Which Zodiac Sign Will You Have the Hardest Time Getting Over?

We all know someone we just cannot get over. What if astrology could help us here too? Find out which of the zodiac signs you have a hard time getting over.

Learning about your zodiac sign can help you gain a better understanding of why it can be so challenging to get over someone. Some of the zodiac signs progress faster than others.

For instance, Aries is overflowing with love and feels the need to communicate it. It is necessary for him to find an outlet for his passionate, romantic side. Therefore, they can quickly move on.

On the other hand, people born under earth signs have a tendency to take a longer period to get over a heartbreak of a failed romantic partnership, where  Taurus stands out.

He is the most resistant to change, the most stubborn person you will ever meet, and as a result, he will be the last to get over his ex.

But regardless of whether you are the type of person who moves on quickly or slowly, there are going to be some people who enter your life and leave an indelible impression that you won't be able to forget anytime soon. This list helps you find that person.




Aries 2


When it comes to love, these two signs couldn't be more different from one another. Still, the instant and irresistible attraction that exists between the romantic Libra and the fiery Aries is palpable.

They have good chemistry with one another, and I have no doubt that they will enjoy spending time together. But despite this, there is too much that sets them apart.

In contrast to Libra's calm demeanor, which is fueled by the loving energy of Venus, the fiery Aries is driven by Mars's aggressive spirit.

This leads to hot chemistry between the two of you, but it also leads to feelings of exhaustion, and in the end, Aries will be the one who longs for that connection.




Taurus 2


Taurus and Sagittarius are five signs apart, which creates an astrological aspect known as the quincunx or the inconjunct.

It is an aspect of tension, but even when these signs aren't linked, the tension can create an intense and powerful attraction that could confuse both parties.

Even though they are aware that they are not a good match for one another, they will continue to meet in order to figure out why they feel such a strong connection.

And when things go wrong for Taurus, they will have a difficult time moving on from the love that was lost.




Gemini 2


Both Gemini and Libra are air signs, and their compatibility appears to be instantaneous. They will enjoy spending time together because they are the two signs of the zodiac that are the most social.

If a Libra ever breaks up with a Gemini, it will be extremely painful for Geminis because there is no other sign that they like as much.




Cancer 2


Because Cancer is one of the most sentimental zodiac signs, people born under this sign often dwell on past relationships and the people they once loved. Pisces, on the other hand, is the sign that he will miss the most.

Cancer, like Pisces, enjoys delving into the depths of the emotional world. This is due to the fact that Cancer is one of the signs that are most focused on relationships.

And if their relationship is unsuccessful, it will hurt Cancers. Pisces brought unconditional love to the relationship that he will miss having in his life.




Leo 2


Because Leo is a fixed fire sign, he typically requires more time than the other two fire signs to get over a significant other.

However, due to the fact that Aquarius is the sign opposite of Leo, it will be especially challenging for him to get over Aquarius.

Because the Sun is their ruler, Leos have a tendency to put themselves first, but Aquarius can teach them the value of friendship and community.

Because of this, the energy of Aquarius has the potential to have a profound impact on Leo, and when it is no longer present, Leo will feel hopeless.




Virgo 2


Both Virgo and Aquarius enjoy engaging in intellectual pursuits, which contributes to their early mutually beneficial relationship.

They provide mental stimulation for one another and are able to carry on in-depth conversations about anything from current events to new information for hours at a time.

Perfectionist Virgo, on the other hand, might find the unpredictability of Aquarius a bit overwhelming. Additionally, Aquarius has a tendency to keep their distance in romantic partnerships.

Virgo may be taken aback by how cold Aquarius can become, and they will have a difficult time getting over it.




Libra 2


Venus, the planet that both Taurus and Libra share as their ruling planet, causes a natural attraction between the two signs. Both of them have a true romantic heart and a deep appreciation for the finer things in life.

Libras have a penchant for socializing, enjoying the company of others, and going out, all of which have the potential to bring out the possessive and envious sides of Taureans.

When Libra remembers the beginning of their relationship with Taurus, when everything so smoothly, it will be especially difficult for them to get over Taurus.




Scorpio 2


It's hard to imagine a couple that's more sexually charged or driven by passion than Aries and Scorpio. Both are governed by the fiery planet Mars, which results in a combination that is both hot and fiery.

This couple has a pattern of quickly taking arguments to a more heated level. Despite this, they are going to do whatever it takes to keep their love alive.

And when the relationship comes to an end, Scorpio will never fully understand what happened because they will never find another person with the same kind of dynamic.




Sagittarius 2


Both Sagittarius and Aries are fire signs, which means they are both impulsive and want to experience life to the fullest. This makes them a good match for one another.

Both are self-reliant and will always be aware of the necessity for the other to have their personal space. Sagittarius in particular will value not having to deal with a feeling of confinement when dealing with Aries.

On the other hand, Aries might not be interested in a partner who is so much like them, which means that Sagittarius is the one who will end up having their heart broken and won't get over Aries for a very long time.




Capricorn 2


Capricorn is a very serious sign, whereas Libra exudes an energy that is youthful and playful, so the two of them together make for an interesting couple.

When it comes to love, having fun, and striking a healthy balance, Capricorn can learn a lot from Libra.

Capricorns, who are ruled by Saturn, have a tendency to get grumpy at times, but kind Libra has the ability to cheer them up, and this is something that a dynamic Capricorn will miss when their relationship with the Libra ends.




Aquarius 2


An Aquarius will have a difficult time getting over another Aquarius because they share the same zodiac sign. Aquarians are unique so you can't really find two who are alike.

They are capable of completely confusing one another. They can be completely in step with one another one minute, and the next they can be perplexed as to what went wrong.

They are typically able to see things in a logical way, which is one of the reasons why they can give off a cold impression at times. The relationship dynamics are what Aquarius won't get over after they break up.




Pisces 2


Pisces are romantics who like to make their partner happy, and Virgos are people who like to serve other people. This makes for a good combination, which is why Pisces and Virgo make a good couple.

True love will exist between the two of them, but Virgo's tendency toward organization may upset them because Pisces has a tendency toward chaos. This can lead to a great deal of tension in their relationship.

Pisces, who is sensitive, will become irritated by Virgo's tendency to be more critical than usual. Pisces will never forget their former love, and they will miss the devotion that Virgo showed them.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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