Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! November 22, 2022

Our interest in learning more about deeper truths and things today is sparked by the Moon's transit through Scorpio. The Sun, however, ends its journey through Scorpio tonight and moves into Sagittarius, where it will remain until December 21.

Our attention shifts from wanting to reach out to the world and connect with something greater than ourselves to no longer needing an intimate connection with a person, a project, or ourselves.

In the upcoming weeks, as the Sun transits the fiery, mutable sign of Sagittarius, we may decide to take action to broaden our comprehension and awareness of the environment.

We have the courage to adopt new perspectives and broaden our horizons. As we shift our attention from the details of everyday life, we become more confident and positive by concentrating on the bigger picture.

Although we are more likely to overestimate our expectations during this cycle, we will still have the chance to develop our faith, hope, and vision.



Aries 6

Aries, the Sun will start moving through your house of spirit and adventure tonight and stay there through December 21. In the coming weeks, looking for experiences outside of the ordinary may become a top priority as the desire for something different from the norm sets in.

This is a powerful cycle for learning, increasing your influence, having fresh perspectives and potential objectives, promoting, or publishing. Your need for practical experience is highlighted during this time.

Be very careful to take care of important matters because you seem to be thinking more negatively about the mundane aspects of your life right now.

Nevertheless, now is a fantastic time to cultivate fresh or revived ideas, dreams, and interests. There might be a stronger desire to significantly better your life circumstances or to gain more freedom and well-being.

Activities that feed the soul and spirit are particularly fulfilling and interesting. However, it's best to unwind, take it easy, and let any tension out on this day before a New Moon. There will be a change in course, but it will take some time for it to materialize.




Taurus 6

Taurus, the Sun enters your eighth solar house, beginning a month-long transit that is ideal for identifying or pursuing your deepest passions. The intimate and financial levels of sharing are governed by this house of your chart.

When the Sun is in this position, you are more likely to put your attention on connecting in a romantic relationship or with your innermost self to determine what motivates you and what you truly want from life.

Debt or support problems, whether they be emotional, spiritual, or material, may exist on a material level. This cycle runs until December 21 and emphasizes strategy, planning, and sharing more.

You want your life to be more passionate and intense. It is wise to exercise patience on this day before a New Moon. For best results, consider and watch.




Gemini 6

Gemini, the Sun begins a month-long transit through your house of partnerships that will infuse your life with fresh social energy. Relationships are now more focused.

The best time to settle your differences in relationships is right now. Up until December 21, the Sun will be in your sign, making compromises and negotiations particularly easy for you.

This will help you work with others more successfully. The need or desire to be around other people, especially a dependable friend or partner, could increase in the upcoming weeks.

Or, there are lots of themes that deal with cooperation, bargaining, and advice. Relationships will help you reach your full potential and they might also help you draw powerful people into your life.

As you look for more harmony, peace, and pleasure, you might also pay special attention to areas of your life that are out of balance. It makes sense to unwind and decompress today. Tomorrow there will be a New Moon, which will refocus and reenergize you.




Capricorn 6

Cancer, the Sun enters your house of habits, routines, and work, beginning a month-long transit that emphasizes self-care, daily rituals, professional endeavors, and skill improvement.

You should now take care of your business! Your confidence in your work or the services you offer has increased. You should start by organizing your daily tasks and enhancing your health and wellness initiatives and programs to establish more order in your life.

Although it can be a busy time of year, now is a great time to get things done. Paying attention to the details will pay off right away.

The day will be more conducive to unwinding and connecting with your intuition thanks to the New Moon that will take place in the same house of your chart tomorrow. For best results, take some time to unwind and refocus.




Leo 6

Leo, the Sun will start moving through your fifth solar house tonight, and until December 21, you'll be drawn to pleasure- or expression-seeking activities.

You are prepared to perform and use your creativity at this time of year. You are in a fantastic position to enjoy yourself more fully and more frequently in the coming weeks.

This transit offers an opportunity to shine with your vigor and friendliness and is a supportive, helpful, and above all happy influence. Take advantage of the fact that you can now find inspiration more easily on both an emotional and creative level.

You should prioritize your needs for leisure, self-expression, romance, hobbies, and creative outlets. You stand out for your distinctive qualities or talents and are seeking more color, love, laughter, and fun.

