Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! June 18, 2023

Today's New Gemini Moon will provide us with opportunities for commitment to personal goals in the weeks ahead.

This lunation paves the way for new beginnings in the areas of learning, sharing, writing, communication, and connecting.

Nevertheless, there may be a lot to deal with, and we may feel overwhelmed by many factors, which makes it difficult to make a decision.

We may need to adjust our expectations, as we may oscillate between seeing too many opportunities and seeing too few.

Discussions and thoughts can take us in new directions and open up new avenues for our projects.

On the other hand, this lunation forms a square with Neptune, which may lead to some dissatisfaction. We could be faced with blurred perceptions and expectations.

It is hard to clearly understand where we are headed, but our discomfort with the past can be very real, motivating us to make new beginnings.

In fact, the Sun will form a square with Neptune tonight, which can call into question our motivations, goals, or sense of duty.

The lack of inspiration or motivation we've been having lately is becoming more intense now. We're facing some disorganization, a lack of practicality, or a temporary energy drain.

We might struggle with staying motivated until we find ways to bring more spirituality into our lives. On the other hand, it may also be a time of heightened awareness and spiritual vision, even if this may initially be difficult to accept.

We find new sources of energy, and this energy is more genuine and satisfying. Keep an open mind toward new ideas and be flexible in the face of challenges.

Working with the energies of the New Moon in Gemini allows us to discover new opportunities that are truly motivating.



Aries 6

Aries, the New Moon occurs in your house of communications and travel today, which ignites a desire to express yourself, start new projects, pursue your passions, or start a course of study.

This cycle promotes the exploration of new ways to get around or connect, and it can be very active in the areas of day-to-day activities, errands, neighborhood activities, or gathering information

You want to add a more personal touch to the things you do at work or in your communications. The Sun and Neptune are currently in a square aspect, which calls for some degree of management on your part.

Be aware of the tendency to fool yourself into believing something that is irrational. Refrain from making important choices while your judgment may be temporarily impaired.

Conversations can be difficult, and it's easy to become frustrated when you're trying to solve problems or find answers that you can trust.

If you've been neglecting the rest, moments of pause, or spiritual nourishment you need, it can manifest itself now. Don't forget the importance of nourishing your imagination, your spirit, and your faith.

It's a mentally charged time and it may be hard for you to detach yourself.




Taurus 6

Taurus, the New Moon occurs today in your house of resources. This lunation encourages new beginnings and provides opportunities to make peace with the past, which may prompt you to adopt a new perspective or strategy.

As a result, now is an excellent time to make resolutions regarding your professional life, finances, and your sense of safety.

You are motivated to take care of your valuable possessions and your finances. If you want to have a higher income in the future, this is the ideal time to explore new opportunities.

Your talents are in high demand as well, and you can them to further your own interests. However, you first have to deal with the Sun square Neptune which can interfere with your clarity of thought, especially when it comes to money, friendships, and emotions.

Others' unreliability can be a problem or you may long for a connection with someone, a group, or a special bond that is more idyllic.

As you prioritize taking care of your business, don't ignore your spiritual needs. Today, a reminder can guide you in this direction, helping you find ways to infuse more imagination and spirit into your business activities.

You discover inspiring ways to incorporate more imagination and spirituality into your business.




Gemini 6

Gemini, the powerful energy of today's New Moon brings about big changes in your life and stimulates you to make significant progress.

Your presence is more noticed by others, which can motivate you to redouble your efforts to give your best. This is the perfect time to make some changes and new beginnings.

Make the most of this opportunity to improve your confidence, change your perspective on the world if that's beneficial, and take control of your life in a meaningful way.

Set time in your schedule to attend to your personal wants and concerns, as this time is very beneficial to the practice of healthy self-care. However, your first step is to deal with the Sun square Neptune today.

In the absence of a concrete plan or well-defined course of action, you might feel empty or dissatisfied, however, it is important to remain patient.

Before moving forward, you need to spend some time getting to know your inner needs better. Refrain from making decisions or looking for immediate answers right now, as the results may not be accurate.

