Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! May 7, 2023

Venus enters Cancer today, where it will stay until June 5th. This transit is nurturing, careful, fertile, and self-protective.

Due to increased sensitivity and impressionability, we experience emotional ups and downs with our affective egos.

When we show our love through our protection, we can give expression to our silent voices, devotion, care, and concern,

During this cycle, we are preoccupied with matters pertaining to life and home improvement, nesting, home business, household and family activities, comfort, and security.

However, because Venus forms a quincunx with Pluto today, we may experience some uncertainty.

Your close personal relationships, family, finances, entertainment, or other aspects of your social life will be subject to change.

Fears can disrupt the flow, but they can help us see what our personal weaknesses may have been.




Aries 6

Aries, today marks the beginning of Venus' journey through your fourth solar house, where it will remain until the 5th of June.

In the coming weeks, you may find more joy in your family life and with the people you care about, or you may enjoy more fun and pleasant energy in your domestic world.

Instead of wearing your emotions on your sleeve and taking risks, you tend to be more guarded and reserved with your feelings, preferring to remain in comfortable and secure environments.

This transit typically brings about feelings of hesitancy and caution in matters pertaining to love, the pursuit of pleasure, and financial matters.

Real estate issues can be favorable. The Venus-Pluto aspect awkward is somewhat awkward. When it comes to your relationships, your vulnerabilities and insecurities are more obvious than usual, and it can be challenging to address issues head-on.

There's a good chance of mixed signals. Your ability to freely and naturally express who you are can be inhibited by feelings of insecurity or responsibility.

There may be hesitancy or uncertainty, but these feelings are only temporary. Before continuing, try to think things through to identify and correct any errors.




Taurus 6

Taurus, Venus, your ruling planet, starts its journey through your house of communications and will remain there until June 5th.

You enter a phase in which you become more curious and talkative, and in your interactions, you bring a particular charm and diplomacy with you.

During the next month, you will find that you enjoy activities of daily life, such as connecting with friends, investigating interests and mental topics, or learning new things.

Pre-existing issues in close personal relationships can be very present, which can get in the way of having fun. You're feeling frustrated right now because other people have crossed your boundaries.

The recent events make it clear to you that some changes are necessary.




Gemini 6

Gemini, today, Venus will move into your house of resources. Up until the 5th of June, this transit puts you in a position where you can indulge yourself without feeling too self-conscious about it.

The focus is on building, installing, and getting comfortable. Love is more about security and comfort, and as you learn to value simpler pleasures, you'll start to earn less.

Being able to get along well with other people can be a way to boost your business or income, and relationships that already exist can benefit from having more consistent energy.

This transit will assist in bringing emotional balance to you over the next few weeks. Additionally, it will stimulate your discernment and your sense of balance!

A minor aspect between Venus and Pluto right can temporarily amplify differences in beliefs, values, or respect in a relationship.

You'll need to make some changes in order to get back on track. Playing both sides of an issue can make your life more difficult in the long run.

Fixing the problems and attending to the details is the most productive use of your time and effort, despite how tempting it may be to dwell on the aspects of your life that aren't going as planned.




Cancer 6

Cancer, today, Venus will make its way into your sign and remain there as your guest until June 5th.

Since Venus has been transiting through your twelfth solar house for the past few weeks, you have had the time and opportunity to work through your feelings and connect with your emotional and romantic past.

You've dealt with and healed past hurts before moving on. You will become more outspoken and certain of your needs and affections over the course of the following month.

People admire your sense of style as well as the qualities that you naturally exhibit. This cycle places an emphasis on love and sensual pleasure.

When you are more inclined to spend more time on yourself, your needs, and your wishes, it is a pleasant cycle that attracts attention. This cycle attracts attention because it is a pleasant cycle.

Even though this may not be the most disciplined time for you, it is absolutely the time for you to behave in a more confident way.

However, Venus is in a challenging aspect with Pluto at the moment, so matters pertaining to money and property may become contentious and require tactful management.




Leo 6

Leo, today marks the beginning of Venus' journey through your twelfth solar house. This cycle will continue until June 5 and encourages you to explore your feelings by encouraging you to relax your analysis.

The opportunity to relax and take it easy is always welcome. In the coming weeks, there may be some intrigue surrounding your romantic relationships, feelings, and affections.

You may have the intention of letting go of outmoded beliefs and behaviors and making “space” in your life so that you can welcome new experiences and emotions.

During this cycle, you might feel a little more uncertain about your feelings and even about making purchases.

Today, Venus squares off against Pluto, and you come into contact with some of the hidden forces at work in your life that can undermine your relationships.

Dissatisfaction can have its origins in a variety of places, including fear and resentment. You may see ghosts from the past.

Other people won't let you easily do what you want right now, which can be extremely frustrating but could also be a blessing in disguise.




