Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! March 21, 2023

Today, Jupiter forms a semi-square with Saturn, and we might run into obstacles or have to face reality when we think big or have the desire to develop.

Reorganizing our lives and goals is now necessary. Now, there is no “quick fix”; we need to keep working hard in order to make good progress, despite the fact that we may encounter some obstacles.

It is preferable to resurrect existing projects rather than start from scratch with a new one. We need to be careful not to overextend ourselves because that can lead to frustration.

This is the third and final transit that will take place, with the previous two occurring on July 21 and September 21 of 2022.

Today, a New Moon takes place in the first degree of Aries, signaling significant changes. It's a good idea to experiment with something new and original during the coming week and to do so with plenty of zeal and confidence.

It is a powerful cycle in which to reassess our relationship with ourselves. We have the opportunity to make significant changes in our lives if we choose to take advantage of Aries' powerful energy.

Since Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, a New Moon that occurs in the sign of Aries is especially conducive for new beginnings. Now is a good time to challenge ourselves with some new experiences.

It is also a good cycle to discover the benefits of expressing oneself authentically. Mars, the planet that rules Aries, forms a square with the lunation.

This can cause us to be more impulsive or impatient, despite our readiness to put in hard work and make progress.



Aries 6

Aries, the Sun has recently moved into your sign, ushering in a cycle lasting one month during which your personal influence will be significant and your personal endeavors will take center stage.

The New Moon in Aries takes place today, encouraging the feeling of a new beginning. It's a chance to break out of your comfort zone and express yourself in a way that's more creative and spontaneous, or it could be an opportunity to reimagine yourself.

You feel a surge of energy that you are able to channel in order to bring about the necessary changes in your life, particularly with regard to your personality, mannerisms, appearance, and image.

Be aware that now and in the following week you may be at your most impulsive; however, consider new projects and initiatives now.




Taurus 6

Taurus, the Sun has just started its transit through your house of privacy, which kicks off a cycle lasting one month during which you will come into more contact with your inner world.

During this time, you'll be more aware of the underlying psychic currents that are occurring around you. It is a good time to forgive other people and let go of grudges.

Your need for additional solitude and quiet time for contemplation is brought to your attention by the New Moon today. There's a possibility that you're harboring pent-up rage or desires that could erupt at any moment.

Before you start your new anniversary year, the next few weeks are a good time to reflect on the previous year and take care of any unfinished business that has accumulated.

You'll learn things about yourself that you haven't thought about in a while, which can be an eye-opening experience.

You also have a lot of energy for taking charge of situations and dealing with problems that aren't yet solved.




Gemini 6

Gemini, the Sun has recently moved into your eleventh solar house, bringing new energy into your life that directs your attention to happiness goals, friendships, and networking during the month that is to come.

Today, a New Moon brings a surge of energy to this house of your solar chart, and a sense of place takes on greater significance in your life, guiding much of what you do.

Unexpected things in relation to a social issue right now can occur. There is a chance that you will form a new friendship, rekindle an old one, or develop a unique connection to a cause or project.

You could hire a team or a helper, participate in a collaborative effort, or delegate tasks to others so that you have more time to focus on improving your craft or on yourself.




Cancer 6

Cancer, the Sun has just begun its transit into your tenth solar house, which it will remain in until April 20. This will be the case until the end of this month.

During this phase of the cycle, your ego and sense of identity are intertwined with your professional or social status, the opinions of those around you, and your ability to fulfill responsibilities.

Having these things slip through your fingers will cause you to worry. You also stand out more than usual, so people are more aware of what you have accomplished and what you still have to work on.

Today, a New Moon is taking place in this part of the sky, which means there is a surge of energy to help you reach for the stars! You are prepared to work toward achieving your objectives and make the necessary adjustments in your life.

You should expect to face challenges, but getting past them can teach you to remain calm and give you more confidence.

In the coming days, you will have a better understanding of how you can put something in the past and move on to better things.




Leo 6

Leo, the Sun has just moved into your ninth solar house, and it will remain in this house until April 20.

During this cycle, you may find that you are less content with your day-to-day activities and have a greater yearning for new experiences, adventures, and intellectual, physical, and spiritual growth.

The New Moon today brings everything full circle. You take a more courageous approach to your life, and you are excited about the things that you may learn and discover in the future.

If you've always wanted to expand your knowledge or do better in school, you should find that you have a lot more motivation these days.

You will be eager to put plans into motion, and it will always be to your advantage to adhere to certain routines; however, in general, stepping out of these routines for a little while or every once in a while can motivate and inspire you to do better.




