Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! March 20, 2023

With Venus and the North Node aligning in Taurus, we connect with others who help us move closer to our goals, especially goals relating to safety, a positive self-image, money, and resources.

We are more concerned with harmony and we're more agreeable and cooperative. We form happy relationships. Tonight, the Sun will move in Aries, but right before it does, it will harmonize with Pluto.

This Sun-Pluto sextile puts us in an improvement mindset, where we look for greater depth in both our activities and the connections we make with others.

Our determination, ambition, and dedication are all subtly boosted as a result. Making improvements or making progress toward a personal goal is successful now.

Tonight, the Sun will move in Aries, which will mark the beginning of the astrological New Year as well as the time of the Spring Equinox.

During this cycle, we're more enthusiastic and spontaneous and we're driven by a desire to conquer. We are straightforward, fearless, and relatively simple in our needs, but we are also prone to being more blind or impatient.



Aries 6

Aries, the energies of today are fantastic for gaining a new perspective on the events of the previous year.

They will assist you in getting rid of negative thoughts in preparation for starting anew with the Sun entering your sign later in the day and the New Moon occurring tomorrow.

The Sun is sextile Pluto today so you might reach a level of peace over a past affair, especially a romantic one. Even though you may have felt pressure to advance in your work, you now understand the significance of patience and strategy.

You'll gain a new perspective on your professional life or the path you should follow. You will have an easier time identifying areas that are unnecessary, allowing you to focus your efforts on eliminating them.

Now is the time for you to make significant changes in your life that will assist you in striking a better balance between your work and your leisure time.

Tonight, the Sun will enter your sign, ushering in a cycle that will prioritize you, your goals, and your needs throughout the following month.




Taurus 6

Taurus, since the Sun is sextile Pluto, you may acquire new information regarding a personal endeavor or a friendship today. Others will give you more support or cooperation.

You are at a point in your life where it is time to acknowledge new ways to make your life better, and you are also prepared to take on a challenge.

By sharing your own unique perspectives with others, you'll be able to increase the joy and pleasure of life. Brainstorming can be useful for better decisions.

This transit helps you feel more confident about your connections. It's a great time to breathe new life into an old friendship. Tonight, however, the Sun will enter your house of privacy for a stay of one month.

This is a wonderful cycle for emotional renewal, settling issues, and generally taking it easy.




Gemini 6

Gemini, the Sun is sextile Pluto today, which will make it easier for you to be patient and take advantage of the situation. You are more likely to deal with problems head-on rather than put them off for another day and procrastinate.

Taking responsibility for yourself and pushing yourself to achieve more than you set out to do can help you feel more responsible.

You have the wisdom to put your efforts into a long-term endeavor rather than wasting all of your energy on something that will only provide you with satisfaction in the short term.

It is also a good day to think of new approaches that you can take with regard to your work or your finances. Reading between the lines, research, or delving deeper into a subject could potentially yield positive results.

You have a lot of strength today, which is perfect for navigating tricky situations. As the Sun moves into your social sector, where it will remain until April 20, it is a good time to prioritize connections in your life.




Cancer 6

Cancer, the transits of today are powerful for helping you better understand a friend or your social needs. You could gain a new perspective, or someone else could pique your interest in the topic.

Talking with others about your perspectives, personal philosophies, and opinions, as well as making fascinating discoveries, can be very uplifting.

Today, it is much simpler to see the details and get to the bottom of the issues. You will be more visible than usual starting tonight when the Sun moves to the top of your solar chart, where it will remain for the next thirty days.

Your career and your responsibilities will benefit from increased power and a sharper focus.




Leo 6

Leo, your ability to focus and get things done quickly is enhanced by transits. Your powers of persuasion and leadership are growing, and the complexity of situations, people, and topics captivates and intrigues you.

You might find a satisfactory solution or method with work or health. Now is an excellent time to formulate a plan, collaborate with someone, and share resources or talents.

Your understanding and sense of purpose are stronger. Tonight, the Sun will move into your ninth solar house for a one-month stay, which indicates that your life will pick up the pace on an energetic level.

