Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! March 14, 2023

Today, Mars forms a square with Neptune, and as a result, it may be difficult for us to focus on our priorities.

In the coming days, the Sun and Mercury will make an aspect as they align with each other and Neptune, which is square Mars, and we'll have too much to do.

Mars was square Neptune in Gemini for the first time in October 2022 and then returned in November while in retrograde motion.

When we are confronted with an overwhelming number of options and unsure of our next step, motivation and energy levels may decrease.

With this transit, we need to be on the lookout for difficulties involving borders and boundaries. Don't take the easy way out. Disappointment can actually be a source of inspiration for personal growth.

Goals or issues that were brought to light in October might reemerge now and will need to be addressed. The Sun squaring off with the Moon further complicates today's energies.

As we approach the last Quarter Moon, we want activity or progress in our endeavors. Now is not the best time to start an important project. Nevertheless, it is reliable energy for taking a sober look at a situation.



Aries 6

Aries, today's transits make you have a desire for activities or ideas that stimulate your mind and get it working.

Despite this, the atmosphere can be quite tense, and the energy might be disorienting. When it comes to tackling your projects, it can be hard to determine where to begin.

During these times, you may find yourself momentarily questioning what you're doing and where you're going. This week presents many opportunities for new ideas and motivation.

Desires can arise out of nowhere, but they are usually fleeting and are most likely the result of procrastination rather than the satisfaction of a deep need.

It may remind you that you need a break from your routine or an opportunity to do something different.




Taurus 6

Taurus, as the Moon spends the day in your house of shared resources, you may find yourself wishing for a more in-depth approach or a stronger sense of connection with others.

However, given the transits of today, it may be challenging to reach a consensus on a particular plan. In the long run, the tension now can energize and motivate you, but it is all too easy to feel internal turmoil or to work at cross purposes with someone.

Focusing on complicated emotions can get in the way of effectiveness and transits can ignite financial, business, or property matters.

You might experience a temporary lack of direction, guidance, or support. Demotivation is a possibility, but changing your strategy could ultimately be more beneficial.




Gemini 6

Gemini, you are more concerned with maintaining a healthy balance in your life and giving your relationships the attention they deserve.

Mars is currently in a stressed position in your sign, which may cause you to take a defensive stance today. However, through your interactions with other people, you may learn something about yourself or your unfulfilled needs.

You might temporarily experience feelings of immobility or dissatisfaction, but if you take a patient approach, you will learn more about your desires and attachments.

Think about setting some manageable challenges or goals, and work on accomplishing those.




Cancer 6

Cancer, the Moon will spend the entire day in your house of work and routines, highlighting your daily affairs. Nevertheless, the transits of today can generate pressure or tension, both of which are detrimental to productivity.

You don't have to ignore your motivation to work things out, but it's a good idea to do what you can to calm yourself down. Your expectations may need adjusting.

Conflicts or confusing interactions may be noticeable. You might have some unfinished business to take care of, but you have a strong desire to put the past in the past and move on.

You'll need to overcome an obstacle or find a new source of inspiration, which could put you in a bad mood. However, it might be beneficial to reorient yourself or take a break from the action.




Leo 6

Leo, the Moon in your fifth solar house today can make it easier for you to communicate your thoughts and ideas with others.

However, on a social level, sensitivity can lead to quick reactions or mood swings today, both of which can electrify the situation.

The transits of today encourage sloppy approaches, and you may decide that waiting until things are worked out is the best course of action.

You'll need to rely on other people who don't necessarily share your views. Even confused interactions today can help reveal buried desires.

It is preferable to avoid borrowing money, time, and energy in the future.




Virgo 6

Virgo, you have a strong desire to bring order or harmony into your personal life, but it may not be easy to get past the frustrations that you are experiencing.

Allowing them to motivate you to make changes or put an irritating situation behind you can be productive.

Although fixing some situations may seem like what you need, there is a tendency to be too defensive to make much progress, so waiting may be best.

Feeling a little unmotivated can ultimately lead you to a stronger position as you readjust your priorities.




Libra 6

Libra, you might find yourself attracted to your personal interests, but it will be challenging for you to satisfy all of your needs and wishes.

It is important to keep in mind that if you rush through your tasks, it will almost certainly result in errors and disagreements. Get in touch with your deepest desires before taking any action.

Mars in your ninth solar house encourages you to look for ways to expand your knowledge, make new connections, and make yourself better.

On the other hand, Mars is going to square off with Neptune today, and as a result, you might have to overcome a challenge or a disappointment before the wind returns to your sails.

Watch out for unrealistic expectations that could impede your ability to think clearly and make sound choices.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, since the Moon will spend the entire day in your second solar house, your desire for comfort and familiar things will be stronger than usual.

However, the Moon is opposite Mars, and Mars is square Neptune; this can lead to conflicts regarding boundaries, finances, power dynamics, or respect.

Attractions can become powerful, but they can also leave you feeling unfulfilled if you have the sense that you need more equilibrium in your life.

When your needs and wants compete with those of your partner, it can be difficult to feel satisfied in the relationship.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, right now, the Moon is traveling through your sign, which means all eyes are on you. However, the differences and difficulties are highlighted by the transits of today.

It might be difficult to get everything in order. You have a tendency to go in your own direction, but at the same time, you want to be acknowledged by others, which makes your interactions more complicated.

You might be faced with options that are unclear or a circumstance that is taxing; in either case, you will need to take a step back to regain your composure and rethink your plans.

Even though there may be confusion and exaggeration in the energies of the day, you are in a good position to turn it into a positive.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, the Moon will spend the entire day in your house of privacy, and you may find that you withdraw from usual activities.

Mars square Neptune clouds motivation. Keep in mind that you need to take a break. What you want right now isn't entirely clear, and even if you do know what you want, figuring out how to get it may be difficult.

With the planets in your house of work and health squaring off with Neptune today and in the days to come, you may find it more challenging to achieve your goals.

You may overdo it or push yourself too hard, in which case it makes a lot of sense to take the time to reorient yourself.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, the Moon in your social sector may encourage you to engage in activities that are laid back and uncomplicated. Despite this, you might experience feelings of restlessness due to the current transits, which are encouraging you to find inspiration.

Start by addressing your frustrations. You might be torn between the desire to do something on your own and expecting that others will join you.

Watch out for whims and desires that could lead you astray from your path. Even though there has been some excitement regarding forthcoming opportunities, the need to reorient oneself or refocus your attention can arise unexpectedly, and taking a break can be helpful.

Sticking to a routine may be more challenging than usual, but switching up your environment or your routine can be an effective way to lift your spirits.




Pisces 6

Pisces, the transits of today could trigger frustrations that work just below the surface of things. Being restless can help you deal with a problem, but you should watch out for impatience.

Your energy levels will fluctuate or be unreliable, the timing will be off, and you will need guidance, a sign, or a sense of direction, or you might need more time to see what your next step should be.

A little confusion both today and tomorrow might, in the end, lead to a new source of information. It is in your best interest to be patient for the time being and put off making big decisions until you have more insight.

Avoid making any important commitments for the time being and gain a better understanding of what drives you.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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