Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! July 28, 2023

Today Mercury moves into Virgo today, where it will remain for a longer period than usual, until October 4th.

During this cycle, we have a strong desire for precision in our words, thoughts, methods, and processes. We're comfortable with attention to detail, and it's natural for us to focus on it.

However, we shouldn't be so obsessed with the details that we lose sight of the bigger picture. It's essential to keep a balance so as not to become too fussy or obsessed with facts.

One more thing to think about is the way we communicate. We may be tempted to express ourselves too factually and unemotionally, which can make us seem dry, critical or unimaginative.

We may be tempted to express ourselves too factually and unemotionally, which can make us seem dry, critical, or unimaginative. Additionally, this cycle is helpful for organizing, sorting, and analyzing.

We're drawn to useful information and like to help others by sharing our knowledge. The period is marked by conservative thinking and a desire for certainty and facts.

As the day goes on, the Sun quincunx Saturn can bring about a conflict between our need for pleasure and our obligation to fulfill our responsibilities.

We might feel doubts or a momentary lack of faith, which could slow down our movements and initiatives. Even so, this pause can be a useful process for reassessing our plans and adjusting our actions in response to new responsibilities or a reality check.



Aries 6

Aries, today, Mercury is moving into your house of work and health, and it will remain there for a longer period of time than usual, until October 4.

During this period, you'll often be concentrating on the details of your daily life, paying particular attention to your work, your health, and practical matters.

It is a good time to seek out information that will help you improve your work, health, routines, and habits, as well as to learn new skills.

Small tasks and assignments will be more focused, allowing you to dissect problems, work through challenges, and find effective solutions.

Make the most of this time to get your life in order and improve it in ways that are significant but not overly drastic.

However, take care not to worry or think too much because stress can easily take over if you do either of these things. Maintain a healthy balance between your commitment to your work and taking care of your mental health.

With the Sun quincunx Saturn, later on today you may feel a little more uncertain or hold back your emotions. Don't let these doubts or insecurities discourage you, but rather see them as an opportunity to step back and detect possible mistakes before moving forward.




Taurus 6

Taurus, Mercury moves into your playful fifth house of creativity. Mercury will remain in this house for a longer period of time than usual, until October 4th.

Over the next few weeks, you'll be attracted to people who support you and make it easy for you to express yourself. You'll benefit from positive communications and a public receptive to your ideas and actions.

Areas of life associated with the fifth house, such as romance, children, leisure, and creative activities, will be particularly interesting, meaningful, or relevant to you at this time.

You could have the opportunity to shine intellectually and stand out from the crowd, or it could be a good time to express your feelings, ideas, and personality clearly.

On the other hand, as the day goes on, you may be faced with more responsibilities or a reality check. Although temporary, these blockages can point you in the right direction by showing you the adjustments and modifications you need to make.




Gemini 6

Gemini, as the Moon spends the day in your opposite sign, you may find that diplomacy is more important than usual.

Also today, Mercury enters the sector of your solar chart that governs the heart, home, and family, and this will last until October 4.

Your internal and external thought processes will become more introspective and intuitive. You'll have the opportunity to learn more about your family and loved ones over the coming weeks.

Your thoughts and conversations will often focus on domestic affairs, family concerns, or memories of the past. You are feeling less communicative in the outside world and possibly less understood or “heard”.

You may be more reserved with your thoughts and ideas. Your private life will become more active and hectic. Later in the day, you will probably feel the need to slow down and possibly deal with some challenges in your path.

These obstacles could stem from bad timing or poor planning. While it's easy to focus on what's not working in your life right now, it would be more constructive to use your energy to solve problems and details.




Cancer 6

Cancer, Mercury's transit through your house of resources ends today, and it is now moving into your house of communications.

Mercury, being the planet of expression and communication, is perfectly at home in this house! This cycle will last longer than Mercury's usual cycle, until October 4.

During this period, you'll benefit from a better assessment of things and increased mental clarity. This transit encourages you to connect with others, discover new interests and skills, and share your ideas.

Conversations, learning, teaching, and studying, come more naturally now. Although there may be times when you find it hard to relax or concentrate, this is a good time to explore new ideas and gather information.

Later in the day, energies become more complicated for your practical affairs. However, it would be wise to focus on the essential adjustments and modifications you may have overlooked on busier days.




Leo 6

Leo, today Mercury starts transiting through your house of money and values; it will remain in this position until October 4th.

This period offers an excellent opportunity to better understand your financial situation, at least on a mental level.

You'll be more anxious about money during this time, but it's also an excellent opportunity to get things in order.

Your thinking turns out to be practical and sensible, and you're eager to see concrete results rather than dwelling on theory.

Now is an ideal time to apply new information to your business and financial affairs. You can also put your natural talents to good use.

During this cycle, your conversations tend to be straightforward and to the point. With the Sun quincunx Saturn today, it would be prudent to check that you're not overdoing it.

Other people will put up barriers or resistance, which can be very frustrating; however, this may also be an opportunity for you to take things more slowly and rethink your strategies.




Virgo 6

Virgo, Mercury will remain in your sign until October 4th, as today marks the beginning of its journey through your sign.

During this period, you'll feel more confident in your expression and make decisions more quickly. This is a time of mental clarity, and you'd rather take matters into your own hands intellectually than depend on others.