In the coming weeks, you will most likely find the spirit and the motivation to create new experiences for yourself.




Virgo 6

Virgo, the transits of today serve as a gentle reminder to focus your efforts on something. A new perspective on a relationship or a passion project will take center stage.

You are in an excellent position to make observations and strategies, but connection and cooperation may also be helpful. You have the right tools to heal or repair a relationship.

Today is a good day to acknowledge your deep feelings, but you also realize the importance of being patient and waiting for the right moment.

Now is an excellent time to fortify your resolve and fortitude. Tonight, the Sun will enter your eighth solar house for a visit that will last until April 20. ]

During this cycle, you have a greater willingness to understand the meaning of your relationships.




Libra 6

Libra, the transits of today encourage you to focus and use your time wisely. You might find success with particular approaches to certain problems in your life.

It is an excellent day for finding solutions to issues and getting to the bottom of things, as well as for finding something lost or discovering new information.

Improving aspects of family life such as daily routines and relationships within the family can be a part of the solution.

Getting rid of clutter can be a driving force now, as you can more easily see things that have outlived their original purpose.

You have a magic touch, and you are ready and willing to turn things around for the better with regard to your work, your routines, and even your health. You are currently making the most of opportunities despite the challenges you face.

The Sun will enter your house of partnerships tonight for a stay of one month, and the weeks ahead will be critical for bringing more balance into your life.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, your confidence and patience will increase as a result of today's transits. You might make headway or receive a boost in matters pertaining to communications, creative endeavors, personality, or professional concerns.

It could be something as simple as learning something new or seeing a problem in a different light. Alternatively, it could be a greater sense of your priorities, which improves your focus.

You are more motivated than usual, and you are ready to get something done. Today is a wonderful day to attract someone who loves and values you for who you are.

The Sun will enter your sixth solar house tonight, where it will remain for the next thirty days, and there will be a focus on your career and your health.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, you bring a new perspective to old challenges, which allows you to find solutions more easily. Now might be the time to look for ways to make your life better, particularly in the areas of your home and your finances.

If we make some minor adjustments now, we will reap significant benefits in the future. This morning's Sun-Pluto sextile is an excellent time to examine your habits regarding spending and saving money.

This is a good time to streamline and reduce things, which can be accomplished by getting rid of clutter or reorganizing your existing resources in a way that works to your advantage.

Tonight, the Sun will make its way through your house of love, romance, and creativity for a visit that will last until April 20.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, your excitement for a creative endeavor or a pursuit of a personal interest is likely to be high today. You produce quality work right now, and you can profit from self-motivation as well as reinforcement from the outside.

The primary focus should be self-improvement and keeping situations under control, whether you are tackling new challenges or improving what you already do.

Your suggestions are appreciated, and you have a remarkable ability for persuasion. Tonight, the Sun will move into your house of home and family, where it will remain until the 20th of April.

This transit will stimulate a strong focus on the aspects of your personal life.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, today is a good day for you to work on developing your plans and strategies, particularly in regard to your finances and your business.

Additionally, this is an excellent time for gaining new perspectives on psychological and private matters. You will also be able to trust someone special, and as a result, you will be able to receive helpful advice and possibly even support.

When you discover a new layer of a problem, you will gain momentum and experience a sense of increased strength. Your ability to make decisions has improved, and you now have more “tools” at your disposal to solve problems.

You are able to communicate your needs with more clarity than usual, which usually attracts appropriate support or cooperation.

The Sun will begin its transit through your house of communications tonight until April 20.




Pisces 6

Pisces, the importance and strength of working together as a team is a strong theme today. With today's Sun-Pluto sextile, you are being prompted to direct your attention and efforts toward a specific goal.

Even minor adjustments made at the moment could have significant repercussions down the road.

Tonight, the Sun will move into our house of finances; it will remain there for the next month and have a calming effect on your life during that time.

Up until April 20th, your ability to support yourself will be under the microscope, and as a result, you may feel more motivated to increase the resources at your disposal.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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