Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! November 29, 2022

Mercury forms a sextile with Saturn after being opposite retrograde Mars. Technical problems, problems that seem to be slowing things down, and tension related to unreleased resentment or anger can all arise during Mercury opposite Mars.

When it comes to verbal responses, we sometimes react too quickly. The pace is frantic, and we may feel under pressure to finish things quickly.

We have the potential to be agitated, aggressive, combative, and haughty, speaking over others or disseminating ideas that arouse conflict.

Recent nervous tension may reach a point of release; it may be messy at first but works things out in the end. But beware of incisive remarks and poor judgment.

This transit happens every two years or so, on average. If we're feeling anxious, thinking logically and methodically can be helpful and even calming.

We can clearly see the advantages of planning ahead, making lists, paying close attention to details, and making wise decisions. We have more pragmatic thoughts and conversations.

It is also easier to direct our mental energy towards something constructive. This transit helps improve our thinking. We seek to be more mentally prepared, desiring more order in our lives.



Aries 6

Aries, Mercury is opposite Mars in your house of communications and transportation, which causes you to be tense, impatient, and impulsive.

It's best to try to maintain your perspective (this will get easier later in the day). You might be concerned with delays, technical difficulties, or the importance of disagreements.

Although it can be tempting to speak or act quickly, waiting to see what happens might be the best course of action. You are in a good position to examine recent projects or ideas.




Taurus 6

Taurus, in the first half of the day, you may have a tendency to be defensive and tense about recent issues in your life. Most of the time, it's about money, material things, or issues of worth, talent, and respect.

Mercury opposes Mars, which could temporarily confound you with news or tension over a financial issue. Mars going retrograde can cause complicated or hidden frustration to surface.

Speaking your mind can be beneficial if you do it with awareness because tempers can flare up suddenly. However, avoid making aggressive comments that you might come to regret, and avoid being impatient in general.

But as the day goes on, you find yourself wanting to go about things calmly. With a Mercury-Saturn influence, fixing things or getting them back on track becomes a priority. You might benefit greatly from talking to superiors or receiving wise or realistic advice.




Gemini 6

Gemini, Mercury opposite Mars opposition during the first half of the day may result in arguments. This transit is quite personal because Mercury is your planetary ruler and Mars is currently retrograde in your sign.

It's possible that a significant other will be unkind or fussy with you. In contrast, you might experience intimidation or pressure to talk about something for which you don't yet have an answer.

Frustrations, particularly those involving issues of freedom of thought and expression, may lead you to feel as though you need to defend yourself.

You might identify self-destructive behaviors or unresolved issues that you need to address in the future if you pay close attention to how you respond to irritation.

Keeping some emotional distance will help you perform at your best today, though if something needs to be revealed, it might come to the surface. You are in great shape to concentrate on priorities and realities as the day goes on.

You favor using tried-and-true techniques. It becomes simpler to take into account other people's perspectives. You can overcome or avoid obstacles by using common sense.




Capricorn 6

Cancer, Mercury and Mars are in opposition in the early part of the day, which could put pressure on you and cause a problem to surface, especially when it comes to work, responsibilities, and service.

While some people might want things to happen quickly, nowadays it seems that rushing results in mistakes. Later on in the day, when the emotions have subsided, you have the opportunity to enjoy others without all the drama and arguments.

It's best to maintain as much composure as you can because it's all too simple to become angry and impulsive words and actions can lead to regret.

It is not a good idea to push things because you are more sensitive to power disparities today, and you will likely feel that if you push too hard, everything goes back to square one or worse.

You're prepared to concentrate on the details later today. You might learn something new that clarifies problems with your job or your health.




Leo 6

Leo, the day's opening energy shifts when Mercury opposes retrograde Mars. If you're frustrated, it may come out in your words, or if others are frustrated, it may come out in communications from a significant other.

Although it may be perplexing or nerve-wracking, it can also help things go more smoothly! However, conversations can occasionally be hurried and tough. Be on the lookout for conflict and arguments over old grudges.

Time, energy, and opinion issues can flare up. It gets simpler to step back and concentrate on what's best for you as the day goes on. The consistent and beneficial energy of a Mercury-Saturn influence can help you. Fair and joyful negotiations are probably in store.