This transit brings self-starting, dynamic energy, but it can also make you restless. It's essential to give yourself moments of relaxation to avoid being overwhelmed by a mental frenzy.

You will have the chance to let go of the past and open yourself up to new ideas for the future. Your personality and intelligence will stand out more during this period, and you'll be perceived as fascinating by others.

Your communications will have a marked impact, and you'll be able to jump quickly to meaningful conclusions. However, the Sun quincunx Saturn can bring up a relationship problem from the past that interferes with your current pleasure.

While it's tempting to seek out spontaneous and exciting moments, it would be wise to stick to a more stable routine for the time being.




Libra 6

Libra, today, the Moon is moving through your third solar house, which piques your interest in learning new and intriguing information and stimulates your natural curiosity.

In addition, today marks the beginning of Mercury's journey through your house of privacy and soul, which will last until October 4th.

During this period, conversations and thoughts will tend to turn to the past. This is a good time to reflect on your past experiences, but it's best not to dwell on memories.

Take advantage of this time to find your inner calm, meditate, and get some work done while you are alone. Discretion and confidentiality will benefit you during this cycle.

You may be a little more secretive or indecisive during this period but think of it as a time of increased mental rest. Use it to recharge your batteries and take a step back from external demands.

With the Sun quincunx Saturn today, you may have to deal with certain realities that will force you to take things a little bit more slowly than usual, but this will allow you to make the necessary improvements.

Be aware of any social awkwardness or discrepancies in your interactions with others. Avoid scheduling interviews, events or serious conversations that are important to you at the moment, as this may not be the right time to address them.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, Mercury will enter your social sector today and will remain there for a longer period than usual, all the way up until the beginning of October.

This cycle will get your creative juices flowing, will encourage new ideas, and will make it easier to make interesting connections. You're open-minded, which makes communications fluid most of the time.

You might focus mentally on your dreams, wishes, hopes, and goals for happiness, as well as being particularly interested in the actions, words and thoughts of others. Networking activities are multiplying, bringing you valuable learning opportunities.

However, with the Sun quincunx Saturn today, your initial instincts may need a few adjustments before taking action. You'll have to resolve some tricky situations or make some challenging choices.

It might be best not to mix personal and professional issues, as this could complicate matters. You may feel the weight of obligation, but there's also the possibility of growing through these experiences.

Although some decisions can be tricky, your social interactions and collaborative efforts can be very rewarding.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, a big part of the day will be devoted to your needs, emotions, and wants. You look to the future with renewed confidence and optimism.

Mercury moves into your house of career and reputation today, and it will remain there until October 4th.

During this time, you'll be communicating with greater impact and thinking about long-term strategies that will bring you closer to your professional goals.

Your thoughts and conversations will focus more on your responsibilities and career during this cycle.

There may be advertising opportunities now, or you may be thinking more deeply about your career and professional plans.

Now is an excellent time to communicate, plan, and organize big projects connected to your professional life. You can make informed decisions to advance your professional goals.

However, as the day progresses, you feel confronted by reality and perhaps weighed down by certain responsibilities. It's an opportunity to face up to challenges and adjust your plans according to circumstances.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, today marks the beginning of Mercury's transit through your mental sector, which will continue until October 4.

This influence elevates your thinking and leads you to focus more on the external aspects of your life. You're less inclined to ruminate on the details and prefer to step back and see the big picture.

However, don't overlook important details despite your increased preoccupation with more global ideas. This cycle gives you the opportunity to gain a new perspective on current issues and recent events.

You feel bolder and more spontaneous in expressing your opinions and sharing your ideas, which encourages an open mind and the exploration of new interests.

You question old rules, routines and information, which can lead you to adopt new approaches to solving problems.

Today, however, it's best to focus your efforts on improving your plans rather than embarking on new ventures or important conversations.

You may be more critical of others or yourself, but try to channel this energy into identifying constructive improvements rather than simply criticizing.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, today Mercury moves into your eighth solar house, where it will remain for a longer period than usual, until October 4th.

During this cycle, your thinking becomes more analytical and strategic. This can be positive, as you have a strong inclination to explore subjects in depth, which can lead to exceptionally well-developed ideas.

Mercury brings a dose of logic and objectivity to your emotional world over the next few weeks.

You may be drawn to secret or hidden information, and you have a talent for digging deep and deciphering subtle clues and hidden layers.

This is an excellent time to devise strategies and plans and to deepen your knowledge of a particular subject.

However, this may not be the ideal time for simple communications or travel, as things may be less fluid in this area.

Later in the day, you may be more likely to notice the faults than the strengths of people, projects, or even yourself. You may be inclined to question a partner, a plan or your own actions.




Pisces 6

Pisces, the Moon is in a very powerful place in your chart right now, and this is providing a boost to your aspirations and encouraging you to perform at your absolute best.

You're acutely aware of your reputation and the impact you have on others right now. What's more, today Mercury begins its transit through your opposite sign, which will last until October 4, putting the emphasis on intellectual companionship.

You're looking for stimulating people with whom to exchange ideas and opinions. Discussions are fascinating and you feel inspired by intellectual exchanges.

This is a good time to re-establish some balance in your life and find creative solutions to problems that are troubling you.

As the day progresses, you may start to question how your efficiency in managing your daily tasks. Your motivation or energy levels may wane, and the timing may not be quite right.

To avoid misunderstandings, it's best to communicate clearly with others and take time to rest if necessary.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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