Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! March 18, 2023

Today, Mercury forms a sextile to Pluto, and it improves our ability to see the different layers of a situation. We might come across useful information, or we will “see” the truth regarding a topic that we have recently avoided.

It is a good time to delve deeper into a topic that interests you. It will be to our advantage to exercise patience and strategy in the way that we make decisions, and we are willing to look deeper than what meets the eye.

Conversations are richer, more investigative, and more meaningful, and we can arrive at a deeper psychological understanding of our lives as a result.

Now is a good time to let go of something that has been holding us back or keeping us stuck.



Aries 6

Aries, Mercury sextile Pluto today brings the importance of strategy to your attention. You might find that looking into a case is somewhat beneficial.

Information that is surfacing at this time is beneficial and may even be therapeutic or liberating. This transit assists you in finding a great project or pursuit.

You feel more confident regarding your ideas and perceptions. As the Moon spends the day in your social sector, you may feel compelled to break away from your routine.

Today is a good day to make some progress toward some of your goals and realize some of your dreams.




Taurus 6

Taurus, today's conversations, particularly those with close friends, are meaningful or enlightening. Since Mercury is sextile Pluto, you realize that drawing conclusions slowly or being calmer is advantageous.

Others trust you with important information. Something that was previously hidden has the potential to emerge now, and it's illuminating.

It's a great time to discover new layers of a situation or have a conversation that reveals a lot more than you ever imagined. You have positive energy on your side as you solve a mystery or get started on a project that you are extremely enthusiastic about.




Gemini 6

Gemini, your ruling planet, Mercury, is sextile Pluto, which will assist you in making good use of your resources.

This transit encourages you to slow down, think things through, come up with plans, and investigate a topic in greater depth so that you can gain a better understanding.

You are now more interested in and appreciative of the smaller details. You are also more aware and intrigued by unexplored things and anything that is hidden, taboo, or secret.

You might get a new perspective on private matters and discover a way to approach a past problem.




Cancer 6

Cancer, Mercury is sextile Pluto and the Moon spends the day in your house of intimacy, encouraging you to investigate a matter in greater depth.

You are currently in a mental state conducive to goal-setting. Discovering new information about important people in your life can oftentimes open your eyes to new perspectives.

Conversations are very illuminating, particularly the ones that focus on philosophical issues and the future. You now have more courage to confront and acknowledge the truth.

Since you are able to focus on the important things and worry less about the trivial things, this is an excellent time for meaningful work.




Leo 6

Leo, if you are able to tap into the brilliance of the Mercury-Pluto sextile, you will be able to see a new layer in a situation, and you will also feel better as a result.

Taking care of the details, becoming organized, and continually expanding your knowledge can be especially effective. This is the perfect time to pursue your health and wellness goals.

Patience is the key to having meaningful conversations that can help clarify a question or revolve around achieving goals for the future. The Moon will spend the day in your house of partnerships, and you will focus more of your attention on the social side of your life.




Virgo 6

Virgo, you notice an increase in both your focus and ambition, and you also feel very motivated. You're determined to learn more about a certain topic.

Romantic matters, creative endeavors, and hobbies will thrive during this time. With your ruling planet, Mercury, in a sextile aspect with Pluto, now is a good time for you to learn something that will empower you.

This transit not only provides answers but also helps to strengthen romantic relationships. You might benefit from taking part in activities or having conversations with others about an ongoing problem, and your contributions are very much valued.

There is a powerful urge to forget about something in the past. In order to make progress in certain aspects of your life, you need to cut ties with certain people or things, and now is an excellent time to do so.




Libra 6

Libra, you are in a good position to work on your home, health, or personal life, and you have ideas to improve these aspects of your life.

Upgrading may require you to get rid of things you no longer need. Luckily, it is much easier than usual to recognize what can be sacrificed in the name of progress!

You might be inspired to put in long hours at work if you believe that an increase in your income. You may also be working on an emotional issue while identifying the attitudes that are preventing you from overcoming a challenge.

Try to get organized and get the details right today. The Moon spending the day in your house of joy all day helps improve things.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, today is a good time for you to find solutions to problems and come up with original ideas. Mercury's sextile aspect with your ruling planet, Pluto, makes it easier for you to organize information and gain useful insights.

This transit is occurring in the expressive houses of your chart, which puts you in an excellent position to learn, focus, and communicate with others. You are prepared to make an extra effort in critical areas where it is needed.

You are finally able to see what has been holding you back, which means that now is an excellent time to make progress. If you want to get your point across and find an audience that is open to hearing it, you are in an excellent position to do so.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, the Moon will spend the day in your house of communications, encouraging you to engage with others.

With Mercury and Pluto in a sextile aspect, you are not only able to read between the lines, but you are also able to search for hidden truths or get to the bottom of a situation.

You are very insightful about your current financial situation. Your attention is focused on the aspects of a business project that are most vital, and your judgment is sound.

You might purchase an item that makes your life a little bit better, or you could have a conversation with a partner or a member of your family that gives you new ideas.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, Mercury sextile Pluto today is helpful, and you're very attentive. New information from a friend opens you to new ways of viewing the world.

You're willing to change your way of thinking as well as your attitude in order to improve your life experience. Now is the time to take the lead with your ideas and projects.

If you want better results right now, pay attention to the details. The Moon's spending the day in your house of resources provides an additional helpful boost today for approaching situations with calm, patience, and a pragmatic mind.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, today is a good day to exercise your independence because the Moon will spend the entire day in your sign and will be square Uranus.

The good news is that a Mercury-Pluto sextile encourages you to be patient and find ways to turn a challenging situation to your advantage.

You'll feel pressured to sort things out, organize them, and take charge of the situation. You have a good understanding of the things that you have to change, put in the past, or adapt in order to progress.

Since you are currently looking for answers, now is the ideal time to adjust your plans, strategies, or schedules.




Pisces 6

Pisces, today is a good day to take it easy because the Moon will spend the entire day in the sign behind yours. You see things a little bit differently.

This pattern is reinforced by today's Mercury-Pluto sextile. You will gain a better understanding of yourself, the people around you, and your situation.

Encouragement and support from a person who is important to you can strengthen your sense of purpose. Listen carefully and be honest with yourself.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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