Virgo 6

Virgo, tensions may be high today with Mercury opposing Mars, mostly related to work or responsibilities. You might feel pressured to say or act in a way that is out of character.

You know where you stand with others now, but everyone has a tendency to take things too personally, so the picture isn't quite clear.

It might be challenging for you to remain in the present moment because the people around you seem anxious or are too fixated on the positive and negative.

Do not become overly upset over trivial matters. As the day goes on, you realize how beneficial it is to release tension and concentrate on practical matters.

A Mercury-Saturn transit favors organization in key areas of your life. You have very clear ideas about your home, job, and health.




Libra 6

Libra, Mercury opposing retrograde Mars today may cause tensions to rise today. Others might not provide you with the support or criticism you require, and you might feel overworked.

It's likely to be tense, and it's simple to argue or become anxious over a disagreement. Unresolved issues may surface. There may also be annoying mobility and transportation problems to deal with.

To prevent rash words and decisions, try to find your center. Although what people believe to be right or wrong can be overemphasized in the morning, it's simple to move on in the afternoon.

In fact, there are excellent answers to issues with teaching, writing, learning, and connecting. Your projects will benefit from careful attention to detail and a methodical approach.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, Mercury opposite Mars makes it easier to nitpick, be sensitive, and have disagreements. Tensions may escalate if you've been feeling irritated over money, respect, or property.

With Mars retrograde in your house of intimacy, hidden resentment may surface. While this transit can be upsetting, it can also aid in problem-solving and the beginning of the healing process.

Even if you want to vent your frustrations, the words may not come out well. Issues of respect, priorities, sharing, and intimacy may be on the table. Even though you might be under a financial strain, it's best to wait to act until you've resolved the situation.

As the day goes on, you also become more eager to work through a problem step-by-step until everything is resolved. Finance-related conversations can be beneficial.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, Mercury opposite Mars today may increase tensions or bring up unanswered questions. With Mercury in your sign and Mars in retrograde standing directly opposite it, it can be difficult to avoid taking things personally.

Recent concerns or annoyances may now manifest their effects or reach a peak. You can now be really irritated by others! If you believe that someone is attempting to exclude you from a situation, you might become agitated.

If you're already feeling angry or tense, try your best not to speak out or jump to conclusions. The second half of the day makes it simpler to move forward incrementally.

You have positive energy to work on technical tasks or handle business. It comes naturally to organize and clarify things. When you learn what is possible and what is not, having serious conversations can even be reassuring.

You can occasionally gain from taking a more realistic approach to things, and that very well may be the case right now.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, Mercury opposite Mars may increase resentments and disagreements today. This transit can be a little shaky and disruptively bring suppressed resentments to the surface.

Delays or technical problems can be annoying. It's best to avoid communicating or making decisions under pressure when there may be a fast pace, a big rush, or scheduling issues to deal with.

Tension can be brought on by worries about things you haven't done. It might also be a time when you're feeling disorganized, uncertain, and unsure of where to begin.

Your usual calmness will return later today as Mercury and Saturn align. Strong potential exists for good financial or property management.

You are in a good position to evaluate the resources at your disposal. You can come to meaningful conclusions thanks to your inventiveness and a clearer understanding of what is important to you.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, Mercury opposite Mars can bring up buried frustrations in your social life or with projects that don't seem to be moving as quickly as you'd like.

Tension can lead to abrasive words or arguments, but if you can handle the pressure well, conflict can spur you to make significant changes and adjustments.

Once released, the day's mental stress can produce significant insights. At the very least, it can make you aware of the need to lower your stress levels or act more quickly when issues do arise.

There is good energy for understanding something as the day goes on. It is a wonderful time to put effort into a project or goal or to take on responsibility.




Pisces 6

Pisces, Mercury opposite Mars may result in arguments and misunderstandings. Disagreements can easily develop from tensions and disruptions. This transit may bring up contentious issues involving your job, obligations, family, or home life.

Although it can be challenging to fiddle with these conflicts, it might take a crisis for people to realize that something needs to change. However, if you're feeling anxious, watch how you speak because this can result in hasty judgments or actions.

You will be able to detach as the day goes on because it will become simpler for you to concentrate on the worldly aspects of things.

Effective communication and taking care of business are aided by a Mercury-Saturn transit. Your keen sense of accountability is highlighted. You're going to improve because you want to.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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