intense pressure to get things done, despite the fact that you may be feeling emotionally and physically overwhelmed.

You may feel a strong desire to relax and recharge, but it's important to recognize that you also need a healthy balance in your life.

If you've been constantly over-investing yourself and exceeding your limits, it's time to re-evaluate your workload and find healthy ways to deal with your frustration.

Take the time to review your routines and work habits to make them more effective and sustainable in the long term.

By developing strategies for dealing with problems and achieving your goals, you can feel more in control and find practical solutions to overcome the obstacles you face.

Despite the difficulties, it is important to make time for moments of pleasure and fun. If you can detach yourself from routine and concentrate on activities that bring you joy, you'll be able to deal better with tensions and pressures.

Spend some time engaging in activities that bring you joy and getting in touch with your creative side. Remember that you are powerful and resilient.

By balancing your ambition with your well-being, you can overcome current challenges and find lasting solutions to achieve the success you desire.




Virgo 6

Virgo, the Moon is in your sign, which may intensify your feelings. It's important to focus on yourself and to give yourself your undivided attention.

However, since the Sun opposite Pluto adds more intensity to your experience, be careful not to focus too much on a single problem or concern.

This transit can highlight areas where you're too attached to certain ideas, relationships, or situations that limit your happiness and growth.

You might get into a conflict or struggle with yourself. A situation may trigger strong emotions and bring out aspects of yourself that you prefer to keep hidden.

Be honest with yourself and examine any fears or insecurities you may have. It helps you become aware of the deep-seated insecurities that limit you, and gives you the opportunity to process and release them.

This transit serves as a driving force for growth and change. It allows you to become more aware of the deep-seated insecurities that limit you, and gives you the opportunity to process and release them.

Don't be afraid to delve into your inner self and face the truths that emerge. This is a priceless opportunity for you to break free from the things that are preventing you from growing.

Be gentle with yourself and practice self-compassion during this process.




Libra 6

Libra, today the Sun is opposite Pluto, bringing to the surface buried questions that, while sometimes enlightening, can also be unsettling.

While it might seem hard to address them at first, these issues are actually opportunities for long-term growth and transformation.

When these tensions arise, it is essential not to resist or fear change because doing so will only make the situation worse.

Instead, recognize the need to make adjustments and deal with problems gradually. If you're feeling anxious, rushing won't help.

This period can be an invitation to do some deep cleaning in your life, especially in your domestic environment. You'll be able to free up valuable energy to invest in your career and other responsibilities.

Once you've overcome these challenges, you'll be able to connect more deeply with a special partner or friend. Remember that this process can take time and patience.

Be gentle with yourself and others, and give yourself permission to explore the deep questions that emerge. By showing courage and being open to transformation, you can blossom and move towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Use this time to engage in introspective reflection and take action to create a life more aligned with your values and aspirations.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, today, the Sun is opposite Pluto, which can lead to tensions in areas of communication, learning, and movement.

You'll feel some friction in your interactions, where it might feel as though someone is trying to dominate or exert control over you. This opposition can also bring up old grudges and rekindle latent conflicts.

As Pluto retrogrades through your house of communications, unfinished business or issues that have not been resolved will be brought back up for discussion.

Recognize that engaging in endless power struggles or confrontations will only lead to deadlock. Now is the time to let go and focus on finding more productive solutions.

This transit also highlights the conflict between your desire to experience new things and your attachment to your routines and habits.

Set time aside for relaxation and recharging, even if you have a lot of obligations to attend to. Take the time to discuss your needs and concerns with someone you trust.

Conversations about work or health issues can be particularly beneficial today. Remember that you have the power to choose how you react to tense situations.

With patience, diplomacy, and flexibility, you can successfully navigate through challenges and turn conflicts into opportunities for personal growth.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, with the Sun opposite Pluto today, you may find that old wounds or resentments that you had pushed aside come back to haunt you.

You may face challenges in your relationships or become suddenly aware of certain issues that you must now confront.

