Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! May 22, 2023

The Sun sextile Mars brings a passionate but restrained atmosphere. However, as the day goes on, we get closer to Mars square Jupiter, which will happen the following day.

This can encourage us to move quickly and may lead us to believe that we can achieve more or take on more than is actually possible.

A Mars-Jupiter transit this morning gives the day dynamic and impulsive energy. We tend to be overly dramatic and rush into taking action. Under this influence, we easily become upset, enthusiastic, or excited.

We can be excited about our prospects, but perhaps too hasty, moving too fast, investing money in something that needs further consideration, or overestimating what we (or the world) can do.

Watch out for arrogance. It's easy for us to become so fixated on the things we want to accomplish that we lose sight of what's actually possible.

When you're in a hurry, you might end up working harder than expected. Nevertheless, if we apply some common sense to the situation, now would be a good time to use our imagination and consider new possibilities.

Try not to overemphasize a problem that does not require a lot of focus. We are open to new suggestions, but any launches or commitments will likely have to wait.



Aries 6

Aries, positive energy will connect your communications and learning to creativity in your life, and you will feel the urge to get something done.

You might receive information that paves the way for new opportunities, enjoy loving communication or an innovative learning experience, or you may make exciting new contacts.

As the day goes on and you become more engaged in the pursuit of activities that make you feel good and bring you joy, you might want to be careful not to try to push something too quickly.

Also, try not to take so much that you burn out before you really get going. The secret to success is giving your best effort to tame urges like overdoing, overpromising, or defending something with too much vigor.

These days, love and money don't mix very well. It is best to strive for moderation in everything you do.




Taurus 6

Taurus, you're feeling enthusiastic and even a little bit competitive today. Do not overlook a self-centered tendency in the morning; it can be beneficial if it is a healthy dose of self-focus.

Life at home can sometimes be quite lively. There's a strong desire to deal with problems around the house or with the family, and the chances of making great improvements are high.

Today, you might have a hard time tolerating problematic aspects of your life, which may trigger a rather sudden urge to make changes or improvements in your life.

As the day goes on, you should try to refrain from putting too much pressure on yourself to complete everything at once.

Ask yourself if the impulses you have come from a genuine need, or if they are simply the result of boredom.

Plans that have been given careful consideration can be carried out, but a Mars-Jupiter transit can lead to overstating what is actually possible.

If the stakes are high, you should hold off until a more transparent day. Dream big but don't lose sight of reality.




Gemini 6

Gemini, there's more bravery or courage in your actions, and possibly in your communications as well, especially when you are offering information about yourself.

Now is a good time for positive feedback. You act more decisively. Your company and insights are appreciated by those around you.

With a Mars-Jupiter transit throughout the day, this can be a time of great enthusiasm, powerful urges, and passionate feelings; however, it can also be a time of excess.

You'll experience a surge of motivation to get back to work or start new projects. Your time is limited, but you have many interests!

Try not to put so much pressure on yourself. Expecting results right away can make you feel depressed and sap your energy.




Cancer 6

Cancer, you are likely to value the new ideas available today. You'll get the overwhelming desire to do something that's completely out of the norm. You are more likely to engage in many activities, even if most of them are behind the scenes.

Your confidence is high, and your willpower is just as impressive. You might experience just the right amount of competitiveness to get you motivated and move you forward.

Nevertheless, as the day goes on, you tend to exaggerate or go overboard. Although the courage and confidence to get things done is excellent, you need to watch for decisions that stem from agitation rather than need.

You might also need to rein in impulses to spend too much money, too quickly, or on unnecessary things. A Mars-Jupiter transit will require you to speak up for yourself if others don't respect you.




Leo 6

Leo, you have a strong urge to make changes or improvements in your life, especially with regard to your plans for achieving happiness and your interactions with others.

You might get the motivation to move forward with a personal goal, dream, or plan, or you might make an unexpected connection with someone good.

Mars is currently traveling through your sign, which can cause you to act hastily at times; however, if you are focusing on your intuition rather than simply reacting to the people around you, then you're good.

