Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! July 9, 2023

Mars quincunx Pluto this morning can make us tense and nervous. Managing, processing, integrating, or understanding feelings of anger or competitiveness can be difficult, especially if they stem from unresolved past moments.

As the day goes on, however, it becomes easier to release frustrations that have built up. Mercury trine Neptune inspires us to let our imaginations run wild.

This transit makes us more receptive to our intuition and more in tune with ourselves. We can easily sense the thoughts and feelings of others, and our words, thoughts, and ideas can be more imaginative, colorful, subtle, or creative.

We understand things without needing much explanation or instruction. Even though we are not direct or precise, we are good at finding creative solutions to problems.

This transit promotes photography, the arts, poetry, fiction, and spirituality, as well as advertising and promotion. Tonight marks the Last Quarter Moon, which occurs when the Sun in Cancer forms a square with the Moon in Aries.

We start to see recent events in a more mature light. The days to come will be great for reassessing things from a more experienced point of view. The Moon is in Aries throughout the day.



Aries 6

Aries, today's transits encourage problem-solving through conversation, reflection, and writing. The beginning of the day is characterized by some tension or indecision, but later in the day, things go more smoothly.

Putting words to something, whether spoken or written, can shed new light on a situation and offer a different perspective.

You gain confidence from the people who have your back, and your home or family life plays an important part in your choices.

Your intuition and your dreams impact thinking and communication, and with Mercury trine Neptune, ideas seem to come together magically.

With this transit, you will be better able to imagine new possibilities and express yourself creatively. Today, conversations with loved ones are very compassionate and inspiring.

Finding support and cultivating a positive self-image are important themes right now.




Taurus 6

Taurus, the start of the day makes you feel as if you're floating or staggering, but as the day progresses, things become easier and more fluid.

Your idealistic nature is highlighted by today's transits, and you may find yourself giving more of yourself by offering help, support, or services.

You may have unexpected and lucky encounters or connections. You may express inspiring ideas or opinions that delight others, or your friends and network may encourage you.

Ideas and communications take place in a spirit of compassion, commitment, creativity, and fascination. You have a calming and comforting perspective on things.

If your relationships with classmates, siblings, friends, neighbors, or acquaintances, need healing, now is a great time to work on them.

With Mercury trine Neptune, understanding is intuitive and natural, so you'll absorb more of what you learn.




Gemini 6

Gemini, the day may start with some indecision or a feeling of indeterminacy, but it can be stimulating and encouraging. Certain experiences may boost your confidence and sense of self-worth.

Ideas to improve your workflow can emerge, and you're very creative when it comes to practical solutions and business opportunities.

You could also identify ways to enhance your reputation, such as bringing a spirit of creativity and generosity to your professional life.

You are in touch with your intuition regarding your life path, as well as your potentially lucrative ideas and projects. Others are drawn to you in subtle ways, and taking a gentle approach is the best.

Mercury, your ruling planet, is trine Neptune, which boosts your confidence in yourself and in the direction you are headed. Even if it's just a mental exercise, taking small steps toward realizing a dream can be satisfying.




Cancer 6

Cancer, you might start the day feeling undecided or confused, but as the day progresses, you'll be in the mood to make plans and consider new possibilities.

You have a strong interest in improving yourself, and you are open to learning and personal growth. Your charisma is shining through, especially in your communications.

You'll find it easier to express abstract ideas, and your natural empathy can attract admirers. Today, with Mercury trine Neptune, thoughts are elevated, and as a result, conversations hare more inspiring.

Sharing your great ideas with others can fuel your own inspiration and encourage others to follow their own inner muse.

You will discover ways to express yourself, and releasing your emotions can be a wonderful experience.




Leo 6

Leo, the indecision you feel this morning will not last throughout the rest of the day. Even if you haven't arrived at a conclusion or made a choice just yet, Mercury trine Neptune allows you to relax and let go of whatever is holding you back.

You have more confidence in your dreams, which is good for you and can boost your motivation for a project or interest. Your ideas easily influence those of others.

There's also a vital energy for the work done behind the scenes and the reflection carried out in relative solitude. Your mind may open up to an idea you had previously overlooked.

Things come together in your mind and you understand recent events more clearly. A chance encounter or other unexpected event may provide you with a new perspective on an issue.

Now is a great time to combine logic and creativity in an enjoyable and productive way.




