Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! March 31, 2023

Today the Moon will be in extroverted, competitive, and loving Leo, and its trine aspect to the Sun promotes cooperative and free energy.

The day will likely be filled with joyous and exciting moments. However, we are getting close to a Venus-Mars half-square, which will occur tomorrow morning.

This aspect highlights the differences in our approaches, desires, and needs, which can lead to tense relationship dynamics.

Later in the day you should keep an eye out for signs of nervousness, anger, or impulsive behavior.



Aries 6

Aries, the Moon will spend the day in your fifth solar house, in harmony with the Sun. Today, you might feel in love with someone or something, and you enjoy spreading love and happiness.

It is a wonderful opportunity to unwind and refresh yourself by pursuing things that truly excite you. You naturally radiate more confident energy.

In the later part of the day, there may be a moment of impatience regarding matters relating to finances, family, or home life. This is likely caused by the Venus-Mars half-square.

There might be minor disagreements with others due to your incompatible perspectives. The problems stem from a feeling of burnout or neglect.




Taurus 6

Taurus, the Moon is currently in your house of home and family, and this is favorable for familiar relationships and activities around the house.

Now is a good time to get past an emotional barrier that you've been struggling with. You will most likely feel stronger and more optimistic.

When you become involved in a project or a cause that is important to you, your feelings will likely become more stable. However, later today, a semi-square between Venus and Mars can escalate the tension!

Someone won't respond to you the way you want them to, or your words will come across as more critical than you intended.

Irritations, awkward social situations, or bad timing are all temporary; therefore, it is best not to give them too much attention.




Gemini 6

Gemini, you may find inspiration in your relationships with friends or in your connection with your dreams and wishes.

You are in a good position to take advantage of your interests, and it appears that the most successful approach is a laid-back one.

This may serve as a relaxing break and can indirectly increase productivity later on. Since you are currently making changes to the way you think, now is a fantastic time for you to gather interesting ideas and information.

Later in the day, there is a big potential for missteps. Needs and wants conflict, and neither side is willing to make concessions.

In either case, it is best to be honest and kind right now to prevent misunderstandings from developing later. Also, think twice about shopping, especially if you're in a hurry or impatient.




Cancer 6

Cancer, today you are determined to make things work. With the Moon in your house of resources throughout the day makes it easier to take care of personal matters, including finances, business, and comfort-related concerns.

Today is a day of self-discovery to help you get a better understanding of your goals. Your feelings are consistent, and you look for regularity and order in the world around you.

Nevertheless, people tend to misunderstand, and later in the day, a competitive spirit begins to emerge.

Although you shouldn't let this deter you from continuing down your path, it may cause you to go at a slightly slower pace as you adjust to having to make some minor changes and deal with distractions.

Disconnections are now more likely to have a greater impact or to continue for a longer time.




Leo 6

Leo, since the Moon will spend the day in your sign, you will find it easier to maintain a positive mindset, even if you have to deal with a few minor annoyances.

If there is anything you need to revisit or catch up on, now is a good time to do so. Today's energies favor personal influence.

You might have sudden bursts of inspiration that lead to you finding solutions to problems. It may become harder later in the day to agree with others.

Differences in taste, method, and style will be slightly more obvious. They can also cause blunders or misunderstandings.

Fortunately, there is a low probability that these are actual problems, albeit annoying ones. Agreeing to disagree and moving on is the best thing you can do.

Refrain from talking about a topic in a public or professional setting too soon.




Virgo 6

Virgo, the Moon and Sun's alignment today encourages rest as well as time for reflection or analysis.

You might experience a sense of renewal about the way you feel about a subject, admit to feelings you have been avoiding, or understand yourself a little better.

Despite this, later today, a semi-square aspect between Venus and Mars will come into play, and this will likely result in mixed emotions and signals.

This transit creates a sense of urgency, which can help get things moving for you, but impatience can lead to big problems.

Since being assertive with friends is not only acceptable but also sometimes necessary, but it also is misunderstood, you should be careful.




Libra 6

Libra, the Moon will spend the day in your house of friendships, encouraging you to seek out people who share your values or who are willing to accept you for who you are.

You express yourself through healthy channels, particularly through your relationships. It is a good time to allow others to be themselves without feeling any pressure.

You find that connecting with your goals and aspirations comes more naturally. Later in the day, even though you want to focus all of your energy on achieving your goals, you might be sidetracked by a variety of distractions, most likely of a social or emotional nature.

Try not to worry about it too much because it is only going to last for a short while, but keep in mind that impatience can hurt you in some subtle ways.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, someone understands how practical and helpful you can be right now, and they appreciate you for it. Your higher level of motivation can help your work, chores, or routines thrive.

You are more visible now, regardless of whether you choose to be, and others expect you to take the lead.

Because of the Moon's alignment with the Sun in your house of career and health, you start enjoying getting things done.

These days, taking up new hobbies or fields of study can be very exciting; however, it can become difficult to focus or find time for yourself later in the day.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, you are not afraid to show your solidarity today and you will discover that you have a grateful audience.

Your ability to bring new people and experiences into your life is impressive. It is a good time to take a break to refresh yourself mentally and physically by engaging in some of your favorite hobbies.

Later today, as we prepare to face a semi-square between Venus and Mars, we might have to deal with disagreements about methods and impulsiveness.

Romantic sensibilities and desires to come into conflict, and the timing might not be quite right. Although it will only last for a short while, it is best not to press the issue if it is a delicate one.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, you are in a particularly favorable position for family matters, domestic activities, and financial matters. Your friends and family are more willing to work with you, and the focus that you give them can bring about positive outcomes.

You have a sharper sense of perception and your drive and determination allow you to take action very quickly. You connect to the hidden layers, making it much easier to get to the bottom of a situation.

After a certain point in the day, the timing may be slightly off. You should try not to worry too much about the times of incompatibility and disagreements.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, a light exchange can be extremely beneficial, regardless of whether or not it results in positive developments. You get a kick out of helping other people, especially by sharing your expertise.

Since the Moon is currently transiting through your seventh solar house, you spend the entire day in an exceptionally pleasant mindset.

It's often very useful to connect the dots or take a step back to look at things from a new perspective. Later today, impatience can get in the way of making intelligent assessments due to a Venus-Mars semi-square.

You feel as though your personal and professional life are in conflict. Try to make some minor changes, and commit to better managing how you spend your time.




Pisces 6

Pisces, you might experience a confidence increase regarding your resources, your work, or your routines.

You utilize the right strategies, or you have a keen nose for smelling the right deals and appropriate goods. During the entire day, the Moon will be transiting your house of work and health.

As a result, you may have a very productive day in which you feel more emotionally satisfied after having completed your duties and any activities related to your health.

Later in the day, it becomes more likely that you will rush into activities that require more patience. It's probably best to channel negative energy into something constructive, but for the time being, you should probablyavoid projects and activities with multiple rules and steps for now.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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