Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! March 29, 2023

The Moon transits through Cancer today and we seek refuge in familiar places and people. This transit awakens in us a desire to make meaningful connections with those we care about and to experience a sense of belonging or security.

With the Moon harmonizing with Venus and Uranus we free ourselves and let go, thereby opening ourselves up to new ideas and approaches.

Even though the Cancer Moon is known for its tradition and sentimentality, we are not completely opposed to the idea of incorporating some minor changes or trying out new methods.

Later on today, the Moon will form a square with Jupiter, and while the primary need is to de-stress and relax, there may be tension as a result of conflicts between the need for education and the desire for autonomy.



Aries 6

Aries, you realize that you need to get rid of certain things that are going to make your life more difficult today and tomorrow, and cleaning up can be very liberating.

You might have a strong desire to start everything from scratch, take a new approach, and make changes and improvements, especially in regard to your finances and possessions.

In fact, things need to be shaken up a little bit if traditional approaches are not producing the desired results. You could make an exciting purchase or you could partake in an unusual activity.

You will make significant financial progress, or a significant find will play a prominent role; however, impulse spending could be a problem.




Taurus 6

Taurus, your desire for more variety today and tomorrow can lead you in exciting new directions. You attract interesting experiences and people with your personal appeal.

There could be unexpected developments in either your professional or romantic life. You have a hard time accepting limits and restrictions, but regardless of how rebellious you may feel, you manage to express these traits in a pleasant way.

You are in an excellent position to make progress in your professional or personal health endeavors. You are open to growth and change, and you can make fascinating discoveries, especially about yourself.




Gemini 6

Gemini, the transits of today and tomorrow awaken your inner eye or your deepest feelings about a subject to the surface.

You might enjoy a coincidence that leads to wonderful memories or surprising feelings. You could be inspired and motivated by a shared secret or special moment.

The parts of your life where you feel held back or stuck can stand out like a sore thumb, and the trick is to differentiate between a genuine need for change and rebellious feelings.

The day is one of discovery, and a good strategy is to keep an open mind to changes and improvements as the day progresses. You are drawn to things, people, or situations that assist you in moving forward.




Cancer 6

Cancer, when it comes to connecting with your intuition, today and tomorrow's transits are particularly great. You might experience a sense of blissful detachment from a situation that used to weigh heavily on your mind.

Your friends will surprise you, or you might see a friend in a new light. Your relationships, be they romantic or platonic, are likely to benefit from Venus aligning with Uranus.

It's a wonderful time to branch out, whether it's in your social life or with new ideas, dreams, and projects. Nevertheless, make that you are making sound decisions rather than merely reacting to situations as they arise.




Leo 6

Leo, the transits of today and tomorrow enhance your vision as well as your creative abilities. Work, partnerships, and reputation can all be sources of excitement, change, and stimulation; in some cases, they can even be sources of restlessness.

Your commitment may be brought to light, or there may be an important development in a venture, a business, or a personal connection. Try to pay attention to your creative inspiration.

You need to change the way you go about your work in some way. Having a meaningful conversation with a loved one or connecting with a partner can also be very rewarding.




Virgo 6

Virgo, the transits of today and tomorrow will motivate you to take bigger risks or open up socially.

You have a knack for attracting unusual and fascinating people, and as a result, your enthusiasm tends to spread and motivate those around you.

Now is the time for you to recognize and accept the need for change and progression in your life. You are becoming more aware of new ideas, interests, or experiences, which is encouraging you to live your life with more vigor and excitement.

You are also very good at expressing yourself, and you have a lot of energy, making it easy for you to participate in stimulating activities, social gatherings, and academic pursuits.




Libra 6

Libra, you pay more attention to the aspects of your life that might benefit from changes, upgrades, and a new perspective.

The sudden desire to test your limits may play a significant role. Intimate relationships or feelings will become more intense, or you will become aware of emotions that you have repressed or buried.

Always keep your thoughts and feelings open, and see where they lead you! You might have to stretch yourself a little bit in order to get what you want or what you deserve, but the payoff could be well worth it in the end.

Today, it is possible for unusual whims, desires, and attractions to happen, regardless of whether they are centered on people, things, or circumstances.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, the transits of today and tomorrow suggest that you should be more open to and appreciative of changes or new approaches, particularly in your relationships.

You'll attract people into your life who will cause it to evolve. This period is characterized by spontaneous activities and intense or sudden attraction.

If there is any aspect of your life that makes you unhappy, now is the time to make changes and improve it. If you do nothing, you feel more nervous or impatient.

Today, it is not easy to tolerate tedious or monotonous tasks, and the inner turmoil can inspire you to push your boundaries.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, you have a taste for something unconventional, one-of-a-kind, and exciting. You will have a better understanding of the areas of your life, particularly your health, work, and habits, which may require significant changes.

There might be unanticipated developments or disruptions in these areas, which might lead to new thoughts or directions.

If you are willing to try new things and be open to different ways of doing things, you could experience a breakthrough in a relationship, at work, or with your health.

You might also meet that one special person through the pursuit of your daily routines, health, wellness, or work. It is important to listen to your gut instinct because it is trying to tell you something.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, if you have been addressing feelings that have been building up inside of you and need to be let out, they will most likely find an outlet.

You are being prompted by the current transits to improve or change situations that aren't working properly. Love has a way of bringing about unexpected events and reawakening dormant feelings.

You will need to put certain aspects of your past behind you if you find that they are no longer beneficial. At some point in the future, these will clear the path for a new beginning.

There is the potential for romantic or creative excitement, as well as the chance to attract the unexpected attention of another person.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, if you're feeling a little off balance today, it might be time for a change. Your intuition will become easier to access as a result of certain inhibitions being broken down by the transits.

You have less of a desire to cling to the things that happened in the past, and it may feel liberating to get rid of things that you no longer need.

Exciting transits in your house roots, home, and family can stimulate impulsive behavior, whims, or the decision to make dynamic changes and improvements in your life or home.




Pisces 6

Pisces, today's transits can bring you information that lifts your mood and makes your life more enjoyable. There might be a delightful surprise, and it would be a good idea for you to keep your ears open because something is likely to motivate you.

You are prepared to start from scratch, take a risk, experiment with new things, and take a unique approach to your communications and relationships.

It's never a bad time to get a brilliant new idea or discover something that really grabs your attention.

There might be new friendships formed from gatherings, conversations, and educational pursuits may. You'll strike up a conversation with a family member, a friend at school, or even a neighbor.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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