But before making a decision today, the Moon's transit encourages some reflection. In addition, tomorrow will see a New Moon, so now is a better day to think back.




Virgo 6

Virgo, the Sun will move into your chart's lowest sector tonight and stay there until December 21. The upcoming weeks present a good opportunity for you to take good physical and emotional care of your base and foundations.

A stronger desire to improve your home life and relationships with family and loved ones emerges as a result of this transit. Now, most of your time and attention will be consumed by domestic and private issues.

In the coming weeks, your attention will no doubt also be diverted by friends, work, and other aspects of life, but your need to look after your family comes first. You'll take better care of your personal space.

You will think about how to feel more assured and comfortable and you'll learn your deepest needs. Activities that help you find more peace in your life and with yourself are ideal at this time.




Libra 6

Libra, from now until December 21, the Sun will be in your third solar house, casting light on your interactions with others. Learning new things, expanding, and connecting are all parts of this cycle.

Your daily life might be more active and dynamic. It's a good time to reach out to people you don't often interact with, start new hobbies or pursuits, and share your thoughts with others.

You are more likely to follow your curiosity, and you have a stronger need for mental stimulation than usual. Your happiness and sense of fulfillment will likely increase in the coming weeks if you make improvements to your routine, communication, and sense of connection.

However, it's a good idea to keep your schedule light on this day before the New Moon.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, the Moon is in your sign all day, amplifying your feelings, but the Sun will leave Scorpio tonight and start its month-long journey through your house of resources.

In the coming weeks, you'll invest more to increase your level of security and stability and provide for your family. You have more faith in your ability to create and build things.

After being heavily emphasized for the previous four weeks, personality development is now given less attention. The time is now for you to rebuild and then concentrate on your priorities.

You prioritize getting things done and are more motivated by actions than by concepts or plans. This is a good cycle to take care of your finances and self-esteem.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, you will regain the initiative now and in the upcoming weeks under the Sun's rays as it begins its annual month-long transit of your sign tonight.

You will be able to transmit strength because of your improved self-awareness. Your needs as an individual, your personality, your projects, and your outlook on other people are all highlighted by this solar cycle.

As you receive more attention, you'll be inspired to work on your appearance and discover ways to more quickly attract the things you truly need and want in your life.

Acting rather than reacting will be favored in this cycle. You might not feel lively until tomorrow or the day after, though. Before the New Moon tomorrow, while the Moon is in your twelfth solar house for the day, consider unwinding and relaxing.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, the Sun will move into your house of resolutions and ends, where it will stay until December 21. It's a cycle that makes it necessary for more “alone time” and space to unwind and think.

You might be working more covertly right now, or you might prefer to disappear for a few weeks so you can recharge in time for your birthday month, which will be more demanding.

Your objectives may not be crystal clear right now, but that's okay! During this cycle, it's best to follow your intuition and let things happen naturally rather than making hasty decisions. Now is a good time to make emotional and mental improvements in your life.

This is one of the most introspective solar transits of the year, so you are more likely to pull back a little from overly competitive or demanding situations. Try to unwind and digest on this day before the New Moon.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, the Sun will align with your sign until December 21 as it moves through your house of community and friendships.

Your desire to interact with others, to be a part of a team or group, and to enjoy the company of friends or groups who share your interests is sparked by this transit.

Instead of tying yourself down, now is the time to try new things and untie your personal chains. Get involved right away because that is how you will shine and express yourself the best in the coming weeks.

Excitement about the future may give rise to fresh concepts, aspirations, and strategies. Now that responsibilities to the outside world are more prominent, you are more committed to your “happiness” goals.




Pisces 6

Pisces, the Sun will ascend to the top of your solar chart, beginning a cycle that will boost your aspirations for the next month. In the upcoming weeks, you'll be better at positioning yourself and making smart moves.

Recognizing your priorities or the need for more structure, planning, and goal-setting is a cycle. This time of year is more noticeable, and you are more driven than usual to perform at your best.

There is more focus on your performance, leadership skills, leadership abilities, and responsibilities. Your career or reputation may very well be at its peak for the year.

Powerful individuals are more likely to pay attention to you. However, any fresh initiatives would probably have to wait on this day before a New Moon. However, now is a good time to take stock and reflect.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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