Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! July 22, 2023

Today, Jupiter forms a semi-square aspect with Neptune, a longer-term influence that brings a sense of idealism to our lives.

We are very optimistic, but we could be looking for motivation in the wrong places. Expectations that are not realistic can easily mislead us, just as the people around us can deceive us.

The important and realistic details could be overlooked, which results in disorganization. The Sun starts transiting through Leo tonight until the 22nd of August.

The Sun radiates confidence, extroversion, and a sense of humor when it is in its home sign, Leo. During this period, we want to express ourselves fully and have a good time.

The Sun in Leo is very individualistic and doesn't blend in. It's time to shine, perform and add a touch of color and drama to our lives.

Also, today Venus retrograde starts transiting through Leo; this will continue until September 3rd. It gives us the opportunity to review our feelings, relationships, and finances.

Venus retrograde influences mainly affect the fields of love and finance, but they can also affect certain professional and recreational spheres.

This is not a good time to rush into new relationships or make major financial decisions because matters of love and relationships are not clear.

Old friends or lovers may reappear, perhaps complicating current relationships, or we may find ourselves remembering past situations more often.

During this time, it can be very difficult to bring a lover closer. Unconventional, experimental, or non-intimate relationships could be more favored.

It's time to reassess our relationship needs. However, it is better to wait and make major significant decisions regarding love after the retrograde cycle ends, on September 3, or even after the shadow phase, on October 7.

Venus retrograde can distort our perceptions, and we may regret our hasty actions, especially in matters of money, love, and pleasure.



Aries 6

Aries, the Sun will enter your house of entertainment today, but tonight Venus will start its retrograde motion in this very same house of your chart.

Venus rules values, love, resources in general, and more specifically partnerships and money for you. You have entered a period of introspection regarding these aspects of your life until September 3; during this time, you will reevaluate whether or not your needs are truly met.

This retrograde encourages you to look to the past in order to better understand the present, but it can sometimes make you feel like you're stuck in this period, which is not ideal for beginning new projects.

You will have the opportunity to evaluate, reevaluate, and perhaps even experiment with your social and love life. A mysterious, past-oriented energy surrounds you, especially romantically, and this could be a time of fateful events and encounters.

Since this retrograde occurs in your sector of joy, romance, and pleasure, old loves could reappear in your life or become the center of your concerns, which could make you emotionally blocked.

Make sure you don't underestimate or overestimate anyone or anything. You may also find it hard to temporarily find satisfaction in your romantic and creative pursuits, so watch out for overcompensating behaviors.

However, now is a good time to rethink your hobbies, pleasure activities, and creative expression. Take advantage of this retrograde period to reflect on your values and needs in your relationships and social life.




Taurus 6

Taurus, with the Sun moving into your house of home and family, you adopt a more focused and relaxed pace.

During this period, taking care of your household responsibilities and spending time with the people you care about most makes you satisfied.

However, there may be times when you feel like you're being overlooked or not fully understood by the rest of the world. This motivates you to work harder to find peace and harmony with loved ones.

As Venus goes retrograde in this same house, it's a good idea to reevaluate any recent decisions, relationships, or activities that are connected to your family life.

This Venus retrograde will last until September 3, and during this period you'll be taking a closer look at work, health, home, and family issues.

You may be more judgmental and feel the need to focus on your own needs and wants. Comfort problems can also arise in your daily life.

During this period, you may feel like you're not receiving enough support from others. The key is to learn to rely more on yourself with confidence, even when things seem difficult.

However, this period of Venus retrograde also offers opportunities for personal revelation. You may discover aspects of yourself or memories that will guide you towards positive changes in your life.

Creative solutions to overcome discontent can lead to significant improvements in your family and personal life.




Gemini 6

Gemini, tonight marks the beginning of a cycle that is favorable to diversification, communication, and bonding. It starts as the Sun moves into your third solar house.

You'll probably be more active, moving physically and mentally, and communicating more frequently with others. Venus goes retrograde in the same house, which may cause some confusion both today and tomorrow.

This retrograde represents an opportunity for you to connect with your wants, needs, and values. Take advantage of it. However, it can also make relationships a little tricky.

