What Wake Up Call Do You Need Right Now? Choose A Lightning Bolt To Find Out!

This reading is meant to serve as a wake-up call for you to pay attention to the world around you in the here and now.

Take a look at the images of lightning that are provided below. Which one fascinates you the most, and why?

Pick one, then continue reading to figure out which type of wake-up call you need the most right now.

What Wake Up Call Do You Need Right Now Choose A Lightning Bolt To Find Out!

If you chose…




Because of something important, your spiritual guide led you to the purple lightning.

Is there something that you have a desire to do but are afraid to do? Or is it possible that you are too self-conscious to reveal certain aspects of yourself to other people? – if so, let it go.

You need to close your eyes and repeat after me, “I let go.” Incorporate the letting go into your body. You have been awakened by a bolt of lightning in the color purple, which also serves as your wake-up call.

For some people (and you know which one you are) this means taking baby steps toward making major life changes. Others understand it to be a reference to a particular circumstance that is being dealt with at the moment.

Have the courage to reveal the real you, including your true feelings and thoughts. Believe me, doing so will make you a lot more interesting to listen to! Let's be honest: what else do we have to choose from?

Wait? How much longer will it be? Every day that passes in which you do not imprint the real YOU onto this world is another day that you lose.

You are one of a kind, but until you let your true self out to play, no one—not even you—will ever realize how exceptional you are.

Congratulations, you have heeded your wake-up call and are taking action as a result of having heard it, if you have already begun this process.




There is a purpose behind why you have arrived at this orange lightning. The orange lightning will strike you in order to make you laugh, feel joy, and be present at the moment.

It is easy for us to forget that we are happy when we are preoccupied with the mundane tasks that make up our daily lives. We fail to recognize the beauty that comes from simply being able to experience life.

How many times have you heard of someone else's misfortune and thought, “Thank goodness, I'm so blessed,” only to find that a few days, or even hours, later, the moment of enlightenment has passed?

This is something of which we are all “guilty,” but the orange bolt of lightning appears only after you have awakened.

You should make an effort to smile around the people you care about, and you should reassure them that you are happy, because when people see you smiling, it makes them smile too.

Also, keep in mind that you shouldn't let your smile fade away in a matter of days or even hours. It's not much, but it can make a big difference in people's lives.

If you have been through challenging times, or even if you have been physically or emotionally ill, allow your smile to be the lightning bolt that sparks your road to recovery.

Congratulations, you have recognized your wake up call and are acting upon it by doing it consciously already; this indicates that you have heard it.




There is a purpose behind why your spiritual guide led you to this green lightning. The color green is associated with prosperity, fertility, and health.

The answer to the question, “Is this the right time for a diet, exercise, quitting smoking, monitoring my alcohol intake, or other activities related to my health?” is an emphatic “Yes.”

If you have been asking whether now is the right time to have a child, consider this to be a very resounding yes! If you've been waiting for a bolt of lightning to jolt you awake and guide you in making a decision, that's it!

Yes, Yes, and Yes once again. The color green is associated with the earth and all of the possibilities that lie within the human body.

When you take care of your body, you create the equilibrium that will help you achieve the balance that you need in all other aspects of your life.

Your spiritual guide advises you to take charge of your life RIGHT NOW because you are drawing the all-knowing and all-powerful assistance of the Universe to you. It's a matter of using it or losing it!

Ps: If you've been wondering whether I should write a book or submit it to be published, here's my answer: both! The correct response is “yes” There is no guarantee that tomorrow will ever come, but there is always today.




There is a purpose behind why your spiritual guide brought you to this magenta lightning. This color has the ability to bring about spirituality and also brings with it an awareness of spiritual energies.

You hear a knock at the door, and someone from a higher power asks you to calm down. They want you to start paying more attention to your spiritual growth RIGHT NOW, today, and move forward with that intention.

For some of you, this will mean having daily conversations with the angels and spirits who guide you. You can have these conversations while you are driving, in the bathroom, or anywhere else where you will be alone.

Increase your awareness of your intuition and the signs that are sent to you to draw your attention (white feathers, vivid dreams, the feeling that someone is with you, chilly breezes, etc.).

We ask those of you who have already begun this journey to have courage and to make a commitment to moving on to the next step.

This could take the form of a class, or you could even offer your services to both familiar faces and complete strangers.

You've been hit by a bolt of lightning, and this is your wake-up call telling you to get up and get moving. The time for inquiry has passed; at this point, it is necessary to both act and believe.




There is a purpose behind why you have arrived at this blue lightning. Your retirement and rest are required, as directed by higher powers.

It's possible that recent events in your life have been particularly hectic, that you've been experiencing feelings of anxiety (possibly for no apparent reason), or that you have choices to make but are finding it difficult to do so.

You have been struck by a bolt of blue lightning that has a profound sedative effect. Resting up now and putting off important decisions, if at all possible, will help you avoid making silly errors in the not-too-distant future.

For some people, this simply means making plans for a vacation or a break from their typical daily routine a few nights or even weeks in advance.

For those who are experiencing more significant shifts in their lives, this may mean withdrawing for a longer period of time, going on a trip that lasts for a longer period of time, or spending a little bit more time taking care of yourself in order to regain your equilibrium.

If that can't be done, you should look into practicing daily meditation.

You believe that finding peace within yourself will help you reconnect with your intuition, and once you do that, the rest of your life will begin to fall into place on its own.

If you are having trouble figuring out what you want, you should immediately take action on the idea presented here.

The sooner you get it done, the sooner you will gain insight, and the sooner you will be able to move on.

Congratulations, you have recognized your wake-up call and are taking action to rectify your situation because you are already doing it consciously.



6. RED

There was a purpose behind bringing you to the flash of red lightning. Perhaps you experienced feelings of emotional emptiness or a lack of motivation.

Or, perhaps you have considered making some changes in your life that call for bravery, but you are waiting for a sign or for the right time to do so.

You are receiving a resounding warning from your guide that it is NOW time to proceed.

If you have been feeling unmotivated as of late, the only way to kickstart the engine and get it going again is to take action; it will not start by itself by some miracle.

If you are feeling drained by a situation or a person, have the courage to distance yourself from them or lessen your involvement in the situation. If you need courage, just do it.

I'll let you in on a little secret: there is no such thing as the “right” time; therefore, you can choose NOW to step into your power.

Consider this: if you have another 40 years to live, that means you only have another 40 times in your life to be YOU, whether it be in the summer or the winter.

Your time has passed, so give in to the energizing effects of that passionate red lightning while it courses through your veins.


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Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

  1. whatabout a gold flickers we see?

  2. i hope anymeaning for a gold flickr we see can be interprested too.

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