What Beliefs Prevents You From Achieving Abundance? Choose a Card to Find Out

To possess a large quantity of something is synonymous with being abundant; however, the “something” in question should not be interpreted solely in terms of its monetary value, but rather in the most general sense possible of the term.

I am able to have abundance in my life because I take trips with my family, because I am kind to other people, and because I pursue the things that excite me the most.

Because of this, the concept of abundance needs to be understood in a general sense.

Consider not only your financial situation but also the things that bring you joy and make you feel good about yourself.

How can you fill your life with an abundance of good things?

If we begin with the premise that we already live in abundance, then all that is required of us to experience abundance is a shift in the way we think about certain aspects of our lives.

Overcoming the limiting beliefs that we have programmed into ourselves is an essential step.

Today, through the use of the “Shaman Tarot,” our team will offer us their insightful counsel. Which of my beliefs prevents me from establishing a connection with abundance?

Find the hidden message by picking one of the three cards and reading it.

What Beliefs Prevents You From Achieving Abundance



If you picked #1

You can't connect with abundance as long as you hold the belief that financial success is necessary for happiness.

Because of this conviction, you have forgotten about all of the other aspects of abundance, such as love, health, happiness, leisure time, beautiful memories, and quality time, to name just a few of the many contributing factors.

And I'm sure you've heard stories about people who have a lot of money who are miserable and other people who don't have a lot of money but have a lot of happiness.

Advice: You should be able to give thanks for what you have, which is something that cannot be bought, once you understand that abundance in life is everything and not just the financial aspect.

You will also realize that you have always been a millionaire, but you just can't buy that feeling.



If you picked #2

The belief that money is evil, filthy, and vile, that it corrupts people and that people only use it to cause harm is the belief that prevents you from connecting with abundance.

You must not forget that each of us is a spiritual being endowed with the wonderful gift of free will and that as a result of this, we have the ability to choose how to live our lives.

You also need to come to terms with the fact that many people will openly decide to spend the money to pad their own pockets without regard for the welfare of others.

Advice: Do not confuse money with the kindness of one's heart, as there are many people who have figured out how to broaden their consciousness and use their money to do good, having learned that generosity with those who are most in need is an essential component of abundance.

Keep in mind that we are the ones who decide what it is that we want to do with our lives.



If you picked #3

Your inability to connect with abundance is due to the fact that you are worried about the future and do not have a plan for how to support yourself.

Ask yourself why you are living in what seems to be an endless science fiction horror movie, in which you imagine yourself going through the motions of daily life while being terrified.

You should know that this does not exist because the future does not exist; rather, the future is a creation of our minds based on our anxieties about the future.

Living like this does not teach you to appreciate the future or to acknowledge what you already possess, nor does it teach you that whatever happens in the future will always be your responsibility and no one else's.

Advice: Take a close look at your phobias and figure out where you picked them up.

Acknowledge the person who was responsible for instilling in you an appreciation for the present and let them know that you no longer have a use for them because you are abundant.

You are aware that you build the future in the here and now.


What Beliefs Prevents You From Achieving Abundance Choose a Card to Find Out Pin



Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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