Don't take social faux pas too seriously. You might be inclined to think, analyze or talk about old relationships and issues from the past, which can make you feel a bit stuck.

This retrograde period is an opportunity to better understand what it is that you truly want, who you love, and what qualities you look for in your relationships.
However, it is in everyone's best interest to put off making significant choices until a later time.

You may need to keep some things to yourself, as you redefine your needs and expectations of your relationships and projects.

Until the end of this retrograde period, routines can seem overwhelming and mistakes need to be corrected, which can make some tasks less pleasant.




Cancer 6

Cancer, today the Sun enters your second solar house, which means that finances and material possessions will become important aspects in your life over the next few weeks.

You'll be more concerned with financial matters, comfort, sensual pleasures, and activities that bring you simple joy.

However, Venus goes retrograde in the same house, and for the next month and a half, it is a good idea to look back on the past in order to better understand your needs and priorities.

You'll approach financial aspects, possessions, comfort issues, and social relationships from a new angle. Don't make any big decisions until you have sufficient time to thoughtfully process those thoughts.

Use this time to gather financial information, review your budget and settle any outstanding financial issues. Evaluate your relationships and determine whether or not they are mutually beneficial or not.

You may question your comfort level or income in the weeks ahead. While you can make great finds with second-hand items, it may be best to avoid investing in expensive new items during this period.




Leo 6

Leo, the Sun will officially enter your sign, which will focus a lot of attention on you in the days and weeks to come. You'll be the center of attention, which is both a blessing and a curse things can become chaotic.

You radiate strength and charisma. However, Venus becomes retrograde in Leo until September 3, prompting you to question what you really value and the relationships you hold dear.

Over the next few days, there may be moments of confusion and uncertainty regarding these aspects of your life. Since this is the case, it would be wise to put off making any important choices for the time being.

During this six-week retrograde cycle, you are encouraged to review your romantic relationships and your financial situation.

Although you may sometimes lack confidence and clarity in your feelings, this is an ideal time to reflect on your approach to attracting what you want in life.

Reflect on your accomplishments in the past and analyze how your image and charisma have contributed to your success.

But be careful not to appear too distant or superficial during this period of introspection. Taking a step back to better understand your desires and values is quite natural now.

Stay open to introspection and use this period to get to know yourself better and move towards relationships and choices more in line with your true aspirations.




Virgo 6

Virgo, since the Sun will be transiting into your house of privacy tonight and remain there until August 23, it is time for you to get more rest, engage in activities that promote introspection and healing, and meditate.

As Venus goes retrograde in the same house of your chart today, you may feel the urge to remove yourself from situations that are too demanding or competitive.

During the next six weeks of this retrograde, your love life or finances could be subject to complications or seem to take a tricky turn.

Get in touch with your personal needs or better understand past relationships. You might see things in a new light and be inclined to change your mind.

During this period, it would be best to keep some of your projects and affections in slow motion. Topics such as past relationships, love dilemmas, or sacrifices made for someone could feature prominently in your life now and in the weeks to come.

It's understandable that you may be tempted to suppress your feelings to focus on other aspects of your life. However, being courageous and facing up to your emotions will benefit your personal growth.




Libra 6

Libra, as the Sun moves into your house of friendships, your desire for companionship and a sense of belonging to a community or network intensifies.

However, Venus retrograde in this same house makes things a little more complicated. Since Venus is your ruling planet, you may find that you are torn between the desire to be around other people and the need to take some time for self-reflection and problem-solving.

During these tricky days, it's best to make decisions cautiously, as you get used to the energy of review and scrutiny that will prevail in the coming weeks.

You have a lot to learn about your needs and desires, and this period of Venus retrograde is conducive to this exploration.

During Venus retrograde, which will last until September 3, issues that are related to romantic and social relationships may become more difficult to navigate.

Problems may arise in your friendships or people from the past may reappear in your life. You might also feel like there is some physical distance between you and an important person around you.

Take your time to navigate through these challenges, as this period also offers an opportunity to reassess your relationships and better understand what you're looking for in your friendships and social interactions.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, since the Sun will be moving into your tenth solar house, you will be focusing your attention on matters pertaining to your career, your aspirations, your material or social success, as well as your reputation.

