Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! March 23, 2023

Today, Pluto enters Aquarius. It will continue to travel through this sign until the 11th of June 2023, then from the 20th of January 2024 until the 1st of September 2024, then from the 19th of November 2024 until the 8th of March 2043, when it will exit Aquarius and enter Pisces.

Pluto is expected to stay in Aquarius for almost 20 years in total. While Pluto is in this sign, we seek significant change in areas of social structures and politics.

During this cycle, we are very likely to run into control and power problems related to individuality, equality, friendships, and group associations.

We'll try to set ourselves apart from others by emphasizing our forward-thinking nature, scientific minds, ideals, humanitarianism, or unique qualities.

It will also be a time when we seek more to change and reshape society through science, inventions, and ideas.

The Mars-Jupiter quintile of today increases our drive to create, take action, grow, and get better. Under this influence, we are very resourceful and can find a lot to look forward to in our lives.

Tonight, the Moon will finish its transit through dynamic Aries and then move into consistent and stubborn Taurus.



Aries 6

Aries, today's transits encourage you to put your feelings to the side in order to focus on the practical matters at hand and to think about ways to improve your situation.

Try to think about ways in which you can better satisfy your needs, as this can help you feel more confident. Additionally, today marks the beginning of Pluto's transit through your eleventh solar house.

You will begin to notice some preliminary changes by the 11th of June. During this phase, you will experience a change in how you feel about friends and group commitments.

You are witnessing the very beginning stages of a long-term phase that is extremely powerful for connection and networking.

Your relationships will put you in an excellent position to advance your interests and your experiences can be rewarding, educational, and challenging.

However, there might be strong attachments that won't be comfortable. You might have to let go of some friendships that did not support your growth, but doing so clears the way for new and better connections.

During this time, it is important to avoid becoming overly attached to things, micromanaging your social life, or clinging to your goals and dreams so tightly that they prevent you from having fun.

You're looking for a deeper sense of meaning and purpose, and you want to do things that genuinely make an impact.




Taurus 6

Taurus, even though you may start the day with the intention of keeping a low profile, the Moon transiting your sign will encourage you to come out of your shell.

One helpful thing that you can do right now is express your feelings. In addition, the first hint of a new Pluto theme in your life emerges today.

Even though this is just the beginning of a transit that will last for a good number of years, you will start to notice some preliminary changes starting today and continuing through June 11.

Career, professional life, and public life will start to change, necessitating deep and long-term fundamental changes. Use this cycle as a challenge to improve yourself in these aspects of your life.

Your drive to succeed is stronger than ever, and as a result, you might have to deal with people who are envious of you and who criticize the things that you are accomplishing.

On the other hand, going through all of the hardships and challenges that come up during this cycle can help steer you in the right direction and force you to become stronger and more confident in your skills.




Gemini 6

Gemini, as the Moon moves into your twelfth solar house, it is time for you to seek out times of calm and maybe even a little bit of solitude in order to emotionally recharge yourself.

This week also marks the beginning of a new Pluto theme. You will begin to see some changes starting now and continuing through the middle of June, even though this transit will last for many years.

Your outlook, attitudes, belief systems, and overall approach to learning are all about to change. During this long transit, you may find that it is beneficial to rid yourself of certain beliefs or attitudes that are no longer serving you.

There may be a magnificent exhibition that introduces a new way of thinking, a new way of life, or a new culture. You are in an excellent position to advance either your studies or your life experiences.

You will approach your life as well as the things that interest you and the projects you are working on with more enthusiasm and passion.

Now is the time when it will come more naturally to you to put your whole heart and soul into whatever you are doing. You might have to fight through your anxiety and fear in order to reach where you want to be.




Cancer 6

Cancer, now you may act as a stabilizing influence for the people in your life, and this is especially true for friends, associates, and group associations.

In addition, a new Pluto theme starts today. During this period, you can expect to experience significant changes in the ways in which you share or borrow money and receive support.

You will feel your inner emotions more until the 11th of June, even though this is just the beginning of a transit that will last for many years.

Now is the time to make choices and changes that will empower you. This influence will change the way you connect with others on more personal levels, as well as with the projects you're passionate about.

Healing activities and abilities are important. You could have a significant revelation regarding a relationship or your own internal drives and motivations.

Even though you may be confronting some of your fears at this time, which can be quite enlightening, now is the time to recognize your deepest desires and ambitions.




Leo 6

Leo, today you have a better understanding of your priorities or long-term goals. Now is a good time to focus on important projects and to take care of business.

Efforts put into restructuring and organizing are beneficial. A new Pluto theme is with us this week. You'll feel it a little until the 11th of June, even though it won't begin in full effect in 2024.

There will be a big change in how people feel about partnerships, close personal relationships, compromises, and important people in their lives.

Try to have a better understanding of what you need from your relationships, whether they be romantic, platonic, financial, or therapeutic.

