What Karmic Theme Will You Experience Next Week? Choose a Card to Find Out!

Take a few deep breaths and give yourself some time to center before asking yourself, “What karmic theme will I live this week?”

Choose the card that speaks to you the most so that you can find out the answer.

This card is a representation of your personal karmic theme for the upcoming week.

It will serve as a roadmap to help guide you through any challenges that may arise so that you can make the most of the opportunities coming your way.

When the karmic lesson is revealed, it's important to use this insight wisely and make the most of the learning and growth available to you.

You can then use this newfound knowledge to make empowered decisions and live life to the fullest!

What Karmic Theme Will You Experience Next Week Choose a Card to Find Out!

If you chose:



Card Number One

Some people freak out when there is chaos and life seems out of control, while others welcome the change and embrace the obvious influence of a higher power reorganizing their lives.

These shifts are occurring right now because they are a necessary step on your journey and have been divinely orchestrated to take place in your life so that you can better fulfill the purpose for which your soul was created.

Instead of freaking out because things are out of your control, try shifting your mindset and being grateful for the hidden blessings that are coming your way.

These shifts are gifts, and they are for your highest and best good. Change your attitude today.

No matter how chaotic your life may be right now, there is an underlying order that is pushing you toward the greater good.

When your life is in flux, rather than being scared or overwhelmed, try to look at all the blessings that are hidden within the chaos.

By shifting your attitude and embracing change, you can open up opportunities that would never have arisen before.

Viewing the chaos as a challenge to work through is a healthier approach than clinging to the old and familiar.

You can invite the new, the unknown, and the exciting into your life so that you can move closer to your true purpose.

When things don't go as planned and everything seems chaotic, don’t freak out. Instead, remain confident that the universe is guiding you toward your destined path and that everything will eventually fall into place.

Even if you don’t see it yet, focus your attention on the karmic blessings that are coming your way and enjoy the journey!



Card Number Two

Being reasonable in our expectations of one another is the best way to ensure a happy and joyful home life for oneself and one's family.

By making an effort not to exert control over other people, we relieve them of the obligation to act and think in ways that are not necessarily in line with who they are as individuals.

It is time to take an inventory within yourself of what your expectations may look like, to be honest with yourself, and to ask yourself if those expectations are too much to ask of other people.

It’s important to take an honest and non-judgmental look at your expectations of yourself and others and then ask yourself, “Are these expectations fair? Are they balanced? Do they respect each individual's unique needs, beliefs, and values?”

It’s okay to try and reach a compromise, but it's important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

There is a delicate balance between respecting the needs of each individual and understanding that no single person should have to bear the burden of meeting all of another's expectations.

We must strive to remain flexible and open-minded in our expectations, and give people the space to live true to their own identity.

Taking an honest look at what you expect of yourself and others can help build stronger relationships and more meaningful connections.

So, take some time today to consider and evaluate your expectations and thoughtfully consider how to best embrace harmony in your life.



Card Number Three

Every one of us has the potential to work magic in our own lives and has arrived on this planet with the abilities, information, and natural inclinations necessary to be successful in whatever we choose to do.

If you are unhappy with the path you are taking, you should choose a new one.

Believe it or not, you have all the tools necessary to help create your own success. Each of us has the power to tap into our inner strength and work magic in our lives by making better choices for our future.

It’s never too late to make a change. If you take a step back and realize that you’re not satisfied with the trajectory your life is taking, you have the ability to choose a new one.

You can claim ownership over your life and determine your own destiny by making conscious decisions now that will set you up for success later on.

Rather than waiting for external forces to dictate your life, be proactive and use the opportunity to reclaim control. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and envision what outcome you would like to manifest.

Then reach out, ask questions, and find the resources available to you that can help.

While your future may seem unpredictable and out of your control, you have the power to make a difference and to choose the path of your life. So, trust in yourself and in the process.

Search for answers deep within and take the intentional steps necessary to shape your own destiny. You got this.



Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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