Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! May 12, 2023

As Mercury retrograde harmonizes with Saturn, it's an excellent day to reflect and gain new perspectives on a situation, especially those pertaining to the material world.

This evening, Mercury retrograde forms a sextile with Venus, which ignites a desire to collaborate, compliment, encourage, and express our affections.

We tend to examine our preferences and feelings, as well as our relationships, particularly those from the past. We also connect with people from our past.

We are moving toward a Venus-Saturn trine, which encourages us to organize our emotions.

We take a more mature, responsible, and level-headed approach in matters of love, relationships, money, and pleasure-seeking.

It is a good time to strengthen relationships and show our affection for others by providing them with physical support, service, and demonstrations of loyalty.

Today's transits remind us of the importance of being reliable and consistent. It creates a realistic and perhaps materialistic view of our relationships.

The Moon spends the day in Aquarius. This noon, the Moon will square off the Sun in Aquarius. It's the Last Quarter Moon and it is a signal to review and sort out rather than push something new.

Until the New Moon on the 19th, it is best to work out problems, take inventory, and let go if necessary.




Aries 6

Aries, the energies of today push you to want to sort things out and make sense of things, especially when it comes to feelings and personal affairs.

There are a number of indicators that point to an increased emphasis on mutual understanding and companionship. You'll get along with someone or realize why a problem occurred in the past.

There will be positive developments with regard to the family, the home, or financial matters. Although conversations are beneficial, the final conclusions or decisions may not yet be sound.

Mercury has a few more days left in its retrograde motion, and there may be more to a story. Because it comes from within, happiness is more natural and it is also much easier to roll with the punches.

Simplifying certain aspects of your life, especially those that are connected to your inner world, your home, or your family life, may bring you some level of satisfaction.




Taurus 6

Taurus, if you're feeling down, some uplifting conversation or positive news could help. Since Mercury will continue to be retrograde in your sign for a few more days, it is very important that you continue to take additional time to process recent events and ideas.

There will be mistakes, delays, and misunderstandings, but if you keep an open mind, you'll find it easier to work through the issues and still have fun.

It is a productive day for gaining new knowledge, perhaps about the past. You enjoy being in control of the situation and keeping yourself organized.

A Venus-Saturn transit favors teamwork, agreements, and activities that help strengthen a project or friendship.

There is a person or a group in your life that supports and encourages you to pursue an idea or interest to your advantage.




Gemini 6

Gemini, you have a more detached perspective on your emotions, which is a valuable exercise every once in a while.

Since Mercury will be in retrograde for a few more days, the decisions you make today will require revision at a later time.

Despite this, there are a number of advantages to investigating your feelings from a more intellectual standpoint. You could, for instance, find a way to improve your financial situation.

Past loves may also come to mind or resurface in significant ways. Unexpected help will come your way or your memories and intuition will help your business or financial situation.

Although you may become inspired with new ideas, it is best to avoid starting a brand new project altogether because it will most likely begin slowly and you may change your mind in the future.

Today, allow life to serve as a source of inspiration for you, but also be more cautious in your communications and directions while you take in new ideas.

Venus in your solar second house is getting closer to forming a harmonious aspect with Saturn, which will assist you in having a more grounded perspective on your means, resources, and relationships.




Cancer 6

Cancer, today is a good day for you to find more easily creative ways to express your feelings and connect with others. You could receive compliments, other expressions or attract someone. 

People around you have noticed that you are becoming more in tune with the gentler, more receptive side of your personality.

As Venus forms a harmonious connection with Mercury retrograde, you tend to talk about your ideas, as well as your private thoughts, feelings, and memories.

Since Mercury will be retrograde for a few more days (until the 14th), the Mercury-Venus aspectof today is favorable for advancing your interests and strengthening your connections with others.

To be more specific, you should probably be careful not to talk about matters of the heart without your heart being fully in the equation!

Venus is moving through your sign and forming a harmonious aspect with Saturn, which will help you strengthen your relationships.




Leo 6

Leo, the energies of today are good for better understanding a matter that happened in the past; however, there is more to know in the unfolding story so it is wise to delay finalizing plans.

Mercury makes a pleasant aspect with Venus, but will continue to be retrograde for a few more days.

Even if you keep some things to yourself and aren't sure whether or not you should share certain observations, it's usually a good time to get along with the people around you and enjoy a laid-back approach.

As you think back on something important from the past, you feel you're slowly breaking through a barrier and perhaps gaining a better understanding of a professional situation.

Conversations tend to go to the past, but you tend to see these issues with more warmth and understanding.

These days, your inner world may be calling to you more than usual, and because Venus is in harmony with Saturn, it can be nice to spend time alone or with friends or a trusted family member.