During this cycle, connections can be difficult to understand and even more challenging to navigate, but they can also lead to enriching learning experiences.




Virgo 6

Virgo, as the Moon moves into your ninth solar house, it is time to start thinking about ways to shake up the routine that has become so ingrained in your life.

If you share your thoughts and feelings with a significant other or a close friend today, you may gain more emotional clarity.

This week, a new Pluto theme is coming. Up until the 11th of June, you will notice some preliminary changes, even though this is merely an appetizer for a transit that will last for many years.

Your perspectives on things like work, housework, the services you provide to others, daily routines, and your health will start to change.

This is a great time for getting rid of harmful routines or strategies that aren't working, but you should be careful not to replace one harmful routine with another!

You need to watch out for obsessions with taking care of details and pressures to get things done quickly. Be wary of going to extremes and resist the urge to use up all your resources at once.




Libra 6

Libra, pursuing your goals can be particularly satisfying. In addition, a new Pluto theme will be introduced into your life today.

From now until June 11, you will observe some preliminary changes, even though that this is merely a preview of a transit that will last for many years.

During this phase, romantic relationships bring about profound changes. You might run into people who make you angry, and through these interactions, you learn more about your own power over your life.

Even though experience is beneficial and helps build character, you should still try to protect both your heart and body by being cautious when interacting with new people.

This is a great time to dig deep and explore your creativity.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, since the Moon will be transiting through your seventh solar house for the next few days, you may be searching for ways to bring more harmony and balance into your life, or you may decide to get some professional guidance.

A new Pluto theme is here. Even though this is just the beginning of a transit that will last for years, you are going to go through some difficult times between now and the middle of June.

There will be a change in attitudes towards home and the family. Deeply exploring your roots, your childhood, and how you feel about your own personal safety might be a reason to retreat within during this cycle.

Now is the time to get your hands dirty, make some big changes, and renovate your life, either from the ground up or from the inside out.

On both the physical and the emotional level, one may experience profound and long-lasting changes and improvements.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, today marks the beginning of a new Pluto theme. Even though this is just the beginning of a transit that will last for a long time, you will start to experience some preliminary shifts and turmoil starting now and continuing until June 11th.

Transformations are on the way when it comes to communication, education, and life in general. Even though there is a tendency toward intensity that, if you aren't careful, can sometimes work against you, this is a great time for studying, writing, and communicating.

However, there is a tendency toward intensity, which can sometimes work against you. Try not to overextend yourself by taking on too much work. Aside from that, it is a potentially fruitful time for exercising personal influence and persuasion.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, those around you will look to you for advice, particularly when it comes to sensitive issues. Communications are beneficial and pragmatic today.

In addition, a new Pluto theme starts today. Even though this is just the beginning of a transit that will last for a good number of years, you can expect to experience some initial upheaval between now and June 11.

Your perspectives on your finances, possessions, money, and personal values will change throughout this cycle. Your life lessons help you gain a deeper understanding of topics such as self-esteem, principles, self-defense, and attitudes toward money.

The source of your income or its total amount will change. You need to address issues of possessiveness and control in order to learn how to better manage this part of your life.

Significant changes will occur in your friendships or close personal ties.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, today, Pluto will make its way into your sign, but it won't be long before it goes back to Capricorn (in June). Even though this is merely an appetizer for a transit that will last for years, you can expect to undergo some formative changes during this year.

Your outward personality will start to change, as well as your outlook on life and how you respond to new challenges. It's time to make a new start yourself!

During this cycle, you will have to fight the temptation to exert control over the events of your life, the way you interact with others, and your behavior.

You are coming into contact with the more negative aspects of your psyche while you're uncovering your inner motivations, and this can make the process uncomfortable at times.

You will eventually realize that you have no control over the things that happen in your life or over how others feel about you in general.

However, you can learn to control yourself. You will become more in tune with your inner power, and how you handle it will make all the difference in the quality of your experiences.

During this process, you should stay true to who you are and the values you uphold. Today, the Moon moves into your fourth solar house, and you take it easy.




Pisces 6

Pisces, today, Pluto starts transiting through your twelfth solar twelfth house. There will be some changes in your life between now and the 11th of June, even though this is just a preview of a transit that will continue for many years.

For instance, your perspectives on spirituality and the past will start to change, and you do important and long-term work to rid yourself of the negative past and to face your inner demons.

You can uncover strange and previously unknown aspects of your psyche and gain insight into the hidden side of your personality.

Things that you have buried, such as events from your past that you are embarrassed by, will surface, and you will need to deal with them.

You will have no choice but to confront your demons head-on, and in doing so, your self-improvement efforts can be tremendous.

You will undergo an emotional renewal as a result; you will have a better understanding of the attitudes or situations in your life that may have contributed to self-destructive behavior or are the cause of feelings of helplessness.

Now is a good time to solve problems that have been around for a while. Let's start over with a clean slate! You are more interested in learning something really useful or practical.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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