Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! November 17, 2022

Mercury moves into adventurous Sagittarius and will remain there until December 6. Our faith grows and our thinking is idealistic and upbeat as a result. However, during this cycle, we are not always precise or thorough.

Today, the Sun and Pallas are in harmony, and we strengthen our self-assurance in our abilities. More wisdom, meaning, and intellectual stimulation are things we seek.

Making plans, seeing important things, and being motivated to solve problems are all necessary at this time. Taking care of our daily affairs is important. Also, the Moon spends the day in Virgo.



Aries 6

Aries, Mercury, the planet of communication, will be traveling through your ninth solar house today until December 6th. You're even more eager to learn, share, or try new things now that Mercury has moved into this house of your chart, which Venus just entered yesterday.

This Mercury cycle is particularly beneficial for fluid communication and action. It is also pleasant for igniting enthusiasm and boosting self-assurance. It sparks your interest in learning and piques your curiosity.

You are more eager to learn new things or spread your knowledge. Your mind may become clearer. You are happily challenged by fresh perspectives and viewpoints.

You might feel strengthened and more “heard.” While big ideas that result from thinking broadly are at their best right now, their practical implementation may not be. The Moon today can still assist you in noticing the crucial particulars that make life function properly.




Taurus 6

Taurus, Venus entered your house of intimacy yesterday, and Mercury does the same today. You approach delicate or private topics with more reason and objectivity.

These transits together place more emphasis on your private life and close relationships. Making deeper adjustments that have an impact on how you live your life can be crucial.

Making sense of your routines, tendencies, and instincts is a good idea right now. Or, you may decide to address complex power dynamics in a relationship or other issues involving sharing, such as money.

Wonderful plans can be made right now, and you can concentrate intensely on cracking the case. Today, talking about one's feelings and expressing oneself are both simple.




Gemini 6

Gemini, the energies of today are favorable for helping you understand your needs and wants a little better. Construction and development-related projects and quiet activities appear to be progressing more favorably at the moment.

Mercury enters your opposite sign today as well, where it will remain until December 6th. You might attract someone who challenges you intellectually, or you might engage in more social interaction.

More significant themes in your life are partnerships, negotiations, compromises, and balance, particularly with Venus in the same house of your chart.

Talking to a special friend or partner at this time is a great idea. You are in a fantastic position to improve, repair, strengthen, and create connections.

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Capricorn 6

Cancer, Mercury enters your house of work and health today, giving you the ability to pay close attention to details and work out problems. You can learn a lot and communicate more easily about work or health issues until December 6.

In the upcoming weeks, you might find yourself sorting, organizing, and learning a lot. During this time, you could take care of the crucial aspects of your daily life.

Find fantastic ways to enhance your habits and health, but be sure to strike a balance between work and rest as this position has a propensity for worry and overthinking.

Today's energies are favorable for interpersonal interaction, communication, networking, and friendship. Your ideas and persona are appealing to people.




Leo 6

Leo, Mercury will be passing through your fifth solar house from now until December 6. You will benefit from a smoother and more natural flow of communication in your life because Venus is already in this same house of your chart.

Others appreciate your intelligence and wit more than you do, and your ideas are well-received. You look for enjoyable mental stimulation, and you might be drawn to or attract people who share your interests.

Self-expression, creativity, and hobbies can be very popular. In the upcoming weeks, you'll discover your joy and use your abilities to help others more frequently.

Right now, you are in a good position to evaluate your assets, finances, and skills, and as you do so, your choices and decisions get better.

You might have a clearer idea of what you require to feel more secure and at ease. Today and tomorrow have great potential for fusing the old and the new.




Virgo 6

Virgo, the Moon spends the day in your sign and you yearn for a sense of connection to the outside world. You might experience a sense of emotional rebirth.

Mercury, the planet of communication and your ruling planet, enters your house of home and family today as well. This transit, which lasts through December 6, portends a livelier and more social home or private life.

