Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! May 1, 2023

Today's Moon in Virgo gives us a sense of order and the Mercury-Neptune semi-square can result in cloudy thinking or a tendency to daydream.

We don't speak clearly or others don't grasp what we're trying to say. Additionally, the Sun is moving closer and closer to forming a semi-square with Neptune.

Today when Pluto goes retrograde, its intense and complex energy hangs heavy in the air these days.

We are not as open, overt, or direct about our desire for control or power right now and for the next few months.

However, Pluto retrograde is an excellent time to seek out knowledge about our self-destructive tendencies, our need for control, and our search for truth by looking within.

During this period, the pressures from the outside world might lessen or pick up slightly. Over the next few months, we may re-evaluate how we use our power.

Pluto goes retrograde in Aquarius. On June 11, Pluto retrograde will return to Capricorn. We'll have a unique window into the past as it could have an impact on our future.

This is a crucial time for new ideas, despite the fact that they are still very new and undeveloped.

It is a good time to process recent events and ideas and to start looking at issues from a new perspective and understanding, particularly in regard to finances, security, and comfort.

The things that we say or write right now will carry more weight than usual.  With a lunar eclipse occurring in only four days, we are particularly in the dark on some issues.




Aries 6

Aries, today marks the beginning of Pluto's annual retrograde cycle, so you may need to adjust some of your long-term goals over the next few months.

Plans, obligations, and worries regarding your social life, friendships, or happiness goals can have strong energy hanging over you now during the day or work.

However, things are not only starting to return to their normal state, but they are also starting to make you feel less or more pressure about the future.

You can get through this transit more easily if you pay close attention to your feelings and be patient.

This retrograde period will last until October 10, and it is an excellent time to examine your fears, resentments, and possible self-destructive tendencies so that you are not living your life on autopilot.

In June, Pluto will move back into your house of career and reputation after spending the beginning of this cycle in your social sector.




Taurus 6

Taurus, in the coming months, you will have excellent opportunities to rework career and planning initiatives, participate in educational activities, do research and legwork, and refine projects. 

Today marks the beginning of Pluto's annual retrograde cycle, so some of your long-term professional goals may need to be changed until June.

This retrograde will continue until October 10, but it will only affect your house of career and reputation (until June 11) and your house of spirit and higher education.

Confronting truths from the past and taking a more in-depth look at your career, life path, beliefs, and worldview, as well as your relationships can be part of the picture. 

Even though worries and pressures may increase this week, the retrograde cycle in and of itself will assist you in detaching and observing, thereby providing you with a more objective perspective.

You'll have a clearer picture of the aspects of your life in which you've been excessively attached, worried, obsessed, or even a little bit paranoid.




Gemini 6

Gemini, today marks the beginning of Pluto's annual retrograde cycle; studies, finances, debts, or intimacy may require additional thought or strategy in the coming months.

It is a good idea to take a step back from a situation in order to see areas where you have been overly attached, controlling, or tense.

While Pluto is in retrograde motion in your house of spirit (until June 11), you may want to think more about your personal belief systems and outlook in the future.

You re-evaluate, make observations, and come up with a new idea about a project, an educational path, or a system of beliefs. Today, the energies may seem a bit heavy as change occurs.




Cancer 6

Cancer, today Pluto goes retrograde. Until October 10, a re-examination or re-evaluation of debts, addictions, partnerships, and intimate relationships is beneficial.

You are going to be more aware of any imbalances in your relationships. Relationships or hobbies and creativity, especially related to control or fear issues, can also be better focused with this change.

As the retrograde continues, you might notice that you detach yourself from situations just enough to make progress. The change happening may amplify problem areas, but the retrograde cycle is much more comfortable and natural.

Pluto will not move into your house of partnerships until June 11, after which it will move back into your house of intimacy, allowing you to focus more on your relationship needs.

Aim to direct any extra energy you have today toward pursuing personal interests. The Sun and Mercury retrograde meet in your house of social connections, dreams, and hopes.

As a result, critical thinking, keeping up with the news, or having meaningful conversations with other people can give you insights into recent events, decisions, or issues.



Leo 6

Leo, Pluto goes retrograde today. Even though today might make you feel overwhelmed, and even though problems might escalate, the cycle itself helps relieve some pressure.

Pluto will spend its time in your house of partnerships and in your house of routines, work, and health.

Therefore, the areas most affected for you are personal relationships, your work or daily tasks, and health and well-being.

Pluto is the natural ruler of your fourth solar house, which means that matters pertaining to your family and home will also be impacted. This setback will cause you to reevaluate how you feel.