Virgo 6

Virgo, the Sun has recently moved into the eighth solar house, which compels you to intensify the connections you have with others as well as the pursuits you engage in during the next month.

The New Moon of today bestows an even greater degree of power upon your personal sphere. You develop a more robust understanding of who you are and the things that you desire.

Additionally, now is an excellent time to settle debts owed to others or to get the support you need, whether it be material or emotional.

You are braver when dealing with sensitive or personal matters, and you place a greater emphasis on your own needs and participation.

The coming weeks are powerful for making changes to one's lifestyle or breaking free from an unhealthy addiction.




Libra 6

Libra, the Sun is now transiting your house of partnerships, and it will remain there until April 20. During this cycle, you are more willing than you usual to adjust and adapt in order to accommodate the needs of others.

The New Moon of today paves the way for a close personal connection to undergo a transformation in the coming days and weeks.

Unusual impulses may overwhelm you at this time and push you towards a new beginning. This is the ideal time to improve your relationships or become more aware of the needs you have in your relationships.

In the weeks that are to come, feelings and relationships will be front and center. This New Mon may also serve to encourage you to seek a healthy balance in your life through the comments of others or by providing you with a new point of view.

You will be more aware of any imbalances in your life and have a greater desire to make adjustments in order to restore harmony.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, the Sun has just started moving through your sixth solar house, and it will remain in this part of your chart and exert its influence until April 20.

During this time, you may find that you place a greater emphasis on your daily routines, including your efforts to improve your health and wellness, as well as any work or household chores that need to be done.

Take advantage of the present moment to take care of the little things that will help your life run more smoothly. The New Moon of today can inspire you to move in a different path and encourage you to take charge of the situation.

Now is the time for new beginnings, and you should approach your daily activities with renewed vigor. Your list of responsibilities and priorities could have expanded.

Unanticipated shifts have the potential to motivate you to make improvements in your environment.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, the Sun has recently moved into your fifth solar house, initiating a cycle lasting one month that places an emphasis on creative self-expression, as well as fun, entertainment, and romantic endeavors.

The next few weeks are going to be fantastic for indulging in creative pursuits and discovering new methods of expressing yourself. More emphasis is being placed on pursuing your passions, hobbies, and romantic interests.

The New Moon of today shines a light on a new beginning and encourages you to seek out more happiness in your life.

It gives you the additional strength to make changes and begin anew, and it opens doors for you in the coming weeks on the romantic and creative fronts.

Now is the time to begin new hobbies, explore new avenues of entertainment and creative expression, and communicate your feelings to those you care about.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, in the coming weeks, you will bring healing and wholeness to your family life and your family relationships, as well as a little bit of refinement and organization.

The upcoming weeks provide you with additional motivation to focus more of your energy on your personal life as a result of the New Moon.

Now is the time to improve your level of comfort and gain a deeper understanding of who you are. You could also work on plans that will make you feel more secure in the long run, or you could lay the groundwork for a business that will be around for a long time.

The house should either be reorganized or renovated, depending on your preference. It is reasonable to expect new starts on the domestic front and with one's loved ones.

There will be an interruption before there is a new beginning, and the time has come to think about reinventing yourself, simplifying things, or withdrawing from the situation.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, the New Moon ushers in an optimistic period filled with new beginnings and beginnings related to learning, traveling, sharing, and communication.

You are busier and more connected as a result of the Sun's recent relocation to your third solar house, where it will remain for the next month.

In the coming weeks, it may become increasingly important for you to either improve your communication skills or take more significant risks in terms of learning and communicating.

You express who you are in novel ways or by employing a variety of different outlets. New pieces of apparatus or modes of transportation will become available.

The desire to free oneself from stale beliefs, ways of thinking, or circumstances and make room for fresh starts can be a driver behind the decision to let go of such things.

You'll suddenly have a strong urge to try something new or sign up for a course.




Pisces 6

Pisces, the new solar cycle that started this evening shines a spotlight on your value system, financial situation, concerns about comfort and convenience, personal possessions, and sense of self-worth.

In the coming week, life will be more about cultivating a sense of peace and steadiness within yourself while also building up your confidence and sense of safety.

It is a wonderful time to take charge of your finances and your values; however, it is also a wonderful time to acknowledge your own value!

The New Moon that occurs today brings with it a surge of energy that may well motivate you to take better control of your financial situation or your needs for comfort.

Try to seize opportunities to improve your business or to get back on a schedule that is more productive. Revelations concerning your earning potential, attachments, and spending habits will surface.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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