Virgo 6

Virgo, today is the day that Venus enters your eleventh solar house and begins to harmonize with your sign. Up until the 5th of June, happiness goals are very present, and friendships can benefit from a good boost.

This transit awakens a need in you to connect with others or with a specific project that you have been working on. Your social life may become more inviting, graceful, fun, and cohesive.

Your attractiveness as a friend or loved one skyrockets, and you become more approachable and sociable in general.

The weeks that lie ahead encourage spreading your wings and making new connections. People place more value on their friendship with you, as well as the contributions you make and the company you keep.

In spite of this, the challenge aspect between Venus and Pluto today could cause you to be confronted with reminders of past disappointments or feelings of guilt.




Libra 6

Libra, today Venus begins its transit into your house of career and reputation, which should result in an improvement in these areas until June 5th.

During this cycle, you may find that your job and responsibilities bring you much more satisfaction, or you may have the opportunity to meet new people or find a romantic interest at events that are professional.

Your professional or public relations benefit from the friendlier attitude you bring to the table. Now is ideal for enhancing your reputation or cultivating more pleasant relationships with others.

You should also consider setting some personal goals. A special achievement or an increased desire to perform and excel may figure prominently.

Feelings of resentment or fear will temporarily divert your attention away from your top priorities today.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, Venus is now in harmony with your sign as it transits through your ninth solar house until June 5th.

You may be inspired by a loved one, or someone may awaken in you a new perspective or way of thinking.

A loved one might motivate you in some way, or another person will introduce you to a new perspective or way of thinking. This transit may very well bring about the events that you have desired.

In the coming weeks, you will be more outspoken about the things that you like, and you will find that discussing your ideas and beliefs is not only enjoyable and rewarding but also beneficial to your relationships.

Nevertheless, you have less tolerance for difficulties or complications in your relationships. When you step outside of your routine, you perform better in areas such as romance, business, and shopping.

However, today brings with it an awkward aspect between Venus and Pluto, and as a result, there may be a tricky decision or dilemma.

Venus in your house of adventures may make you yearn for more independence, but on the other hand, you may find that your feelings are conflicted because a significant part of you wants to play it safe.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, Venus will now be staying in your eighth solar house until June 5th. This is a great cycle for working on the more difficult or intricate parts of relationships, sharing, and intimacy.

In addition, it is very good at understanding the deeper aspects of your personality, as well as your most private aspirations and drives.

You may find support or an outlet for your financial situation. On the other hand, a Venus-Pluto aspect can cast doubts that are difficult to brush aside at the moment.

Old resentments can emerge. Both a strong need for intimacy and a strong urge to control things are there, and these two needs do not mix well.

You should try to avoid overanalyzing things, as doing so can lead to frustrating times now. Instead, look for ways to grow from the anger or resentment you feel.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, Venus moves into your house of partnerships, and for the next five days, up until June 5, you are particularly fortunate in your personal connections.

This is a healthy cycle for attracting close relationships and improving the ones that already exist. You are more receptive to the needs of others as well as to their own.

It may not be the best time to address important concerns, but it is a good time to have pleasant exchanges with others.

Your relationships will experience an increase in happiness and fun thanks to Venus, and you may even meet someone who can be helpful.

In the coming weeks, you will find yourself in the role of peacemaker or mediator. As time goes on, your desire for companionship grows.

Due to an awkward aspect between Venus and Pluto, your feelings may be overwhelming or hard to understand today.

People and family members may send confusing or contradictory signals, but it is best to avoid jumping to conclusions and instead acknowledge that things are momentarily out of sync.

You should try to think things through and not let your fears or insecurities influence how you behave. You can now make better use of the technology we have.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, Venus will move into your house of career and health, and it will remain in this part of your chart until June 5th. This cycle can help you bring harmony to your daily activities and your work.

This can be a time of increased social opportunities as a result of work, daily routines, health activities, or household chores. Instead, you should focus on making the most of every moment of your everyday life.

However, due to Venus making a slightly challenging aspect with Pluto in your sign today, you might experience some restrictions or roadblocks in your path.

There is a lot of creative energy available to you today, but there are also some concerns or worries that might get in the way of your good mood, especially when it comes to your family.




Pisces 6

Pisces, today Venus will be residing in your fifth solar house, which will inspire you to look for more sources of joy until June 5th.

Your inherent attractiveness shines through, and conversations about love, entertainment, hobbies, creative endeavors, and children are the most engaging.

This transit reawakens in you the desire to pursue enjoyable interests and hobbies. During this cycle, issues pertaining to love, pleasure, and money are revitalizing and straightforward.

You'll have more time on your hands for creative and enjoyable pursuits. However, due to increased sensitivity or susceptibility, there may be a conflict between the parties involved today.

If other people get on your nerves, try to keep a level head.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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