Venus in Virgo 2022 Will Help 5 Zodiac Signs Find Love Soon

These zodiac signs are likely to find love before the end of the year. Indeed, Venus has been in the sign of Virgo since September 5 and will invite them to meet their soul mate.

Venus transits through Virgo and will remain in this Earth sign until September 29. This transit of the planet of love will allow these zodiac signs to feel all its abundance and they will be able to flourish during this period.

These zodiac signs will experience an exceptional period with the placement of Venus in  the sign of Virgo.  They will feel the need to give to others, whether on a material level,  through acts of service or even compliments.

They will feel proud to be able to help others and will be filled with gratitude. With Venus in Virgo,  they will be much more open to new encounters and to living a passionate love affair. This new behavior will be very satisfying  and they can focus on their relationships.



Taurus will have to take stock of what they really want for their future relationship. They will have to learn to  accept the other in order to open up to love. With Venus in Virgo, they'll be looking for stability and comfort they've never had.

Taurus will review  their expectations and ideals of what they want to build in a relationship to find out what type of partner  they can accept in their life.  Without this introspection, they will not be able to find stability and will not be able to open up to an exceptional story.

This work should be done before the end of the year so that they can  be open to this new meeting.




Gemini are expecting love  this fall. They will meet love before the end of the year and will live a story that will change their lives. Although some will still be nostalgic for their previous relationship, they  will have to focus on their new relationships.

It is to these new encounters that Gemini must turn in order to move forward and finally open up to love and accept it as it is.

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After a long period of celibacy, Virgos are likely to  find love before the end of the year.  They could live a rather serious affair during the winter period and will never feel alone again.

However, the natives of this Earth sign must be careful not to fall into their faults at the risk of negatively influencing their relationship.





Sagittarians are bound to meet many people during the transit of Venus in Virgo. They will be ready to live  a love story and finally find stability.

Their projects will finally be able to materialize and will be more serene about their future. Sagittarians will have a rather positive end of the year.

Recommended: The Last Week of September Will be Great for 3 Zodiac Signs.





Aquarians could start a new love affair by the fall period. The natives of this Air sign  will be positively influenced by Venus in Virgo.  They are likely to meet a person who will make them want to live a very serious relationship and to express their feelings without problems.

They will even take a trip that will allow them to improve their family and friendly relationships.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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