Other people's emotional reactions can often be a front for their desire to win your approval. This transit compels you to explore not only your feelings but also recent circumstances related to property, possessiveness, financial matters, and boundaries.

If you've felt fear in the face of changes in your financial situation or intimate life, it's time to examine how this fear has prevented you from growing and thriving.

Keep an open mind and rise above the fear-based suspicions that can be particularly present when Pluto is strongly influenced.

Be honest with yourself and try to address this problem if you're feeling fear of being alone or losing a relationship.

Taking a step back will enable you to engage in revealing conversations that go beyond the practical to address the physical and emotional levels.

You can create an environment for mutual understanding and learning. by being open and respectful. Use this chance to establish deep and meaningful communication with the important people in your life.

Listen and be heard, as these exchanges can not only foster better mutual understanding but also offer opportunities for personal and relational growth.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, the Sun is opposite Pluto today, which may cause repressed feelings, regrets from the past, or unhealed wounds to surface.

You may feel the weight of many responsibilities, which can put a strain on your relationships and interactions with others.

However, by adopting an attitude of openness and flexibility, however difficult it may be, you put yourself in a better position to face these challenges.

Don't get caught up in trivial issues but rather focus on understanding the deeper problem that is making you so frustrated.

This opposition can be unsettling, but it also provides an opportunity to become aware of underlying problems and understand yourself better.

Try not to expect others to meet your exact expectations or do what you want. Learn to let go and accept that everyone has their own way of thinking and reacting.

Fortunately, the day is also improved by Mercury trine Chiron. Family interactions can be revealing, encouraging and insightful, and conversations have the potential to be more constructive than usual.

Use this chance to connect with loved ones and exchange ideas or perspectives. You may feel a desire for security and comfort, which can motivate you to take steps to better manage your financial resources.

Remember that this period of emotional questioning can allow you to heal and grow.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, the Sun is opposite Pluto today, and it highlights important discoveries about your feelings and fears. Recognize the hidden aspects of your inner self that can limit your opportunities for growth.

By tackling the guilt, insecurities, and attachments that get in the way of your productivity and self-care, you can pave the way for real progress.

This is the perfect time to examine your fears honestly, but it's important not to give them more power than they already have by letting them take over.

A healthy balance is essential. Pay balanced attention to your mental and physical health, as well as to your work and relaxation.

You can make big improvements in your life by working on what may be preventing you from taking optimal care of yourself. One more transit to take into account is Mercury trine Chiron, which encourages in-depth conversation.

By cultivating a greater understanding of yourself and letting go of the fears that hold you back, you can unleash your true potential. Be ready to face your deepest emotions and engage in inner work.

You will be able to realize your full potential if you devote some of your time to understanding yourself and your fears. Give yourself the time and space you need to rest, recharge and integrate the teachings that come your way.




Pisces 6

Pisces, the Sun is opposite Pluto today, and this highlights some tension in your life.

You may have recently explored new ways of having fun and expressing yourself, but you're encountering difficulties with others or your projects, which can get in the way of your pursuit of fun.

You might feel like you need a break so don't forget to put your health and happiness at the top of your priorities. This transit highlights a problem that may have been hindering your ability to fully seize the opportunities that lie ahead.

If you've become too attached to people or projects to the detriment of your own authentic expression, you'll now feel restricted and thirsty for change.

Current events have a way of revealing aspects of your life that have drained you or monopolized your time and energy. This may be linked to an excessive preoccupation with social issues, which has prevented you from having fun and relaxing.

Mercury trine Chiron encourages you to make the most of what you have. Whether it's latent talent, knowledge, or material possessions, you have the ability to solve other people's problems and, in the process, solve some of your own.

Reflect on what really brings you joy and satisfaction. Use your creativity and open-mindedness to explore new possibilities and build on your strengths.

By taking care of yourself and focusing on what's authentic for you, you can overcome current tensions and find a harmonious balance in your life.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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