The key is to proceed patiently, adapting gradually as you go along.




Cancer 6

Cancer, the transits of today indicate that it is time to process recent events and circumstances in your life, especially as they relate to your free time and spiritual life.

Today's New Moon takes place in your twelfth solar house and you're using this time to organize things in preparation for a new beginning.

When the Sun moves into your sign on June 21, the Moon will be especially beneficial because it can lead you down a new path of self-discovery, healing, and strengthening.

Being in tune with your inner needs and desires may require understanding and processing recent events. Nevertheless, today's Sun-Neptune square presents some challenges.

Your perceptions and your beliefs are mixed up, and you might be tempted to ignore a question that you are not prepared to deal with at this time.

Avoid making hasty judgments and try to avoid missing crucial details. Before committing yourself to a situation that seems too good to be true or too incredible to be real, take the time to assess its feasibility.

It is fine to have goals for the future, but if those goals prevent you from enjoying the here and now, you might need to focus on something more practical.




Leo 6

Leo, the New Moon of today highlights your desire to put a plan into motion, connect in more enriching ways with others, and find inspiration for new goals and ideas.

Your sense of community is strong and you feel emotional satisfaction from interacting with and supporting friends and associates.

This week, you will have a strong desire to work together, build new friendships, and revitalize existing relationships. You gain a new perspective on people in general and on your place among them.

The Sun is square Neptune, which creates a minor roadblock. Especially when it comes to emotional relationships and finances, you may have a hard time telling the difference between reality and wishful thinking.

Be careful and don't let financial concerns cloud your judgment, especially when the money in question is being handled by others.

When it comes to relationships, trust is absolutely necessary, but occasionally others cross the line. Establish clear boundaries with people who may seek to push them away.

Use the momentum of the New Moon to put your plans into action and make meaningful connections with the people around you.




Virgo 6

Virgo, the New Moon of today provides you with the boost and the motivation you need to make improvements, take charge, and develop a plan, a project, or an enterprise.

During the coming week, you will find enthusiasm in your work, and you might have opportunities to improve your image or reputation.

You'll receive additional responsibilities, recognition, or opportunities for promotion. You could find yourself in the spotlight in one way or another, drawing the attention of others with your performances and actions.

Maintain order in specific aspects of your life by adhering to the rules. The Sun square Neptune today may present you with some temporary difficulty.

There are unclear or confusing aspects associated with a relationship that affect your career, goals, or general direction in life.

Everything will come to a head today if others have pushed you beyond your limits or if uncertainty in your personal life has gradually weakened you.

You're struggling with illusions or a loss of energy and resources, which can slow down your progress, hinder your growth, and prevent you from realizing your dreams.




Libra 6

Libra, today's New Moon may provide you with the motivation to change the course of your life.

In the coming week, you might feel motivated to take place in activities or projects that broaden your mind, feed your thirst for adventure and stimulate your imagination.

You might feel the need to share your experiences with others, to engage in publishing, marketing, or promotion after gaining a new perspective on life.

Now is a fantastic time to develop a more optimistic outlook, cultivate a positive mentality, and work on fortifying your sense of purpose and meaning.

However, the Sun square Neptune may present a temporary roadblock or suggest that you need to put certain plans on hold.

Take care of yourself, your ambitions, your source of inspiration, your imagination, and your emotional needs.

Disruptions in your personal life can disrupt your schedule and delay your plans. On the other hand, if you feel overwhelmed or uncertain, you may find yourself in a waiting situation.

The need for more fulfilling, creative, or imaginative work can be the root of your dissatisfaction.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, your life will take on a new course with today's New Moon, and you will have the confidence to work toward self-improvement and self-mastery goals.

Financial and intimate matters take center stage, and while there may be challenges and obstacles, you're ready to take matters into your own hands.

This Moon phase is characterized by new beginnings, a surge of desire, and a new burst of energy, with an emphasis on intimacy, trust, connection, and power dynamics.

