Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! November 23, 2022

Jupiter has been in retrograde motion since July 28 before going direct today. Our faith in the universe and in ourselves is increasing. The affairs that Jupiter rules will gradually become simpler over the coming few weeks.

Although this shift is currently taking place and our perspective and confidence are growing, motivation and belief problems might appear to be more significant than they actually are.

The New Moon will take place in the Jupiter-ruled sign of Sagittarius, and we will experience a surge of upbeat, enthusiastic, adventurous, frank, and rejuvenating energy.

We could concentrate our efforts in the upcoming weeks on achieving objectives that will deepen our knowledge and awareness and give us the confidence to broaden our horizons.

It's time to boost our optimism, self-assurance, and scope of vision. With Jupiter's retrograde period over and the New Moon in Jupiter's sign of Sagittarius, we gain assurance and optimism by looking at things from a wider angle.



Aries 6

Aries, today's New Moon gives you a push in a new direction. Make an effort to begin fresh initiatives or pursuits that will advance you, stoke your sense of adventure, and exercise your imagination in the upcoming weeks.

A fresh outlook on life, a philosophical or spiritual concept you read about or learn, or an adventure that takes you out of your daily routine can all inspire you.

It's time to develop, discover, and broaden your life experiences. You could say that you are now breaking with the past. However, postpone making significant decisions for the time being.

Instead, make notes and use your intuition, which will come in very handy once things have calmed down. Despite your desire for change, don't rush into anything for which you are not yet ready or prepared.

Today is a day to consider your goals for the future and where you want to go in life. In addition, optimism is increasing as a result of Jupiter going direct today.




Taurus 6

Taurus, the New Moon illuminates your house of intimacy and gives you a genuine desire to make significant, long-lasting changes in your life, including with yourself and your closest relationships.

Making significant and empowering lifestyle changes is incredibly possible in the coming weeks. Focusing on issues of intimacy, sharing, and power dynamics in relationships may present opportunities.

You might look at how reliant you are on others for support, or you might discover crucial insights about the motivations of others and your own inner workings.

Also advantageous are taking out a loan, doing accounting work, and beginning a financial or savings plan. A New Moon day is always potent but also more emotional than rational, so pay attention to and tune into your intuition now before beginning to flesh out the specifics of your future plans.

Jupiter goes direct today as well, inspiring optimism, especially with regard to friendships and happiness goals.




Gemini 6

Gemini, the New Moon today energizes your desire to reevaluate your partnership or relationship. Your vision of what your relationship needs is taking shape right now, and it's amazing.

You can be motivated by someone to pursue a dream. There is a strong need or desire to work together and become one with others. Finding the courage to take action or changing one's attitude can both mean starting over in a relationship.

When it comes to close relationships, your life path, your career, or your status, now is the time to be open to new possibilities. Energy levels appear to be influenced by motivation and the sense of purpose you get from your work.

Now is the time to consider the best way to strike a balance between your needs and those of others. Additionally, it is about finding a better balance in your life overall, particularly if you have been overdoing it in one area.

Being friendly without sacrificing your morality can now be a goal. During this cycle, you are more outgoing than usual.




Capricorn 6

Cancer, the house of your solar chart that controls routines, work, health, and personal care is energized by today's New Moon. Your daily life can improve over time, and it will involve having more vision and confidence.

When self-improvement is a top priority, you will be more motivated to attend to important details, complete busy work, and organize your personal space.

The days and weeks ahead will be excellent for putting more heart and energy into your daily routines or work, regardless of whether circumstances appear to force things or motivation comes more spontaneously.

With Jupiter going direct today, you are looking for experiences that enrich your life and nourish your soul.




Leo 6

Leo, the New Moon today infuses your life with a revitalizing and potent energy, especially when it comes to love, friendship, and self-expression.

You're more open to new concepts now, and if you're working on a creative project right now, an outside viewpoint can be helpful. The coming week is ideal for making a fresh start, having fun and expressing yourself, socializing with others, or engaging in hobbies.

Events in the days and weeks ahead will awaken your emotions, your romantic tendencies, and your creative side. You are more conscious of your need to amuse yourself, unwind, enjoy yourself, and celebrate.

Your magnetism grows. You may be forced to examine the things, initiatives, and people who have prevented you from expressing your creativity and authenticity. Jupiter also goes direct today, which enhances the energy.