Instead of venturing into the unknown, there is a tendency to stick to tried and true patterns or to look into the past. Try to emotionally distance yourself from the situation in order to get a clearer and more objective perspective. 




Virgo 6

Virgo, today marks the beginning of Pluto's annual retrograde cycle, which means problems may amplify with change, probably related to work, routines, communications, and health.

As you become accustomed to this energy, you will be in an excellent position to revisit and reassess your answers to these questions.

You'll have a clearer understanding of the areas in which you've been overly attached or where you've put too much pressure on yourself.

Until the 11th of June, when Pluto retrograde dives back into your house of creativity, romance, and leisure, you take on a more detached and observant role in these areas of your life.

This house of your chart will remain under the influence of the retrograde until October 10, and you will work more on fears or concerns in these areas. 




Libra 6

Leo, today, Pluto will begin its annual retrograde cycle. You may experience a temporary intensification of problems, complications, and fears related to areas of your chart strongly influenced by Pluto, such as romance, creativity, leisure, finances, and security.

In the future, the pressures will become less intense, and you will eventually reach a point where you are sufficiently removed from the situation to be able to view it from a more objective point.

In this way, you will be able to see more clearly where factors such as excessive attachment and fear may have been working against you. This powerful period of self-awareness continues until October 10.

On the other hand, Pluto retrograde will enter your house of home and family on June 11, and you will spend the rest of this period focusing on issues related to these areas.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, today marks the beginning of Pluto's retrograde cycle, which will last until October 10 of this year.

This cycle puts you in an advantageous position to examine, reevaluate, and gain a new perspective on aspects of your natal chart that are strongly influenced by Pluto, such as your personal goals, security, comfort, family, communications, transportation, relationships, and home life.

You may find that it is easier to detach yourself from certain pressures and fears in these areas, but some plans will need to be adjusted.

On the other hand, because of the changes that are taking place in the world today, you might experience these pressures more strongly.

As you become accustomed to this energy, you will find that this process will become much more comfortable.

This retrograde takes place in your house of home and family until June 11, when it moves back into your house of communications.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, Pluto will begin its retrograde cycle, which will last for more than five months and cause you to have a more reflective state of mind. 

Right now is the ideal time to look deep within for answers. Looking back at your life is a necessary step that will assist you in identifying areas of your life that reqneed uire improvement.

This is also the time to stop what you're doing and take a break so that you don't put too much mental strain on yourself.

This change has the potential to make problems and fears much worse. As you adapt to this change, you will find that this cycle is very helpful in understanding yourself.

Today, Pluto will begin its retrograde motion in your house of communications, and until June 11th, concerns regarding connections and transportation will dominate your mind.

However, between the months of June and October 10, Pluto retrograde will be in your house of resources.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, this day marks the beginning of Pluto's annual retrograde cycle. This change in direction prompts you to review your financial affairs, your attitude toward money and things, what and who you value, and your self-esteem.

In spite of the fact that anxieties or fears connected to your financial situation and sense of safety may intensify, the retrograde cycle in and of itself, which will continue until October 10th, will assist you in taking a step back.

Your ability to make good choices and decisions will increase to the degree that you feel less pressure to control or micromanage the material aspects of your life. Despite this, it is essential to avoid pushing things that need time. 

While Pluto is retrograde in your resource sector until June 11, she will then dive back into your sign for the rest of its retrograde cycle.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, the annual retrograde cycle that begins today will have a somewhat greater impact on you as it's in your sign. Unanswered questions, fears, or compulsions will become more prominent.

However, once you get past that, the retrograde cycle itself is great for detaching yourself enough from those things to see where you may have been overly worried or obsessed. 

You are in a position where it would be beneficial to review and reevaluate your strategy regarding issues pertaining to your career, new beginnings, and responsibilities.

If you've been too controlling, you now recognize this and will want to relieve some of the pressure. Even though Pluto's retrograde motion will continue until October 10, Pluto will exit your sign and move into your house of privacy on June 11.




Pisces 6

Pisces, today is the first day of Pluto's annual retrograde motion. With changes taking place right now, you might find that your fears, worries, or frustrations are intensified.

On the other hand, things should start to settle down very soon. This retrograde will continue until October 10 and will assist you in recognizing and understanding your attachments and fears.

You haven't realized how much your anxiety, guilt, and need for control have been working against you. It will be much easier for you to work on healing and problem-solving.

This Pluto retrograde cycle will last for over five months, and it will occur in your house of privacy from today until June 11; after that, it will return to your social sector.

Now is great for introspection and observation. With the Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde today, you might rekindle an old interest or see a current one in a new light.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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