What Type Of Ex Are You According To Your Zodiac Sign

There are so many things that your zodiac sign can tell about you. Things like where you like to spend your first date, where you make mistakes on a date, which zodiac sign you fall in love with most often, and so on.

Your zodiac sign can also shed light on how you behave after a breakup. We're going to talk a little bit about what kind of ex you are. Are you a scary ex like Scorpio?

Or are you an Aquarius that never looks back? You could also be a Pisces who wants to be friends with his ex. You'll learn how each zodiac sign reacts to the end of a relationship. If you don't recognize yourselves here, you might have to think again.




Aries 5

Every one of your exes misses you because they now realize what they really lost when they broke up with you. Your ex-lover misses your impulsive nature, your wild streak, and your confidence.

You are the one who is in charge of your relationship, and if you like a man, you will definitely be the one to make the first move. When someone breaks up with you, you don't feel that sad.

You are only upset because your ego got hurt, and you have no idea why this person no longer wants to be with someone as awesome as you are.

You decide to go on a blind date soon after the breakup in order to get your mind off of your previous partner as quickly as possible.




Taurus 5

After a breakup, you and your ex often continue to be friends. You are very stable and always moving forward, so when you realize that the relationship isn't working or when you feel you can't spend the rest of your life with this person, you simply end it.

If you stay friends with your ex, you cause him harm because he will always wonder whether or not you will give him a second chance.

If you care about your ex that much, you should let him go because you will only cause him pain if you continue seeing each other after the breakup.

After the breakup, you dye your hair a different color and rearrange your apartment because you need a new beginning.

Your ex longs for your company because you pick the best restaurants, bars, and movies.




Gemini 5

Your dualistic nature and charisma make you an ideal candidate for on-and-off relationships.

You need to keep your cool and try to think in a different way because sometimes it's better to end a relationship and look for someone else.

When you get back together with your ex, it's like you've already read the book twice and know exactly what's going to happen.

After the breakup, you find yourself wishing you could have a therapeutic talk with your friends to better understand the situation. You relax best when you're surrounded by lots of love and verbal affirmations.

It's likely that you'll meet up with your ex after the breakup in order to find out how he's doing without you, but you should really focus on taking care of yourself and accepting that this relationship was doomed to fail.

Your former partner misses your sense of humor and intelligence.




Cancer 5

Your sensitivity makes it very difficult for you to get over breakups. You have a kind heart, you are always there for everyone, and you are a shoulder for everyone to lean on.

When someone tests your faith and loyalty, it hits you right where it hurts the most.

After the breakup, you are constantly checking social media platforms to see if your ex has moved on and is seeing someone else.

You end up blocking him, while simultaneously attempting to move forward and trying to avoid getting into contact with him.

Your ex says they miss your easygoing mood and the way you have a positive outlook on life.




Leo 5

Because you dated someone who isn't as wonderful as you are, you feel a little bit offended and upset about it now.

You invested a lot of energy and effort into this person, helping him find the ideal haircut, suit, and toothpaste, and now someone else is going to be very pleased with the outcome.

You are an honest individual who does not play games. Following the end of your relationship, you try to keep your cool and remain friends with your ex.

After some time has passed, you realize that this was a poor decision, and you sever all of your ties with that person.

If you can't forget your ex and you still have feelings for him, you will take revenge by showing him how much he has missed out on.

Perhaps after 10 years have passed, you decide to show him how successful you have become by inviting him to the premiere of a movie in which you play the lead role.

Your ex will undoubtedly miss your energy, your charisma, and the joy you bring to the world.




Virgo 5

You find yourself fluctuating between crying and thanking the universe that the idiot is no longer with you.

You are meticulous in your planning and give careful consideration to every aspect of your life.

Now that it's all over, you feel better, but you still don't understand why you fell in love with him, why you stayed together for so long, or why you broke up in the first place.

You are in a state of shock and can no longer make sense of the world. It takes a lot of time to process everything that has happened and to grieve.

Your ex undoubtedly misses your company which helped make his life better as well.

The failure of your relationship leaves you with a lot of unanswered questions, and you have a hard time understanding why it didn't work out.




Libra 5

When you're in a relationship, you feel the most comfortable. You'll do everything in your power to avoid breaking up, but you're well aware that doing so will only result in bitterness.

You try to hide the fact that you are angry with him after you break up, but the truth is that you are in a lot of pain and you will never be able to forgive yourself for wasting so much time with him.

Your ex-partner doesn't realize that you understood everything. In addition, he misses your elegant sense of style. He will not find anyone else who can match your warmth and humor.




Scorpio 5

To begin, each of your exes fears you.  You are very quick to put someone in their place.

I wish those who have wronged you have a lot of luck because you are going to spend a lot of time getting back at them

If for some reason your ex manages to avoid your wrath, you will completely cut all communication with them.

You face breakups head-on and can easily place the blame on yourself for something you that failed the relationship. You might give the impression that you are tough on the outside, but the truth is that you are weak on the inside.

You probably keep a close eye on your ex's socials to see what he's up to after the breakup.

You also get your revenge on your ex by acting inappropriately around his friends, such as flirting with his best friend when he is around. Your ex misses your kisses.




Sagittarius 5

Your hilarious and witty personality makes it almost too easy for you to get back on good terms with your ex.

You and your ex remain friends. However, if he ever expressed interest in rekindling a romantic relationship with you, you would reach out immediately.

You speak things as they are. You are completely honest with your partner about what they did wrong, including their most annoying habits and the parts of them that you miss the least.

You see him on Tinder and realize that he is actively looking out for other people, which hurts you in a way even though the two of you have been apart for months. This drives you crazy.

You're about to consider moving away. Your ex misses your impulsiveness and your craziness, such as how you used to spontaneously travel to another country on the weekend.




Capricorn 5

You can't hide how excited you are to be single again. You realized that you missed meeting new people very much, and when you told your friends that you are not grieving because of your ex, they thought it was rather cruel.

Your ex-partner was rather uninteresting overall, and no matter what, he never lived up to your expectations. He probably just couldn't get along with you.

Although it does hurt a little bit, in the end, you are thankful that you were given the opportunity to get rid of someone who was bringing you down.

You now have the opportunity to talk to someone who truly understands you. After a breakup, you will almost certainly start dating someone who is the polar opposite of your ex.

Your ex-partner has been thinking about you and missing you wherever you are. You always looked amazing and managed to have a good time everywhere.




Aquarius 5

You are an independent person who, in order to be who you want to be, needs some personal space.

You look forward to the time when you can disappear for three days without informing anyone of your whereabouts.

Since you don't have a hard time finding someone else, you don't find that breaking up with someone makes you feel that sad.

You need to be careful, however, because there is a possibility that one day you will fall in love so deeply that you will be unable to start dating again right away if the relationship ends.

After the breakup, you realize how much you appreciate your freedom now that you are able to do things that you were restricted from doing while you were together.

Your ex will definitely miss the unique perspective that you bring to the world, and without you in his life, everything will become mundane and uninteresting.




Pisces 5

You are very nice to everyone. Your friends are happy for you that you decided to end the relationship.

Since you are an extremely romantic person, it may be hard for you to acknowledge that your relationship just isn't working anymore.

You are a very compassionate and kind person, and as a result, you try to keep things as friendly as possible with your ex-partners.

As a sensitive sign, you experience breakups very intensely. Your ex will undoubtedly be nostalgic for how you cared for them.

Those who did not appreciate you did not really deserve you, and it is their loss.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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