Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! November 20, 2022

We look for greater balance and harmony as the Moon spends the day in Libra. Given its connections to Mars and Saturn, it may be advantageous and satisfying to approach our emotions and interactions with kindness.

Nevertheless, the Sun trine Jupiter stimulates our desire for growth. We are willing to extend the benefit of the doubt to one another. High levels of enthusiasm and cooperation make reaching an agreement easier.

Hope, optimism, and the desire to improve and dazzle are stimulated by this transit. We try to build a company, a relationship, a family, friends, our personal philosophy, or a self-improvement plan.

We are more able to overcome minor issues and differences by making grand gestures. The energy of this transit is primarily one of optimism and confidence.



Aries 6

Aries, more people than usual are interested in your opinions or company today. You're trying to make your life more balanced. You might learn more about someone or discover an alternate viewpoint.

You are drawn to what is hidden or under the surface because the Sun in your house of intimacy forms a supportive trine with Jupiter. You might take pleasure in attempting to figure something out or solve a mystery.

You feel more at ease discussing your personal needs and desires or close relationships. Making peace with your problems or finding a solution to emotional problems becomes much more comfortable.

A burden, a secret, or an issue may be chosen to be shared. You may experience a satisfying form of relief from problems that are weighing you down. It's time to have a more expansive and optimistic perspective.




Taurus 6

Taurus, transits are beneficial for sorting through specifics and finding solutions, but you're also prepared to see the big picture. Today, you can adopt a practical yet forward-thinking strategy.

It can be especially advantageous to collaborate with someone on a future project. Concentrating on long-term happiness goals can have a significant positive impact on a relationship or family life.

Furthermore, a powerful individual can serve as a great sounding board for your ideas. Jupiter and the Sun are in harmony, causing you to think and act in ways that enhance your life or bring you rewards.

You might experience a lightbulb moment, an epiphany, or a constructive focus of your attention that uplifts your mood. It's a great time to voluntarily bury a grudge, do someone a favor, spend time with family, share your sense of humor, or make an extra effort to assist or flatter someone.




Gemini 6

Gemini, the Moon is in your house of creativity, play, and romance, which makes you want to have fun or spend time with those you care about.

The Sun trine Jupiter also encourages positivity and good feelings. It can be a huge relief if you can fix mechanical or family issues. With this uplifting energy behind you, resolve to concentrate on improvement.

Attempt to gain from collaboration. You have an active, receptive, and charitable spirit that is developing for your benefit. You are quick to forget and even to forgive.

Fortunately, it appears that others appreciate your efforts, abilities, or leadership. It might also be a time when a project, a change in your way of life, a problem with your health, or at work particularly inspires you.

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Capricorn 6

Cancer, you can complete tasks around the house or make a positive contribution to your family today. Additionally, it's a great time to laugh and joke around with a friend.

Your outlook is especially positive and constructive, and you exude self-assurance and goodwill, which prompts others to work with you right away.

Your enthusiasm increases when the Sun and Jupiter are in harmony, especially when it comes to romantic or creative endeavors.

The ability to bond, cooperate, forgive, or establish trust is also a strength under this transit. Thinking about your family and your creative endeavors is also particularly beneficial.




Leo 6

Leo, people will want to hear your ideas today. You have great energy to interact and share with others. Discussions with or about a partner, family, or other loved ones can be very productive and meaningful.

Jupiter and the Sun are in harmony, which encourages you to open your heart. This transit creates ethereal energy that is connected to emotions or family.

The mood is progressive, and fresh approaches and solutions are in sight. You can feel your enthusiasm increasing, and you have a comforting sense of support.

Your private affairs, close relationships, and family or home life are all in excellent shape. You might be eager to move past a challenge, hostility, or regret. Think about what you can do to enhance your life while this favorable transit is in effect.




Virgo 6

Virgo, with the Moon in your sign today, it can be very advantageous for you to move at your own pace and think about different perspectives for your endeavors.

You are committed to enhancing your security. Your enthusiasm for your ideas and a relationship will increase due to the Sun trining Jupiter today.

You receive the right responses from others as you express yourself in a more positive and assured manner. Establishing a fulfilling connection at this time is ideal.

There might be a current agreement or a settlement of a previous affair with the family. Your knowledge can help others, and building relationships can be both a priority and a reward.

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Libra 6

Libra, a strong desire to move on accompanies you today as you pick up the vibrations of a Sun-Jupiter trine. Even so, this aspect occurs in your house of work, health, and money, and although it is a light aspect, you can focus better with others on material matters.

Motivation sets in to work and produce. Money, business, work, and health methods are favored and enthusiasm grows with your confidence.

Today's events give you a reason to renew hope or optimism about finances or work. A program of work or personal care can motivate and inspire you.

You may also feel more relaxed with the Moon in your sign all day. It's a good time to leave behind emotional issues that have undermined your personal comfort.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, you radiate positive energy today as the Sun in your sign trines Jupiter. It would be wise to strengthen or develop existing relationships at this time.

You are more willing to express yourself or learn new hobbies and artistic pastimes. Hobbies and interests can be more specialized and especially fulfilling or rewarding.

You're more likely to concentrate on rest and renewal. It's possible for comments to be instructive. With the Moon spending the entire day in your twelfth solar house, you are somewhat reclusive.

It's a good idea to take frequent breaks from demanding or competitive situations, increase your strength, and get more rest.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, with the Sun trine Jupiter, people or family members appear more receptive to understanding and appreciating the differences.

You give off positive energy right now and it draws things and people to you. It's a good idea to ignore the differences and minor problems and concentrate on the big picture.

Since this transit affects your soul sector, it is especially the case for your emotional world, personal life, and domestic and family issues. Make peace with the past and appreciate downtime with loved ones and family.

This indulgent, happy, and cooperative energy makes it enjoyable to share your happiness with others. Today's lunar transits strengthen our resolve and self-assurance.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, while the Moon is at the top of your chart, a Sun-Jupiter trine encourages you to have fun and unwind. A successful balance is attainable.

You feel pleasantly alert thanks to the friendly transit. Your spirits may be lifted by a conversation with a friend, news from your family, or encouraging information.

You are especially assured of a specific objective or concept. A great time to enjoy your studies or a particular interest can also be now.

You can see the bigger picture, or a loved one can assist you in gaining a fresh, more positive viewpoint. Others effectively support or complete your ideas.

Contributions from networks, friends, or family are frequently beneficial or inspiring. When you share your issues, solutions become more apparent.

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Aquarius 6

Aquarius, you have excellent intuition today and your emotional energy is at an all-time high. You more naturally direct your energy into satisfying thoughts as a result of today's Moon transits.

You can also find the motivation to have fun and unwind thanks to a Sun-Jupiter trine. This influence links your houses of work and resources, sparking enthusiasm for a task, a venture, or a financial matter, and reducing obstacles.

It can be enjoyable and beneficial to start making long-term plans now. Family members are more curious about what you do. With this kind of energy, collaboration seems less difficult than usual.




Pisces 6

Pisces, today's energies are favorable for in-depth discussion or research into a topic. The emphasis may be on lending money or sharing resources.

The Sun trine Jupiter encourages feeling upbeat. You are more at ease and relaxed. There might be enthusiasm for your interests, news, or for promising opportunities.

Themes can include appreciation for the work you've already done or the joy that comes from seeing a dearly-held dream or plan come true.

You have a confident, upbeat perspective on your surroundings, including yourself, your family, and your circumstances. People now perceive your best qualities in a positive light. It's a time to stand out.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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