Later on today, Mars and Jupiter will form an aspect, which will create a great deal of energy. On the other hand, there is a tendency to throw away an opportunity by going beyond what is necessary.

Going too far or too fast can ruin something that is otherwise enjoyable. Impatience can lead to putting pressure on yourself.




Virgo 6

Virgo, given today's transits, it is best for you to address issues as soon as possible rather than allow them to develop further. There can be great enthusiasm and great and beautiful feelings and passions now.

However, there is also a significant tendency to ignore the beauty of the moment in search of even greener pastures.

Your objective should be to seize and make the most of a fantastic opportunity without going overboard with it. If you go too far, the plans you make now might not work out for you later.

Although one may have good intentions when making a promise, the promise may be made in the heat of the moment or based on amplified feelings. 

Take a few slow, deep breaths, and put off making any major decisions until tomorrow.




Libra 6

Libra, today is a good day for you, to be more open to change. Accepting new ideas and exploring different topics comes naturally.

People's feelings are intense and their excitement is high. It is a good time to fulfill your own need to learn or experience something new by working with others to accomplish something.

As the day progresses, there may be some tension if you are trying to move an issue forward that is best left alone for now. You and your friends make decisions that are too hasty. Try to not go overboard.

If your dissatisfaction results in new developments and improvements, or if it gives you the courage to solve a problem, you might decide to take advantage of this energy and make it work for you.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, discovering that you have access to resources that you were previously unaware of can serve a purpose and bring you rewards.

It's a productive time for business, but you might want to tone down your ardor if you know you are right and others don't see it yet!

As the day goes on, you find that you are more sensitive to feelings of confinement or limitation, particularly when it comes to a matter of duty, reputation, or career.

Even though you are more likely to make a decision quickly, further investigation is necessary! Try to reserve judgment.

Your motivation to accomplish what you set out to do skyrockets, but you should keep an eye out for a tendency to push yourself too hard.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, you're looking to feel more important, alive, and vibrant through other people or relationships. Others motivate you to take bold actions or make progress on a matter.

If you are feeling motivated, you will have a better chance of shifting into high gear as we head into a Mars-Jupiter square.

Your mind is open to great ideas and possibilities. It might be in your best interest to think about making adjustments and improvements, but you shouldn't rush things.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, you don't want to be restricted or limited, and there may be a greater desire to take action on matters that you've previously put off dealing with.

You are in a powerful position to solve problems and cross things off your to-do list and there may be great opportunities to make important contacts through your work.

Tensions arise later in the day as a result of a tendency to try to accomplish too much in too little time. As Mars moves into a square with Jupiter in your house of joy and leisure, excess can become a problem, especially in the realm of romance or entertainment.

You have ambitious expansion plans, but it's important to keep in mind that you simply can't take on everything at once.

The enthusiasm and optimism of your business may cause you to misjudge what you will be able to do later.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, you have an optimistic outlook and are prepared to make changes, particularly on the creative and relational levels.

You'll make connections that advance your personal interests, particularly in relation to activities that you enjoy. As the day goes on, a Mars-Jupiter square will come into play, which will likely cause some excitement but also a tendency to push things to the limit!

A happy evolution can lead you to want more. This attitude can encourage you to grow and improve, but if you overdo it, you may miss the good stuff and forget to appreciate it.

As a result, it might be difficult for people to keep the promises they made to you today. Be on the lookout for snap decisions, especially when it comes to your family, partner, and other loved ones.

If you can tap into the enthusiasm of this influence and resist excess, you are in good shape.




Pisces 6

Pisces, you have the motivation to make changes and improve things. You'll reorganize your living environment or rearrange your work or work environment. 

You are now less reliant on others' approval and more confident in your own judgment, as well as more outgoing. Despite the fact that today is a good day for enthusiasm and being in tune with your feelings, avoid impulsiveness.

Mars square Jupiter comes into play and pushes you to go too fast. This influence seems lucky but tends to go too far!

Sometimes we need a push to make a significant change. With this aspect, you may feel that you can do more than is possible, so be careful not to overload yourself with tasks or obligations.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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