Mercury's motion today emphasizes your home world even more since Venus just moved into the same house of your chart yesterday.

When it comes to sharing your ideas and winning people over, materially you might not be at your best, but interpersonally you communicate with more ease and fun.

It's a great time to be open and honest with your loved ones because you're better at speaking logically and objectively. It's a great time to reflect and communicate if something has been bothering you.

You give more thought to projects that could benefit you in the long run and your long-term security.

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Libra 6

Libra, due to the Moon's transit through the sign directly behind you, you would prefer not to be the center of attention today. Your mind, however, is totally focused.

Today, Mercury moves into your house of communications, which feels good and vibrant. This cycle, which runs through December 6, is beneficial for communicating, learning, studying, and socializing.

Even though now isn't the best time to concentrate on one thing in particular, diversification can help you now. It's also a time when you can speak up more readily about private or secret issues because Mercury rules your house of privacy.

With Venus in the same house, it can be a particularly busy and interesting time for you. However, if you don't take enough breaks, you might feel a little anxious.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, your second solar house is where Mercury will transit through until December 6th. You've just had Venus enter the same house, and this marks the start of a period when you'll be more realistic and sensible.

It's a good idea to create a budget, buy things you'll use, shop for sales, and work on projects that will pay off in the future. It's possible that you need to make crucial financial decisions or that you want to get opinions on how valuable you and other people are.

You might be more vocal about it now if you don't feel appreciated for all you do for others. In the coming weeks, you have the opportunity to use your financial acumen and your creativity to the fullest.

This transit clarifies financial issues and improves your capacity to choose wisely when it comes to money and personal possessions.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, Mercury is now in your sign and will stay there through December 6th. Venus only just entered your sign yesterday. These transits give you a better chance to gain allies and communicate your ideas more persuasively.

You could make more strategic choices. Thought overthinking is ineffective, so you may need to periodically remind yourself to “shut off” your mind. You're busier than usual and more likely to draw people in with your ideas or spirit.

You might be especially inspired to start a project or learn something brand-new. You'll convey more strength in your communications in the upcoming weeks.

It's a fantastic opportunity to advance your goals and draw what you need and want into your life by using the persuasive power of words.

There may also be career opportunities. The Moon this day makes you think about your longer-term objectives. Working hard to achieve your goals can play a significant role.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, Venus is currently in your house of privacy and Mercury is starting its visit here today. It's a great cycle for accessing your inner wisdom because this transit has a tendency to pull you inward.

Until December 6, you are looking at your life from a different angle and understanding every circumstance on a deeper level. Although you are quite psychically receptive, your conversations are more sensitive.

You lose track of time quickly and are less talkative and outgoing during this period. Many initiatives, schemes, and choices are typically still in the planning stages.

In the coming weeks, you might reflect on the past more and speak about it more. These days, there are more or better ways to express creativity. It's possible that you have a strong attraction to self-help and healing methods.

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Aquarius 6

Aquarius, Venus entered your social sector yesterday, and Mercury enters it today, highlighting your desire to connect and share. Sharing your knowledge with others can play a significant role.

In the coming weeks, friends, networks, or groups may spark debates, ideas, notable learning experiences, or all of the above. Mercury will be in this area until December 6 and may pique your interest in a project or dream.

Your goals for happiness or your social life can be firmly anchored in your mind because you're more creative and open. Your conversations and comments are currently well received. Today's energies favor using your power of observation and tapping into your inner wisdom.




Pisces 6

Pisces, Venus has recently entered your tenth solar house, and Mercury will soon follow suit. Your communications seem to “count” more because Mercury is at the top of your solar chart until December 6.

There might be a new or increased emphasis on communication at work, or you might be doing more planning and connecting to meet your obligations.

Your business and career are impacted by these transits, particularly on a social and mental level. You tend to plan ahead and are more goal-oriented.

You put your attention on goals or endeavors that are close to your heart today, and you get along with people more easily. With the Moon in your opposite sign the entire day, harmony is more significant to you than usual.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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