Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! March 8, 2023

The Moon will remain in Virgo until midday. We want to improve ourselves as well as our situation due to the Moon harmonizing with Pluto.

After midday, the Moon will move into Libra, which encourages us to be fair and objective, as well as to use our relationship skills.

This transit is reconciliatory and graceful, and it allows us to see things from a different point of view. We put more of an emphasis on achieving harmony and balance.



Aries 6

Aries, as the Moon moves into the sign opposite yours, you may find that your social life receives the attention it desperately needs.

You have a greater investment in your relationships today and tomorrow. Saturn has just started its long-term transit through your house of privacy, and this will cause you to draw inward.

Saturn will remain in Sagittarius until 2026, during which time it will indicate the need or desire to take better care of your spiritual health.

This may include putting an end to situations that have gone beyond what can be considered acceptable limits. You won't have to worry about having any regrets, disappointments, or perceived failures.

This is an important cycle of contemplation and spiritual renewal, and it is a time for you to confront your inner demons and take on your fears.

During this cycle, which is going to take up most of the next three years, you will have the opportunity to manage, process, heal, and take care of any unfinished business.

You are in a great position to evaluate whether or not you have enough time for yourself, including enough time to sleep, reflect, and rest.




Taurus 6

Taurus, as the Moon moves into your sixth solar house, you are more likely to strive for harmony in the activities and responsibilities of your daily life.

If there are any processes or structures in your life that need to be altered, improved, or adjusted, now is a good time to give them some thought and attention.

Saturn has just begun its long-term transit through your house of friends and hopes, where it will spend most of the next three years. During this cycle, you will organize your social life and happiness goals.

Now is the time for you to give up on your goals and let reality take over, but either way, you'll come out on top! It's a great time to gain more insight into friendships, social situations, or projects.

This is not a difficult time for your friendships; on the contrary, now is an excellent time to forge connections that will last.

On the other hand, you should be prepared for the possibility of experiencing some disappointment along the way. During this time, you are less likely to be susceptible to self-deception, which can help you make decisions in your best interest.




Gemini 6

Gemini, today, the Moon will travel through your house of romance and pleasure. This will help you come out of your shell and be ready to share.

Your mood may improve as a result, despite the fact that you may give off the impression that you are more carefree than you feel.

Saturn has recently reached the top of your solar chart, signaling the beginning of a longer-term transit that will assist you in better assessing your responsibilities and outward signs of success, as well as your professional position.

During this cycle, you might get the feeling that you need to demonstrate or accomplish something significant that will stay with you for most of the next three years.

This is the time for you to lay a strong groundwork in your professional or public life, so take advantage of it.

You may be feeling the weight of poor decisions made, becoming aware of the need to rebuild or restructure, or you may be receiving recognition and career rewards right now.

During this transit, you will make it a priority to pursue your goals in a more realistic way.




Cancer 6

Cancer, today, the Moon will enter your fourth solar house, signaling that it is a good time for you to focus more of your attention on matters pertaining to your home world.

If you are able to, take some time off, spend it reconnecting with your roots, and work on building your confidence.

The recent transit of Saturn through your ninth solar house heralds a period of life for you that is likely to be marked by increased steadiness, predictability, and pragmatism in the years to come.

You want to construct something in a methodical and deliberate manner. You might accomplish significant milestones in your work or education in the near future.

You are aware of the advantages that come with concentrating, focusing, and specializing. Your ability to make sound choices is enhanced when you have a more reliable connection to reality, a firmer grip on your priorities, and a more positive attitude toward your responsibilities.

Saturn will remain in this house of your chart until 2026. During this cycle, you will gain a deeper understanding of your own personal philosophy and belief systems.




Leo 6

Leo, Saturn has finally left your house of partnerships after being there for almost three years. This also means that Saturn is moving away from its opposition to your sign. You won't see Saturn in this part of your natal chart again until the year 2050.

You might experience a sense of release or relief. Saturn is now turning its attention to financial and intimate arrangements, but the shift that is now underway taking the direct pressure off and can dramatically improve your vitality.

Beginning now and lasting for the better part of the next three years, Saturn will be moving through your house of intimacy.

Your core beliefs will change and you'll almost certainly find that the strategies you used in the past to exert influence over your surroundings and the people in them are no longer effective.

This transit requires you to put away and manage the things you share with other people, such as money, resources, and power, as well as issues relating to dependency and intimacy.

Your dissatisfaction or frustration with not being able to get what you want, particularly in terms of relationships or money, can amplify and motivate you to make changes.

You will develop a deeper connection with yourself and more self-confidence as you come to terms with the fact that you do not need certain things.

As of today, the Moon will move into your house of communications, allowing you to expand your horizons, strengthen your connections, and increase your awareness of the world around you.




Virgo 6

Virgo, Saturn has recently moved into your house of partnerships, and this change may cause some strain on your long-term commitments.

As this practical planet travels in the opposite direction of your sign, you may get the impression that other people, or even life in general, are expecting a little bit more from you than usual.

You will have to decide whether or not to make a commitment to someone or your current relationship will be put to the test, particularly if it has stifled or blocked you in some way.

Since it lasts for a longer period of time, this transit helps you gain a deeper understanding of the needs of your relationships and partnerships.

It will spark a stronger desire in you for genuine, long-term relationships or it will bring into your life a partner who is more mature or serious.

In spite of the fact that relationship issues can worsen over time, clarity always emerges in the end. When you have a clearer picture of people and things in terms of their advantages and disadvantages, it is much easier to make decisions.