Venus will be go retrograde in the same house, which will add an additional layer of complexity. This is a good time to explore your needs, desires and aspirations, but change can be confusing, and the six-week cycle can have its difficult moments.

You turn to the past and examine some of your unacknowledged desires. Avoid jumping the gun when it comes to making decisions regarding projects that are not yet ready to be finalized.

Reaching your current goals will take more time than you expected. So, rather than embarking on new ventures, focus on improving existing projects and initiatives.

You may temporarily feel a drop in motivation in your career or responsibilities, and complicated relationships may arise on the professional front.

When you're busy taking action, you may neglect to deal with what's going on inside you. This retrograde provides you with an opportunity to reconnect with the things that you love most deeply.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius,, the Sun moves into your ninth solar house, marking the beginning of a month in which your focus will be on the pursuit of pleasure, adventure, and the overall experience of life.

You feel happier, more confident, and daring. Venus will go retrograde in the same house, which will bring about some additional complications.

This is an excellent time to delve deep into your relationships and reflect on what you really value and what you really need.

Some of your plans will need to be changed or rethought as a result, but it also provides you with new perspectives that could be useful in the long run.

Use this time to process recent events and explore your feelings, especially about friends, studies, and your thirst for adventure.

You may encounter setbacks and changes in the journey's trajectory, and you may question the pleasure you derive from your current interests and activities.

As you seek to discover where your passion really lies, you may encounter some turbulence before you see things more clearly!




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, starting today, the Sun will start highlighting some hidden aspects of your life. In the coming weeks, not only will you better understand the world around you, but you will also better understand underlying motivations that drive you.

You'll be less concerned with the need to be heard and understood than with the need to grasp the workings of the people and situations around you in a deeper way.

During the same period of time, Venus will go retrograde in the same house of your chart. Now is an important time to explore some of your phobias or negative attitudes.

It's also a good time to review financial issues, especially those related to a partner and shared resources. As Venus continues retrograding until September 3, you are likely to reflect on the past and become aware of your feelings about relationships, attachments, and hobbies.

Use this opportunity to examine, reevaluate, and possibly even rework certain aspects of your life. But above all, try to reconnect with what you really appreciate and what is valuable to you.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, the Sun will focus on your personal connections, temporarily putting aside the work-related aspects and daily routine that were previously in the spotlight.

Although you still consider these aspects to be important, they're no longer at the forefront of your mind. You place greater importance on adapting to social situations, other people's schedules, and your personal environment.

However, Venus enters retrograde in the same area of your solar chart, indicating that it's time to review the past. During the course of this cycle of six weeks, you will get caught up with your feelings, needs, desires, and values.

It is best not to make hasty decisions, but rather to examine problems from different angles and perspectives. Venus retrograde will end on September 3, and during this time, you should reevaluate the needs of your relationship.

Life can show you where certain things lose their appeal or no longer support you. You may feel indecisive, in a period of uncertainty or dissatisfaction.

Instead of blindly rushing into uncharted territory without first giving it some thought, use this time to think about what you want in love and your relationship needs.




Pisces 6

Pisces, today the Sun moves into your sixth solar house, bringing with it a new supply of energy as well as renewed motivation for work and routines.

You are ready to devote more effort to daily activities. However, Venus becomes retrograde in the same sector of your solar chart, marking an important time for you to focus more on yourself, self-care, health and details.

This Venus retrograde will last six weeks and will help you better understand your feelings, sensitivities, preferences, and values.

This presents an opportunity to catch up on subjects you may have overlooked or not had time to deal with. You'll look at your relationships, your job, your health, and your routines in a different light.

You may be wondering about the pleasure you derive from your daily life. Restoring and maintaining your health could also be at the forefront of your mind and actions.

Refrain from pushing the people around you who may seem distant and instead take a step backward. Be patient, as there may be slowdowns in your projects or expectations related to your work and daily tasks.

Make the most of this time to focus on yourself, your health, and the aspects of your daily life that could use some improvement.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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