Virgo 6

Virgo, the New Moon today occurs at the bottom of your chart and it's time for fresh inspiration to flow into your private life, your house, or your family.

The upcoming weeks will be powerful for taking control of your life, whether it be your physical environment at home, your daily routines, your relationships with family, or even your relationship with your inner self.

Let's say you want to make changes in the world. Because this house of your chart represents your roots, which are connected to almost everything you do, you will likely feel the need for it whether you intend to or not, and any improvements you make will have an impact on every aspect of your life.

Jupiter, the house's benevolent ruler, is by your side as it goes direct today. Optimism and hope are built.




Libra 6

Libra, the New Moon stimulates your house of communications, and Jupiter's direct motion uplifts your optimism. You may discover new or improved ways to connect with people and learn new things in the coming week.

These could lead to new beginnings in communication, education, and transportation. Making new contacts, exploring recent projects in greater detail, and discovering new ways to express yourself are all powerful things you can do now.

There may be more idea-sharing going on, so you might concentrate on growing that. Perhaps new tools or modes of transportation become available. It is possible to have more positive interactions with classmates, siblings, parents, and even neighbors.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, the New Moon brings favorable energy to take it easy and appreciate the world. It also means that it's time to start over, especially in terms of how you arrange your life so that you feel more valuable and respectable.

Setting financial goals is encouraged. You might come up with fresh ideas for raising your earnings or earning potential. It's also time to focus more on the things that give you a sense of security and comfort.

In the upcoming week, significant revelations regarding your ability to earn money and your attachment to material possessions may be made. A fresh start is necessary if you've held on too tightly to a way of life or financial practices that haven't been beneficial to you.

After several months of retrograde motion, Jupiter also goes direct today, which may make you feel more upbeat and motivated. You may be inspired to make adjustments to your material possessions and finances.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, today's New Moon falls in your sign, giving you a gentle push to advance and encouraging you to have confidence in yourself. It feels significant that this occurs on the day that Jupiter, your ruling planet, goes direct.

While it's a great time to channel this energy, you'll probably benefit from it most if you start from scratch. You're more radiant and magnetic.

In the coming weeks, you might experience a tremendous amount of motivation to make the necessary changes in your life. In order to move forward with less baggage and more confidence, something may need to change.

Now is the time to reinvent yourself or make improvements to your appearance and behavior. It's a chance for renewal and a good time to make goals for the future.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, the New Moon today may inspire you to take control of a past or spiritual issue. Now is a crucial time to let go of something that is no longer beneficial to you.

Even though there may still be some unknowns, it's crucial to let go of this notion rather than trying to control every aspect of your life. You regain confidence in the process, both in yourself and in the outside world.

You will benefit from Jupiter's shift to direct motion after several months of retrograde motion. Your mood has improved! In the coming weeks, there will be a strong desire to achieve greater emotional calm.

There might be a greater need for emotional healing, for supporting or helping others, or for private and behind-the-scenes activities. You are being reminded by this New Moon to focus on your needs, let go of negative energy, and recharge.

This is a time that forces you to rebuild yourself if your psychic, spiritual, and emotional needs have been neglected.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, the New Moon in your social sector today propels you forward. It involves becoming more receptive to the demands of the people and causes in your life.

You have a strong sense of community, and interacting with or receiving support from friends and coworkers can make you feel emotionally satisfied.

The upcoming weeks are ideal for developing relationships. It can happen when friends come into or leave your life, or it can happen when your dreams and goals change.

However, it is frequently a matter of rediscovering one's values and reviving one's social life. It's also a good time to reduce your focus on yourself.

A new beginning or new/revised initiatives may be underway at this time, and networking or collaborating may be of the utmost importance. Additionally today, Jupiter's direct motion will assist you in releasing negative energy.




Pisces 6

Pisces, today's New Moon may encourage or assist in beginning anew. It's in your tenth solar house and mainly concerns your obligations, livelihood, course of life, and reputation.

Your desire to create, act, and complete tasks is greater than usual right now, making it a powerful time to envision your ideal course broadly.

As Jupiter, the ruler of this house in your chart goes direct today, you will feel even more inspired and hopeful. You might concentrate on your status, your professional reputation, or your relationship to your obligations.

Make the most of this time when you'll be in the spotlight more because you have a greater impact on others than usual.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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