Virgo 6

Virgo, you are surrounded by a positive and encouraging vibe. Mercury harminizing with Venus today has introduces you to wonderful new opportunities that you have been missing out on in the past.

This transit is beneficial to your attractiveness as well as your friendships, and although conversations about the past can be winding and confusing, they can also be helpful and perhaps shed new light on a situation.

Since Mercury will continue its retrograde for the next two days, there won't be clear facts or discussions. You'll do great if you are able to avoid making hasty decisions and instead focus on your opportunities.

With Venus and Saturn in harmony, you form beneficial connections.




Libra 6

Libra, a harmonious aspect between Mercury and Venus inspires pleasant collaboration and enables you to relax.

Even though you might receive some interesting new information, it's probably best to accept the fact that you won't have the whole picture until much later.

That doesn't mean you can't go out and enjoy yourself, though! Things will soon reveal themselves to you, and you don't have to push anything, which may even be a relief. Today, you might be able to act as a mediator or give someone advice.

Even though Mercury will be retrograde for a few more days, today is likely to go quite smoothly for your communications because people respond more to the intentions behind your words than to the words themselves.

The energies of today support conservative rather than bold measures. With Venus at the top of your solar chart, you're in a more prominent and charming position professionally or publicly.

You are simply making the right choices, and others are recognizing and appreciating your hard work.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, it might be interesting for you to discuss your philosophy with someone today. You might find that chatting, exchanging ideas, or talking about problems is especially enjoyable.

The Mercury-Venus aspect of today may reacquaint you with an old friend or stir up powerful memories and conversations about the past.

You are in a good position to find easy solutions to problems, and a positive message could arrive or a conversation could take place that makes you feel comfortable.

You can find easy solutions to problems. Your dependability shines through more clearly now, and people recognize and value it in you.

A relationship can be enjoyable, and the observations made today can be helpful, but it's always a good idea to reserve judgment.

Since Mercury will only be retrograde for two more days, the best strategy for today is to take a wait-and-see approach.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, today it is more natural for you to find creative ways to meet various needs by combining them or adjusting your expectations of each.

You might find yourself thinking about something after engaging in a charming conversation. Even though you don't have all the facts just yet, you still have a positive outlook.

There are only two days left until Mercury completes its retrograde cycle. Despite the fact that there may be delays or misunderstandings, you are in such a good mood that you barely notice them.

A message from someone from your past will reach you now thanks to a Mercury-Venus aspect. Alternatively, this could be a sign that you should look behind you before moving forward.

You are in an excellent position to take a new look at a project or piece of work. Your intuition about health or work methods is excellent, but you may have to reserve judgment as you still don't have important information.

You are willing to sacrifice short-term gratification in exchange for greater success in the long run which will serve you very well.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, today is a good day for you in terms of both your personal appeal and the ability to find solutions to important issues. You and an important person in your life get along well as you have a sense of shared values.

Keeping in mind that there is probably more to the story than meets the eye now, you can still enjoy the fluidity of optimism and cooperation today.

Since Mercury will be retrograde for a few more days, there will be problems with communication. Despite this, you manage to find a solution that puts you in a good position.

For the time being, it is satisfying to formulate hazy plans and consider many possibilities. Conversations about love, children, creative arts, hobbies or entertainment can be enjoyable and beneficial.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, you are looking for peace in your home life, in your family, at work, or in your day-to-day affairs, and you can find a solution that is satisfactory to achieve this goal.

You have access to positive energy that can help you improve your relationships, enjoy others' company, and express how you feel.

Since Mercury will be retrograde for a few more days, it is recommended that decisions not be finalized just yet. It's nice to be able to relax and let your guard down.

Your family, your job, or even just the situations that you find yourself in become more beautiful to you, and as a result, your life becomes more pleasurable.

A Mercury-Venus transit can bring back an old friend through a message or a surprise meeting.




Pisces 6

Pisces, today brings opportunities for pleasant conversations and cooperative endeavors.

Even though there is the potential for misunderstandings, it is essential to pay more attention to gestures than to the specific words chosen to express yourself.

You tend to reflect on or talk about previous romantic relationships. Although you may be waiting for information or facing delays, there is a pleasant energy with you for your social life, romance, comfort or finances.

We are drawing closer to Mercury going direct (on the 14th), and changes of this nature can create difficulties when it comes to being understood.

Nevertheless, a sextile between Mercury and Venus is in effect during this period of change,  and the overall intention is positive.

Venus is also moving toward a harmonious aspect with Saturn in your sign so the focus is going to be on your sense of responsibility and reliability.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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