Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! March 28, 2023

Today's Cancer Moon makes us feel a sense of warmth, comfort, and protection. Nevertheless, the energies of the day take on a more impatient tone as a result of a Mars-Uranus semi-square.

If we feel trapped, restricted, or have other forms of limitation, we may try to dominate or assert our independence.

We need to keep an eye out for violent outbursts and rash actions, but at the same time, we should search for original and creative ways to move forward.

Mercury and Mars form a quintile, which is fortunately very good for finding solutions to problems and figuring out things.

Tonight marks the beginning of the First Quarter Moon, which occurs when the Cancer Moon forms a square with the Sun in Aries.

Any time the Moon is in its quarter phase, we are compelled to take action. Now is the time to face challenges, and ideally, they will serve as a source of inspiration.



Aries 6

Aries, as the Moon moves into your fourth solar house, it inspires you to seek ease and convenience.

Mars, which has been in this house for longer will enliven and invigorate your domestic or private life, and it can provide the motivation or energy you need to make the necessary changes or to take charge of those matters.

With this transit, you may have to get worked up on the inside before you can find the motivation to make changes in the outside.

However, on days like today, when Mars is in a slightly challenging aspect, there is potential for impatience, rash decisions or actions, and possibly even conflict that is not necessary.

You may redirect some of the tension that you're feeling elsewhere, such as with your loved ones, especially if you're unsure about financial matters.




Taurus 6

Taurus, the Moon will spend more than two days in your house of communications, encouraging you to keep your mind engaged in productive activities.

Today, the Moon will meet Mars, which will further stimulate your thoughts, ideas, connections, and conversations.

There is a certain tendency to get carried away very easily. This is especially true if you have taken on too many different things and are now dealing with a bit of chaos.

You may feel a little rebellious today. Be careful not to make any rash gestures or statements. Try to channel your anxious energy into something productive.

You have a lot going on, and while the variety is both fun and challenging, you need to make sure that you give yourself some wiggle room.




Gemini 6

Gemini, the Moon will spend more than two days in your house of resources, and during this time, you will focus more on appreciating what you already have or finding ways to acquire what you lack.

The transits of today may inspire you to take action regarding a problem involving money, the future, respect, or comfort. You might experience feelings of impatience when dealing with procedures or methods that get in the way of your efforts.

Even if you want to make progress on ongoing projects or save money today, you might have a hard time resisting the urge to frivolously spend money or give in to whims.

If you have left things unresolved, you should take care not to sabotage yourself and instead work toward acting in a more mindful manner.




Cancer 6

Cancer, your friendships, your professional network, or your social life may surprise or test you in a way that is at odds with your personality or objectives.

You will likely experience impatience at this time. Changes to your plans may irritate you, but they may also lead to interesting outcomes.

The only thing you need to be worried about is preventing yourself from acting in a rash or hasty manner.

Today, Mars, which is currently in your sign and is highlighted by the Moon, forms a challenge with Uranus, and you might confuse impulses with instincts.

If you aren't in touch with your wants, you might find yourself making rash decisions that aren't in your best interests.




Leo 6

Leo, since the Moon has moved into your twelfth solar house, it is time for you to break out of your routine and try something new.

However, because it is aligned with Mars, your desires and your need to take action will intensify. Today may be a day when you find it especially challenging to follow others' instructions.

You'd rather go your own way, however, be confident in your decisions because if you act impatiently, you may limit your opportunities for the future.

Pay even more attention to your reputation. If you have been dealing with a frustrating issue that has persisted for a long time, you might be tempted to put it in the past right now.

Rather than giving in to the heat of the moment, you should make decisions with your long-term interests in mind.




Virgo 6

Virgo, you might feel more emotional because of networking, or you might put more effort into long-term plans and happiness goals.

Today, you might feel a bit defiant or impatient with others if you believe that they are not moving quickly enough, which is either slowing you down or preventing them from listening to what you have to say.

There is a potential for irritation with others' perspectives and ideas. Since Mars is in your social sector and Uranus is in your house of ideas and beliefs, you may find that disagreements come up very quickly.

You may also feel suddenly restless. Teamwork can be challenging and unpredictable at times.




Libra 6

Libra, you're more goal-oriented and you can be motivated to accomplish a task or fulfill a responsibility. You have more bravery or initiative than usual, but it may be challenging for you to channel that quality today.

If you've felt a lack of support or reliability with others, there may be upheaval or tension regarding parents, bosses, or long-term plans. This can cause things to become unsettled.

During this time you will focus a lot of your energy on achieving your objectives, bettering your work, or improving your reputation, all of which can provide a tremendous boost.

However, if you are frustrated with other aspects of your life, you might channel those frustrations into your work, which could end up being counterproductive. Try to be self-aware.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, today, the Moon will enter your ninth solar house, where it will meet Mars, which will increase your enthusiasm for a plan, subject, or idea that you have been considering.

Take precautions to make sure that disagreements with others, whether they stem from differences in opinion or interests, do not escalate into unwarranted conflicts.

Mars and Uranus are forming a challenging aspect, and as a result, there is a great deal of nervous energy in the air. Even though you might not be the one causing it, you will definitely be affected by it.

The tensions that have been building up can make your day more difficult. Your life may become more unpredictable because of others. Instead of forcing things, you should try to gently push your limits.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, even though you may not always be successful in accomplishing what you set out to do today, your desire to do well is compelling.

You feel like investing your time and effort into a particular endeavor or connection. However, your often chaotic schedule can make it difficult for you to focus and find the time necessary to pursue your interests.

You should try to bring more order into your life. You believe that order can inhibit your creativity at times, and while this is true to a certain extent, there are also times when a lack of organization can lead to waste.

Be wary of another form of procrastination known as “busy procrastination,” which occurs when a person does everything but the task that needs to be done.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, the Moon is entering your opposite sign, and it will remain there for more than two days, challenging you to find a better equilibrium.

The inability to rely on someone can be the source of a lot of tension in a relationship. Alternatively, tension might result from a need for more spontaneity, romance, or excitement in the relationship.

It is not a good idea to blame someone else or drop sudden truth bombs if you are feeling restless because this is a real trend today with Mars and challenging Uranus.

Instead, it is a good idea to take responsibility for your feelings and work through them. Look for inventive ways to mix things up and make them more interesting.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, today's transit of the Moon through your house of work and health compels you to direct your attention toward the improvement of your day-to-day activities, your health, and your routines.

However, given that the Moon is going to meet Mars and that Uranus is going to challenge Mars, you may want to rush into your routines or a cause.

Keep an eye out for signs of impatience, which can lead to mistakes. Processes will become more difficult now, as everything appears to be working together to prevent you from achieving your desired outcome.

Today you should try to identify the cause of the irritation and redirecting it in a disruptive way. Take it easy, but push yourself at the same time if you want the best results.




Pisces 6

Pisces, the Moon will spend more than two days in your house of joy and self-expression. When the Moon meets Mars in this house of your chart, strong desires and passions come to the surface.

With Mar in your house of creativity and Uranus in your house of communications, you should be careful today and watch out for impatient words and actions.

When a relationship or a project isn't ready to move forward yet, putting pressure on them to do so can cause unnecessary conflict and stress.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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