Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! June 17, 2023

Mercury is sextile Venus today, which makes it easier to reach compromises, negotiate, and have pleasant interactions.

This transit is great for diplomacy, charm, social skills, presenting ideas, romantic opportunities, teaching, business, publishing, trade, public relations, and partnerships or collaborations.

On the other hand, Saturn will go retrograde today; which will last until November 4th. This can momentarily amplify the energies associated with Saturn, which can make the day and week a little heavy.

We make more mistakes than usual. Instead of dealing with our responsibilities and commitments immediately or proactively, we're encouraged to examine and question them.

We may feel more guilt and self-doubt when we absorb our internal fears, but it's also a great opportunity to re-evaluate our commitments.

Mercury sextile Venus brings ease in interactions and communication, which favors pleasant relationships and opportunities.

However, with Saturn in retrograde, take the time to reflect on your current responsibilities and commitments, even if doing so can create doubts and questions.



Aries 6

Aries, you're currently working on a personal project that is very dear to your heart. You invest more passion and imagination in your work, favorite project or business idea.

Saturn has just started its retrograde phase today so it's best to be careful, keep your responsibilities in mind, and work methodically towards achieving your goals.

Saturn will stay retrograde until November 4, allowing you to reassess your obligations and reconsider your personal plans. You'll get the urge to withdraw a little bit.

During this time, you will have the opportunity to learn more about your spiritual goals, work out the details of long-term projects, or complete projects that have achieved their original purpose.

Saturn retrograde may feel a little heavy as you experience a change of pace this week, but in time you'll adapt to the change and probably enjoy this period of introspection.

Keep in mind that now is not the best time to launch big projects. However, returning to old completed projects can be satisfying and even rewarding.

Use this time to reflect, make any necessary changes, and give thanks for the work that you have already accomplished.




Taurus 6

Taurus, today, Saturn will go retrograde, which means that you'll need to review, reflect, and restructure your work, long-term projects, as well as aspirations for social life and happiness in the months to come.

This change in perspective requires an awareness of the potential impact of the desire to increase or expand, which may be creating stress rather than joy at the moment.

As a result, focus on what is already underway, as this may prove to be more fruitful in the here and now.

Saturn's retrograde cycle will continue until November 4, and during this time it is important to keep in mind that efforts put into building and restructuring will bring about benefits in the long run.

You'll also feel in a good position to devote yourself to a particular project or activity today. Motivation and commitment levels are at their highest levels.

Stay tuned to any useful information that may come up, as it can further inspire ideas, dreams, and goals.




Gemini 6

Gemini, you want to discover a deeper meaning in what you do. You may be doing a lot of things behind the scenes or keeping certain things secret, as this seems to be the wisest strategy at the moment.

You can get fired up and excited about a mission or personal plan. Since Saturn will stay retrograde until November 4th, you will run into roadblocks, experience delays, or feel like you're not ready to put things into place.

You will undergo a change in perspective with regard to your long-term objectives, responsibilities, career, or life path.

Since taking on too much can increase stress, simplify your efforts in your career, and take care of your reputation. Now is the ideal time to focus on projects that are already underway or to investigate those that have been left uncompleted.

Spend some time thinking about your history and try to come up with ways to make your work obligations less complicated.




Cancer 6

Cancer, you might experience a pleasant sense of devotion to a friend or to a cause today. This sense of purpose can propel you to great achievements.

Interactions are friendly, constructive, and beneficial. You may receive information about courses or opportunities that will be of use to you.

On the other hand, Saturn went retrograde today, which indicates that in the coming months, you may experience setbacks, delays, or revisions in matters that are related to education, travel, or publishing.

Refrain from making hasty choices. During this time, the most effective strategies for achieving your goals are simplifying, building, structuring, and stabilizing.

Give yourself permission to dream and aim big, but avoid getting carried away, as this could exhaust you when real opportunities arise.




Leo 6

Leo, you're currently guiding or mentoring, and others may look to you for assistance and direction. You have a heightened ability to observe today, allowing you to create meaningful connections with others through deep conversations.

Pay extra attention to the conversations and relationships. Today also marks the beginning of Saturn's retrograde, which will continue until November 4.

You are encouraged to examine your debts, emotional support, health, and your close relationships. You'll need to reevaluate the amount of time and effort that you devote to these areas, and your plans may be changed.

However, once you realize that you need to reorganize, simplify, and maintain stability in your life, you will start to see the benefits.