For the better part of the next three years, you will have a much better idea of who and what is ideal for you, making this a powerful time for engagements.

As of today, the Moon is traveling through your second solar house, which means you are more focused on activities related to building, rooting, and nesting.




Libra 6

Libra, today, the Moon will be moving into your sign, which may make you feel as though you are emotionally starting from square one.

At this point of the lunar month, you should put your own plans and needs at the forefront of your mind. Saturn has just moved out of your fifth house of pleasure, creativity, and romance, where it has been transiting for almost three years.

It'll stay in your house of world and health until 2026. Despite the fact that this influence may at times feel restricting, it actually motivates you to enhance your routines and give your life more structure.

Developing stronger boundaries and more self-discipline are essential components. Your responsibilities at work, in your health routines, or in your day-to-day chores might increase.

It's right to adopt a more realistic perspective on the relationship between work and health. Make any necessary adjustments the Saturnian way: gradually, responsibly, and cautiously.

Saturn encourages you to improve your efficiency rather than your labor output. After conducting an honest evaluation of the situation and making any necessary alterations, you will ultimately have a more positive outlook on your responsibilities, job, or services.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, even though you've been under a lot of pressure in recent days, the Moon's entry into your twelfth solar house suggests that you should take some time off to relax, give yourself more time to come to decisions and draw conclusions, and give yourself more privacy.

This transit lasts for a little over two days, and during that time it's a good idea to remind yourself to take some time to relax and process information before moving on.

Your romantic life, the way in which you express your creativity, and what you seek in terms of entertainment and recreation will all become more serious, organized, and intelligent as Saturn begins its journey through your fifth solar house.

This transit, which will last for much of the next three years, will have a negative impact on areas involving creative expression, fun, dating, romance, children, and hobbies.

You are entering a period that should be generally more stable for you. During this transit, there may be less room for spontaneity in your life at certain times; however, you will be able to focus better on one or two things and perform exceptionally well in those areas.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, now that the Moon is moving into your eleventh solar house, it is time for you to ease up a little bit on matters pertaining to your career and the public eye.

It's time to devote more of your emotional energy to causes that are more focused on helping others or increasing your level of happiness.

Saturn has just entered your house of home and family for a transit that will last until 2026. Saturn can relieve some of the pressure or inhibition that you may have felt in your day-to-day affairs or general outlook over the course of the past few years.

Concerns pertaining to your family, yourself, and your education may call for increased discipline, realism, tradition, and structure during this new transit. You'll have to bring order in either your private or domestic sphere.

Saturn encourages actions that are cautious, responsible, slow but certain, and methodical. It may feel as though the number of responsibilities to your family and around the house is growing.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, your focus shifts to either your responsibilities and how well you are performing or your longer-term objectives and goals. As the Moon moves to the top of your solar chart, it encourages you to pay attention to the things that drive you.

Saturn has just now entered into harmony with your sign, and it will remain in your third solar house until 2026. It is a transition that brings about stability and encourages the development of skills as well as structured learning.

As you advance, you will be able to communicate with more authority, and you will gain more respect for mental matters as you learn them.

Additionally, you will see an improvement in your day-to-day life. As Saturn moves out of your second solar house, you will notice a slight easing of pressure in matters pertaining to business, money, and other material concerns.

You will gain a deeper appreciation for the significance of choosing your words more deliberately and holding back on expressing yourself until the appropriate time.

You won't find it prudent to voice your opinions or concerns after you've kept them bottled up until you've had a chance to properly address them.

This could be a time of focused learning or more serious pursuits in your personal life. You might find yourself gravitating toward conversations that are more in-depth or helpful.

You find that you have less patience for connections and topics that are more superficial because they appear to be more entertaining than interesting right now.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, Saturn has just left your sign after a stay of almost three years. With this change, Saturn heads into your second solar house and will be there until 2026, marking a new stage in the balance of your finances and material affairs.

Regarding your financial situation and possessions, now is the time to adopt a more responsible and practical attitude. Tightening your belt is not only necessary but also very helpful and even rewarding.

You are in an excellent position to organize your belongings, cut down on waste, and make good use of your resources. Your financial success is gradual but consistent.

The next phase of your life will focus on teaching you to recognize and capitalize on your unique abilities while also teaching you how to become more organized.

If you want the best results, you should look for overlapping or unnecessary expenses as well as other redundancies, and you should strive to eliminate hardware clutter.

The Moon is in harmony with your sign today, and as a result, you are looking for ways to feel more liberated. You are more interested in living life without worrying about the details.




Pisces 6

Pisces, Saturn has just entered your sign, where it will remain for most of the next three years. Even if it doesn't always feel like it, having this planet transit through your sign improves your credibility and confidence.

You gain a more accurate understanding of your skills as well as boundaries. This transit ushers in a period in which you are expected to take greater personal responsibility, pay closer attention to the details, and work harder to keep your health and personal affairs in order.

This reality check is helpful given that having overly optimistic expectations can lead to feelings of guilt. This is not about putting yourself in a lower esteem than you actually are; rather, it is about redefining the goals so that they are more attainable and in line with reality.

During this time, you might find that you're under a lot of pressure to be more independent or to rely on yourself more.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

1 Comment
  1. I am a Cancer, with my moon in Scorpio. I didn’t care fot the Scorpio horoscope very much: negative for creativity, children, entertainment, hobbies, etc.?? What’s it going to be good for, then? Crafts and hobbies and my grandchildren are my life!!!

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