Which Disney Princess Are You, According to Your Zodiac Sign

The princesses in Disney world come from a wide variety of countries, histories, and cultures. Every princess possesses a personality that is one of a kind as well as unique characteristics that differentiate her from others.

Many of us have probably watched movies with Disney princesses, and we have enjoyed the stories as well as the wonderful animation in those films.

In general, Disney movies were a big part of our childhood, and they will undoubtedly continue to do so for many more generations to come.

A beautiful princess lives in each of you, and she is fearless, self-reliant, impulsive, and full of love. Disney princesses are portrayed as having bravery, intelligence, and stunning appearance.

Only one of them has characteristics that are close to you. It will be simple for you to determine them based on the sign of the zodiac you were born under.

Just like them, you are the protagonist of your own story, and you ought to work toward making your goals come true in the same way that they did.



Aries – Ariel


If you were born under Aries, then you are brave and determined just like Princess Ariel. There is no one who can stop you from becoming the person you want to be or prevent you from doing things the way you want to.

You, like Ariel, don't care much about what other people think of the choices you make or the objectives you establish for yourself. Nobody can change your mind and, more importantly, no one can tell you what to do.

You are completely independent and go about things in your own way, which is especially helpful when you long to change your environment..




Taurus – Jasmine

Those who were born under Taurus are filled with love, just like Princess Jasmine. They are moved to emotion by even the smallest expressions of affection and would go to great lengths for the person they care about.

Taureans, just like Princess Jasmine, have the most gorgeous hair and eyes. They are one-of-a-kind beauties who not only impress with their beauty but also with their intelligence.



Gemini – Cinderella


Cinderella is unquestionably associated with those born under Gemini.  She has a kind of double personality, acting like a wonderful princess one night but more like a regular damsel during the day.

Gemini is a wonderful analogy for Cinderella because, like Geminis, they are able to completely reinvent themselves in the space of a few short seconds.

Cinderella embodies the grace and loving manner in which Geminis express themselves. In addition, they are both majestic, regardless of how much others may try to bring them down.



Cancer – Belle


Princess Belle is a wonderful embodiment of the characteristics that are associated with Cancer. She has a kind heart, is gentle, and possesses a high level of intelligence.

She has a habit of looking for the best in others. In the same way that a Cancer always knows when someone is lying about their love, Belle can always tell when someone is being dishonest.

She embodies everything wonderful that the world should have more of.



Leo – Pocahontas


Pocahontas embodies the traits of Leo: she is confident, powerful, and unyielding. She does not submit to the authority of others or listen to them when they tell her that the way she lives her life is inappropriate.

No matter how much suffering she goes through, she never loses touch with who she truly is and never loses her sense of pride.

She is able to win over even the most courageous individuals with her bravery and determination.

In fact, she teaches them that when compared to someone with a golden soul like herself, they are nothing more than cowards.



Virgo – Mulan


Mulan is not a princess by any stretch of the imagination; rather, she is the protagonist in her own story, much like Virgo.

She is courageous, self-reliant, and unwavering, and she maintains her composure even in the most trying of circumstances.

In addition to being a wonderful person in every way, she stands out from everyone else thanks to the purity and drive of her character.

Her pride and her warmth are unequaled, and she would give up absolutely anything for the people she cares about.

In addition, Virgo is capable of achieving any goal they set for themselves, just like Mulan was able to save all of China through her determination.



Libra – Aurora


Aurora has the same grace and beauty that Libra does. She also has an incredible way of connecting with other people, which is a tendency that social Libras tend to have in common.

She is loved by everyone, sometimes so much so that she becomes the focal point of everyone's attention. Because of this, some people may feel envious of Libras, so many Libras need to be careful about who they put their faith in.

However, due to the fact that they have learned how to persevere through difficult circumstances, Libra cannot be defeated by anyone.



Scorpio – Anne


The loyalty displayed by Princess Anne is something that can only be found in a Scorpio. She stays by her loved ones' side through thick and thin, even when those she cares about are going through difficult times.

Those who have overcome their fears and worries are not let down by her, and in many ways, she also understands the true nature of human beings.

She has the ability to see through deception and identify trustworthy individuals, just like a Scorpio. A Scorpio will always stand by your side, even if the rest of the kingdom is conspiring against you.



Sagittarius – Merida


Merida is much more similar to Sagittarius than you might think. There is a villain in the form of a dangerous beast, a king, a queen, and a princess; however, this princess is not like the others.

Although she is a beautiful princess living in a beautiful castle, she deviates from the norm in her role as the main character in the story.

She's a courageous protagonist, one who fights for her freedom without showing any fear of anything, not even the magic that comes dangerously close to wiping out her family.

Merida is the kind of woman who is skilled in martial arts and who rejects everything in the image of a typical princess, which makes her a lot like Sagittarius.



Capricorn – Tiana


Tiana is a hard worker, and throughout her entire life, she has never once been given anything for free. To get where she is today, she has put in a lot of effort and a lot of determination, and a Capricorn is not any different in this regard.

When it comes to matters of the heart, she is very much like those born under this Capricorn, because she is not easily swayed.

She is not under the impression that a handsome prince will come to her rescue and make her life easier; rather, she is looking for someone who is her equal.

She will be able to form a close relationship with her partner as they both see all of their dreams come true, just like the Capricorn.



Aquarius – Rapunzel


Aquarius is associated with Rapunzel, a princess known for her daring and imaginative spirit. She dislikes being confined to one location because she enjoys trying new things and learning new information.

There is nothing more excruciating for them than being locked inside and allowing the routine of daily life to take over.

Because there is so much potential in this existence, she, like Aquarius, would not be able to stand to see any of that potential go to waste by spending all day inside the house.

She radiates optimism and likes to take her friends on unforgettable adventures, just like Aquarius.



Pisces – Snow White

Snow White

Pisces is the dreamy sign of the zodiac, and Snow White embodies many of those same qualities. She is a kind and sweet person who is brimming with innocence and eagerness to learn new things.

When things become too intense for her, she withdraws into her own dream world, which is brimming with wonderful things to do and see.

She, like Pisces, is, unfortunately, the victim of people who didn't have hearts as pure as hers. She may be a gentle dreamer, but Pisces, like her, should be careful who they trust.


Which Disney Princess Are You, According to Your Zodiac Sign Pin



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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