Virgo 6

Virgo, at the start of the day, you might feel as though you are in a state of uncertainty or that you don't know exactly where to direct your energy.

Your ruling planet, Mercury, forms a trine aspect with Neptune as the day progresses, which will make it easier for you to put your worries aside and enjoy life.

Relationships become more supportive and pleasant, and agreements come naturally. You have the opportunity to broaden your knowledge and experience through friends, networks, and associates.

By placing more trust in your relationships and in your most cherished hopes and wishes, you're in full capacity to imagine new ideas or revitalize your current ones.

An existing partnership is boosted by a new layer of understanding and acceptance. Now's the time to think big.




Libra 6

Libra, the day starts with a hard decision and confusion about the best use of your energies. On the other hand, as the day progresses, Mercury trine Neptune Your faith in your dreams drives you to adjust your plans accordingly.

Incorporating a creative touch into your services or offers is becoming increasingly important. You say something very profound or motivating to others, and those words have a big impact on them.

Compassion plays an important role right now. You have a strong instinct for knowing what to say and how to say it, especially in public or when it comes to your work.

The good things in life have a unique appeal and can be an essential source of motivation for the projects you're currently undertaking. The transits of today allow you to meaningfully express your creativity and inspiration.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, your mood at the start of the day is slightly impacted by a tense Mars-Pluto trine aspect. You may feel uncertain about your next moves.

Nevertheless, as the day goes on, it gets easier to let go and just enjoy yourself. Now is an excellent time to share ideas and personal philosophies.

With Mercury trine Neptune, acceptance of different points of view is a key theme. Sharing and learning are encouraged. You may feel the desire or need to share something personal, private, or previously hidden.

Conversations are illuminating and uplifting, and your reflections can lead to deeper understanding. You are able to put your imagination to good use, which is a very rewarding skill.

Don't hesitate to put your ideas into practice, whether by sharing them and inspiring others, or by creating something new and unique.

This transit may also indicate intimate conversations, as well as big dreams and plans related to your romantic life.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, when the day begins, you may feel indecisive, but this uncertainty quickly turns into acceptance and imaginative thinking,

Intimate relationships tend to go well as the day progresses, thanks to open communication and a willingness to understand hidden aspects.

Your confidence in yourself and in your dreams and projects helps move things forward. It is a good time to use your imagination and let its magic run wild, especially in the sphere of family or domestic life.

You'll feel stronger to reach an agreement. Conversations with the family adopt a sympathetic tone. Be ready to let go of negative situations, habits or attitudes, as this will pave the way for more positivity in your life.

Get inspired, but don't forget that the only way to make your dreams come true is to break them down into smaller achievable goals.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, it may be hard to establish a clear plan at the start of the day if you are plagued by fears or guilt. However, as the day progresses, Mercury trine Neptune will bring fluidity and smoothness.

This transit places you in an ideal position to express yourself with creativity and passion. Others pick up on the nuances you're trying to convey.

When it comes to making plans for the future or coming up with innovative ideas, it can be rewarding to share your ideas with a partner as two heads are better than one.

Someone in your life is trying to get you to think in a more imaginative way. Conversations with others stimulate your creativity. You take a new approach in your interactions with people, rather than sticking to tired and inefficient methods.

Mutually beneficial agreements can be reached, paving the way for mutually advantageous cooperation.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, the start of the day may be a hard time to reach an agreement on a specific direction or plan. Nevertheless, as the day progresses, transits facilitate clear communication, and your ideas are original and creative.

Letting go of rigidity can be extremely beneficial. In addition, practical information on health, money, and work can emerge.

You can bring your creativity to your work, or add practical details to special projects that will greatly benefit from it. Reach out to others in different or unusual ways, and express yourself in a pleasant way.

With Mercury trine Neptune, relying on your intuition is better than over-analyzing a situation or placing too much emphasis on facts and figures.




Pisces 6

Pisces, the start of the day may be bad for finding a specific direction. Nevertheless, as the day progresses, you realize that there are many options and you feel less obliged to choose one.

With Mercury trine Neptune, it is easier and more enjoyable to imagine the various possibilities. You feel exceptionally comfortable and confident and express yourself naturally and creatively.

People take into consideration what you say and value your contributions. Communicate your thoughts and feelings, establish relationships, and make agreements.

Tolerance, the ability to accept your mistakes, and the desire to learn and get better are the three most important ingredients for success.

You have a more open-minded attitude to life, which leads you to exciting places.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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