Since Saturn is retrograde right now, take some time to relax and evaluate your top priorities. This requires reflection on your key areas of personal responsibility.




Virgo 6

Virgo, a very special person may serve as a source of motivation for you to find deeper meaning in your activities. Friends or networks can also bring clarity to your life.

Being exposed to new information can help build new friendships and deepen your sense of belonging to a community. Being surrounded by other people can lead to new understandings and important observations.

Saturn will go retrograde today, which should serve as a reminder to you of the importance of maintaining stability in key aspects of your life, such as your relationships, creative world, and activities.

Simplify things rather than take on additional responsibilities because you might experience some kind of setback or slowdown.

Over the next few months, you might see a person or the needs of your relationship in a slightly different light. Your approach or vision will need to be adjusted

This cycle, which will continue until November 4, will ultimately point you in the right direction. Spend some time thinking about your priorities, especially with regard to your relationship with the important people in your life.




Libra 6

Libra, you might have a strong urge to delve deeper into your research and engage in solitary analytical work.

Saturn goes retrograde today, which means that over the next few months, you may experience setbacks, delays, or changes in routine, work, or health.

Until November 4, take stock and reflect on these aspects of your life rather than seek to innovate in them.

Although you may feel a drop in motivation or encounter obstacles, you're well-positioned to simplify, modify and reinforce what you already have in place.

In the coming months, you might also want to reevaluate the commitments you have made to specific programs, projects, or jobs. Watch out for errors.

You're going through a rough time in your relationships or the weight of your work or health-related responsibilities may be heavier at the moment.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, today marks the beginning of Saturn's retrograde, which for you can result in a change in perspective with regard to romantic and creative endeavors.

When it comes to having fun, finding love, pursuing personal interests, and expressing your creativity, the next few months are the perfect time to reevaluate, focus, and maybe even rebuild your efforts.

Big, innovative projects won't take off right away, which will cause you stress. Minimize mental and physical strain and simplify your life.

Leveling things out will get you better results. You may be returning to a previous project and approaching it in a new way, or working on a creation in progress.

You can enjoy meaningful conversations, spend time with others, and learn many new things.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, Saturn will go retrograde, which will last until November 4. During this time, expect some slowdowns, revisions, delays, or backtracking in domestic and financial matters.

Take into account the effects that this period will have in the long run. It's a good idea to simplify and concentrate on projects already underway, so you can catch your breath.

In fact, this period gives chances for you to reevaluate, modify, and otherwise improve your commitments. Use this time to reflect on your goals and expectations.

Today, your intuition, a revelation, or a deeper understanding may serve as a source of motivation for you to take care of matters relating to your work or health.

You are good at committing to a goal related to your work or health.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, Saturn, your ruling planet, goes retrograde today. During this period, which runs until November 4, it is appropriate to review, revise and modify certain projects and commitments.

You may experience a slight decrease in motivation in areas such as learning, personal interests, communication, and socializing.

In these areas, you will experience delays, and pending decisions may momentarily prevent you from moving forward. In the coming months, it's better to focus on unfinished projects.

You will find the right path more quickly if reconnect with your priorities. This cycle is beneficial because it reminds you of the aspects of your life where it would be advantageous to exercise restraint.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, today is a good day for you to focus on matters pertaining to resources and family. You feel blessed and motivated to make further improvements.

Since Saturn goes retrograde today, you might feel heavier. In the upcoming months, it is a good time to review some of your commitments and responsibilities, especially those that are related to your finances, business, safety, self-esteem, natural talents, and resources.

Until you reach new conclusions, certain projects might experience setbacks. Don't rush these decisions, as your outlook is changing this week.

When it comes to financial matters, this time is more conducive to review, adjustment, and reflection than it is to innovation.




Pisces 6

Pisces, compared to other days, you have a stronger urge to focus on your personal interests. You're also in excellent shape to clarify a relationship or get involved in a creative project.

Saturn goes retrograde and will stay that way until November 4th. If you feel disconnected from the purpose of the responsibilities that accompany this Saturn phase in your sign, this cycle can amplify their weight and importance, even if they haven't objectively changed or increased.

Your perspective on these responsibilities might change. Keep in mind the goal of this Saturn retrograde is to learn to rely on yourself and to bring order to your life.

Right now, moderation is what's needed most! During this cycle, rather than undertaking something new, it's better to revisit an old project.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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