It also has an impact on matters pertaining to alimony, shared resources, and debts. Find new ways to connect with a partner, get a loan, pay off debt, or get emotional support this coming week.

However, before diving into these areas, give yourself some time. The Sun square Neptune today may make you move more slowly. You may be confronted with confusing signals or uncertainty that leaves you in a state of indecision.

If you're having second thoughts about moving forward in a relationship or a financial matter, that could be a sign that you should hold off for the time being.

Your imagination is very strong right now; however, you should guide it in the right direction in order to avoid falling for illusions.

Even if it means temporarily setting aside your more material goals, use this time to investigate the world within and discover ways to fulfill your needs for imagination, creative expression, and spirituality




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, the New Moon of today marks a new beginning or direction in your relationships and partnerships.

This Moon phase suggests that you will have a new or renewed connection in your life, as well as new negotiations and a clearer understanding of what you want from a relationship.

You're in a great position to collaborate with someone, strengthen an existing partnership, or benefit from advice or consultation.

In the coming days and weeks, it will be important to express gratitude to those who are close to you, work together to get things done effectively, and open conversations, negotiations, or consultations.

However, the Sun square Neptune might leave you feeling exhausted, but in the long run, it will bring you new ideas.

If you've been devoting too much time and energy to others, to the detriment of your own need for solitude and comfort, you may feel an imbalance today.

Relationships that are emotionally complicated are likely to go through ups and downs. The more emotionally invested you are in a relationship, the more likely you are to project your expectations and be disappointed.

Let go of the need for signs or definitive answers and take a break to revitalize yourself so that you can enjoy the present.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, the New Moon of today provides an outstanding opportunity for you to initiate new projects or programs that are aimed toward improving your health and well-being. It's time to start caring for yourself more.

Improving the ways you go about your daily activities will play a significant role. You could rediscover your passion for what you do and bring a new, creative and joyful energy to your work.

In the coming weeks, you will have a good opportunity to start a new wellness program, as well as improve both your business and your day-to-day routines.

You might feel energized by taking on new responsibilities or prioritizing different things. Nevertheless, since the Sun is square Neptune today, you might experience some momentary confusion until you clarify your more abstract goals.

Taking care of your material world is very important, but if you're not fully focused, you could make mistakes. Staying on course can be difficult, but taking time to rest and reflect is essential.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, with a New Moon taking place today, there are new beginnings and new paths in creativity, leisure, romance, and hobbies.

It motivates you to make more time in your schedule to play and pursue creative and expressive activities that you're passionate about.

In the coming week, make a firm commitment to listen to your heart, express yourself openly, and enjoy your hobbies more.

However, the Sun square Neptune may cloud your perception, which may result in a temporary setback.

It's essential to look inside yourself for answers, even if we tend to look outside ourselves for happiness, which can lead to disappointment. Don't let yourself be led astray by delusional hopes and expectations.

While it is necessary to keep an open mind, it is equally important to keep your feet firmly planted in the practical aspects of your life.

Be aware of your tendency to avoid dealing with financial problems or get into debt to satisfy your temporary desires.




Pisces 6

Pisces, the New Moon of today places a strong emphasis on your home and family.

You may feel the emergence of unusual or repressed desires, prompting you to find new ways of expressing yourself in your domestic environment.

This lunation compels you to restructure, take action, or rebalance the aspects of your personal life that need attention.

Your personal and family life can expect changes but know that these changes are intended to push you in a better direction.

You're turning over a new leaf, integrating both the old and the new. Today you could go from being overly optimistic to feeling abandoned today, and the truth lies somewhere in between

Your ruling planet, Neptune, and the Sun form a square aspect, which can momentarily test your ability to achieve your goals and even challenge your confidence.

If you have been ignoring your emotional and spiritual needs lately, you may be feeling tired or lack direction. Finding out exactly what's making you dissatisfied is the key to calming this inner turmoil

This requires a lot of introspection because many of the reasons that we give ourselves to justify our dissatisfaction are superficial and temporary.

You may feel left out or disappointed until you recognize your true needs.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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